
38 lines
1.5 KiB

# List of allowed communities
# ---------------------------
# these could either be fixed-name communities such as the following lines ...
# ... or regular expressions that a community name must fully match
# such as ntop[0-1][0-9] for communities from "ntop00" through "ntop19"
# * Note that fixed-name communities may not contain one of the following characters
# . ^ $ * + ? [ ] \
# as otherwise, they are interpreted as regular expression
# * Only fixed-name communities are supported for header encryption (-H)
# * Regular expression support the following placeholders
# '.' Dot, matches any character (meaningless, as full matches only)
# '^' Start anchor, matches beginning of string (meaningless, as full matches only)
# '$' End anchor, matches end of string
# '*' Asterisk, match zero or more (greedy)
# '+' Plus, match one or more (greedy)
# '?' Question, match zero or one (non-greedy)
# '[abc]' Character class, match if one of {'a', 'b', 'c'}
# '[^abc]' Inverted class, match if NOT one of {'a', 'b', 'c'} (feature is currently broken)
# '[a-zA-Z]' Character ranges, the character set of the ranges { a-z | A-Z }
# '\s' Whitespace, \t \f \r \n \v and spaces
# '\S' Non-whitespace
# '\w' Alphanumeric, [a-zA-Z0-9_]
# '\W' Non-alphanumeric
# '\d' Digits, [0-9]
# '\D' Non-digits