fengdaolong 92dfa67e22 Added DHCP function embedded in sn.
1. Automatically assign IP addresses to the edge through the DHCP function that comes with sn, the default IP address pool is
2. The -d parameter is added to sn, and the IP address pool of the embedded DHCP can be customized.
3. Now edge does not need to add -a and -s parameters to automatically obtain the IP address.
4. The IP automatically obtained by the cross-community edge can be the same, because the communities are isolated from each other and do not interfere with each other.
5. On the management side of sn (, you can now view the IP address of the tutap adapter of each edge.
6. Fix many bugs that have a certain chance of causing memory leaks.
7. Note: This version is not fully compatible with the previous version.
2020-08-08 22:40:45 +08:00

344 lines
12 KiB

* (C) 2007-20 - ntop.org and contributors
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not see see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#if !defined( N2N_WIRE_H_ )
#define N2N_WIRE_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
/* Not included in Visual Studio 2008 */
#include <stdint.h>
#define N2N_PKT_VERSION 2
#define N2N_DEFAULT_TTL 2 /* can be forwarded twice at most */
#define N2N_MAC_SIZE 6
#define N2N_COOKIE_SIZE 4
#define N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE 2048
#define N2N_SOCKBUF_SIZE 64 /* string representation of INET or INET6 sockets */
#define N2N_MULTICAST_PORT 1968
typedef uint8_t n2n_community_t[N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE];
typedef uint8_t n2n_mac_t[N2N_MAC_SIZE];
typedef uint8_t n2n_cookie_t[N2N_COOKIE_SIZE];
typedef char n2n_sock_str_t[N2N_SOCKBUF_SIZE]; /* tracing string buffer */
#if defined(WIN32)
#include "win32/n2n_win32.h"
#else /* #if defined(WIN32) */
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h> /* AF_INET and AF_INET6 */
#endif /* #if defined(WIN32) */
typedef enum n2n_pc
n2n_ping=0, /* Not used */
n2n_register=1, /* Register edge to edge */
n2n_deregister=2, /* Deregister this edge */
n2n_packet=3, /* PACKET data content */
n2n_register_ack=4, /* ACK of a registration from edge to edge */
n2n_register_super=5, /* Register edge to supernode */
n2n_register_super_ack=6, /* ACK from supernode to edge */
n2n_register_super_nak=7, /* NAK from supernode to edge - registration refused */
n2n_federation=8, /* Not used by edge */
n2n_peer_info=9, /* Send info on a peer from sn to edge */
n2n_query_peer=10 /* ask supernode for info on a peer */
} n2n_pc_t;
#define N2N_FLAGS_OPTIONS 0x0080
#define N2N_FLAGS_SOCKET 0x0040
/* The bits in flag that are the packet type */
#define N2N_FLAGS_TYPE_MASK 0x001f /* 0 - 31 */
#define N2N_FLAGS_BITS_MASK 0xffe0
#define IPV4_SIZE 4
#define IPV6_SIZE 16
#define N2N_AUTH_TOKEN_SIZE 32 /* bytes */
#define N2N_EUNKNOWN -1
#define N2N_ENOTIMPL -2
#define N2N_EINVAL -3
#define N2N_ENOSPACE -4
typedef struct n2n_ip_subnet {
uint32_t net_addr; /* Host order IP address. */
uint8_t net_bitlen; /* Subnet prefix. */
} n2n_ip_subnet_t;
typedef struct n2n_sock
uint8_t family; /* AF_INET or AF_INET6; or 0 if invalid */
uint16_t port; /* host order */
uint8_t v6[IPV6_SIZE]; /* byte sequence */
uint8_t v4[IPV4_SIZE]; /* byte sequence */
} addr;
} n2n_sock_t;
typedef struct n2n_auth
uint16_t scheme; /* What kind of auth */
uint16_t toksize; /* Size of auth token */
uint8_t token[N2N_AUTH_TOKEN_SIZE]; /* Auth data interpreted based on scheme */
} n2n_auth_t;
typedef struct n2n_common
/* NOTE: wire representation is different! */
/* int version; */
uint8_t ttl;
uint8_t pc;
uint16_t flags;
n2n_community_t community;
} n2n_common_t;
typedef struct n2n_REGISTER
n2n_cookie_t cookie; /**< Link REGISTER and REGISTER_ACK */
n2n_mac_t srcMac; /**< MAC of registering party */
n2n_mac_t dstMac; /**< MAC of target edge */
n2n_sock_t sock; /**< REVISIT: unused? */
} n2n_REGISTER_t;
typedef struct n2n_REGISTER_ACK
n2n_cookie_t cookie; /**< Return cookie from REGISTER */
n2n_mac_t srcMac; /**< MAC of acknowledging party (supernode or edge) */
n2n_mac_t dstMac; /**< Reflected MAC of registering edge from REGISTER */
n2n_sock_t sock; /**< Supernode's view of edge socket (IP Addr, port) */
typedef struct n2n_PACKET
n2n_mac_t srcMac;
n2n_mac_t dstMac;
n2n_sock_t sock;
uint16_t transform;
uint16_t compression;
} n2n_PACKET_t;
/* Linked with n2n_register_super in n2n_pc_t. Only from edge to supernode. */
typedef struct n2n_REGISTER_SUPER {
n2n_cookie_t cookie; /**< Link REGISTER_SUPER and REGISTER_SUPER_ACK */
n2n_mac_t edgeMac; /**< MAC to register with edge sending socket */
n2n_ip_subnet_t dev_addr; /**< IP address of the tuntap adapter. */
n2n_auth_t auth; /**< Authentication scheme and tokens */
/* Linked with n2n_register_super_ack in n2n_pc_t. Only from supernode to edge. */
typedef struct n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK {
n2n_cookie_t cookie; /**< Return cookie from REGISTER_SUPER */
n2n_mac_t edgeMac; /**< MAC registered to edge sending socket */
n2n_ip_subnet_t dev_addr; /**< Assign an IP address to the tuntap adapter of edge. */
uint16_t lifetime; /**< How long the registration will live */
n2n_sock_t sock; /**< Sending sockets associated with edgeMac */
/** The packet format provides additional supernode definitions here.
* uint8_t count, then for each count there is one
* n2n_sock_t.
uint8_t num_sn; /**< Number of supernodes that were send
* even if we cannot store them all. If
* non-zero then sn_bak is valid. */
n2n_sock_t sn_bak; /**< Socket of the first backup supernode */
/* Linked with n2n_register_super_ack in n2n_pc_t. Only from supernode to edge. */
typedef struct n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_NAK
n2n_cookie_t cookie; /* Return cookie from REGISTER_SUPER */
typedef struct n2n_PEER_INFO {
uint16_t aflags;
n2n_mac_t mac;
n2n_sock_t sock;
} n2n_PEER_INFO_t;
typedef struct n2n_QUERY_PEER
n2n_mac_t srcMac;
n2n_mac_t targetMac;
} n2n_QUERY_PEER_t;
typedef struct n2n_buf n2n_buf_t;
int encode_uint8( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const uint8_t v );
int decode_uint8( uint8_t * out,
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_uint16( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const uint16_t v );
int decode_uint16( uint16_t * out,
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_uint32( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const uint32_t v );
int decode_uint32( uint32_t * out,
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_buf( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const void * p,
size_t s);
int decode_buf( uint8_t * out,
size_t bufsize,
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_mac( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_mac_t m );
int decode_mac( uint8_t * out, /* of size N2N_MAC_SIZE. This clearer than passing a n2n_mac_t */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_common( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * common );
int decode_common( n2n_common_t * out,
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_sock( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_sock_t * sock );
int decode_sock( n2n_sock_t * sock,
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_REGISTER( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * common,
const n2n_REGISTER_t * reg );
int decode_REGISTER( n2n_REGISTER_t * pkt,
const n2n_common_t * cmn, /* info on how to interpret it */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_REGISTER_SUPER( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * common,
const n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_t * reg );
int decode_REGISTER_SUPER( n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_t * pkt,
const n2n_common_t * cmn, /* info on how to interpret it */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_REGISTER_ACK( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * common,
const n2n_REGISTER_ACK_t * reg );
int decode_REGISTER_ACK( n2n_REGISTER_ACK_t * pkt,
const n2n_common_t * cmn, /* info on how to interpret it */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * cmn,
const n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK_t * reg );
const n2n_common_t * cmn, /* info on how to interpret it */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int fill_sockaddr( struct sockaddr * addr,
size_t addrlen,
const n2n_sock_t * sock );
int encode_PACKET( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * common,
const n2n_PACKET_t * pkt );
int decode_PACKET( n2n_PACKET_t * pkt,
const n2n_common_t * cmn, /* info on how to interpret it */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_PEER_INFO( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * common,
const n2n_PEER_INFO_t * pkt );
int decode_PEER_INFO( n2n_PEER_INFO_t * pkt,
const n2n_common_t * cmn, /* info on how to interpret it */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
int encode_QUERY_PEER( uint8_t * base,
size_t * idx,
const n2n_common_t * common,
const n2n_QUERY_PEER_t * pkt );
int decode_QUERY_PEER( n2n_QUERY_PEER_t * pkt,
const n2n_common_t * cmn, /* info on how to interpret it */
const uint8_t * base,
size_t * rem,
size_t * idx );
#endif /* #if !defined( N2N_WIRE_H_ ) */