added AVX support

This commit is contained in:
Logan007 2020-06-05 01:43:57 +05:45
parent 11c806231e
commit 739bcc1632
3 changed files with 237 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,214 @@
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
#if defined (__SSE4_2__)// SSE support ----------------------------------------------------
#if defined (__AVX2__) // AVX support ----------------------------------------------------
#include <immintrin.h>
#define u32 uint32_t
#define u64 uint64_t
#define u256 __m256i
#define LCS(x,r) (((x)<<r)|((x)>>(64-r)))
#define RCS(x,r) (((x)>>r)|((x)<<(64-r)))
#define XOR _mm256_xor_si256
#define AND _mm256_and_si256
#define ADD _mm256_add_epi64
#define SL _mm256_slli_epi64
#define SR _mm256_srli_epi64
#define _q SET(0x3,0x1,0x2,0x0)
#define _four SET(0x4,0x4,0x4,0x4)
#define SET _mm256_set_epi64x
#define SET1(X,c) (X=SET(c,c,c,c))
#define SET4(X,c) (X=SET(c,c,c,c), X=ADD(X,_q))
#define LOW _mm256_unpacklo_epi64
#define HIGH _mm256_unpackhi_epi64
#define LD(ip) _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i *)(ip))
#define ST(ip,X) _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)(ip),X)
#define STORE(out,X,Y) (ST(out,LOW(Y,X)), ST(out+32,HIGH(Y,X)))
#define STORE_ALT(out,X,Y) (ST(out,LOW(X,Y)), ST(out+32,HIGH(X,Y)))
#define XOR_STORE(in,out,X,Y) (ST(out,XOR(LD(in),LOW(Y,X))), ST(out+32,XOR(LD(in+32),HIGH(Y,X))))
#define XOR_STORE_ALT(in,out,X,Y) (ST(out,XOR(LD(in),LOW(X,Y))), ST(out+32,XOR(LD(in+32),HIGH(X,Y))))
#define SHFL _mm256_shuffle_epi8
#define R8 SET(0x080f0e0d0c0b0a09LL,0x0007060504030201LL,0x080f0e0d0c0b0a09LL,0x0007060504030201LL)
#define L8 SET(0x0e0d0c0b0a09080fLL,0x0605040302010007LL,0x0e0d0c0b0a09080fLL,0x0605040302010007LL)
#define ROL8(X) (SHFL(X,L8))
#define ROR8(X) (SHFL(X,R8))
#define ROL(X,r) (XOR(SL(X,r),SR(X,(64-r))))
#define ROR(X,r) (XOR(SR(X,r),SL(X,(64-r))))
#define numrounds 34
#define numkeywords 4
#define R(X,Y,k) (X=XOR(ADD(ROR8(X),Y),k), Y=XOR(ROL(Y,3),X))
#define Rx4(X,Y,k) (R(X[0],Y[0],k))
#define Rx8(X,Y,k) (R(X[0],Y[0],k), R(X[1],Y[1],k))
#define Rx12(X,Y,k) (R(X[0],Y[0],k), R(X[1],Y[1],k), R(X[2],Y[2],k))
#define Rx16(X,Y,k) (X[0]=ROR8(X[0]), X[0]=ADD(X[0],Y[0]), X[1]=ROR8(X[1]), X[1]=ADD(X[1],Y[1]), \
X[2]=ROR8(X[2]), X[2]=ADD(X[2],Y[2]), X[3]=ROR8(X[3]), X[3]=ADD(X[3],Y[3]), \
X[0]=XOR(X[0],k), X[1]=XOR(X[1],k), X[2]=XOR(X[2],k), X[3]=XOR(X[3],k), \
Z[0]=Y[0], Z[1]=Y[1], Z[2]=Y[2], Z[3]=Y[3], \
Z[0]=SL(Z[0],3), Y[0]=SR(Y[0],61), Z[1]=SL(Z[1],3), Y[1]=SR(Y[1],61), \
Z[2]=SL(Z[2],3), Y[2]=SR(Y[2],61), Z[3]=SL(Z[3],3), Y[3]=SR(Y[3],61), \
Y[0]=XOR(Y[0],Z[0]), Y[1]=XOR(Y[1],Z[1]), Y[2]=XOR(Y[2],Z[2]), Y[3]=XOR(Y[3],Z[3]), \
Y[0]=XOR(X[0],Y[0]), Y[1]=XOR(X[1],Y[1]), Y[2]=XOR(X[2],Y[2]), Y[3]=XOR(X[3],Y[3]))
#define Rx2(x,y,k) (x[0]=RCS(x[0],8), x[1]=RCS(x[1],8), x[0]+=y[0], x[1]+=y[1], \
x[0]^=k, x[1]^=k, y[0]=LCS(y[0],3), y[1]=LCS(y[1],3), y[0]^=x[0], y[1]^=x[1])
#define Rx1(x,y,k) (x[0]=RCS(x[0],8), x[0]+=y[0], x[0]^=k, y[0]=LCS(y[0],3), y[0]^=x[0])
#define Rx1b(x,y,k) (x=RCS(x,8), x+=y, x^=k, y=LCS(y,3), y^=x)
#define Enc(X,Y,k,n) (Rx##n(X,Y,k[0]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[1]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[2]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[3]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[4]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[5]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[6]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[7]), \
Rx##n(X,Y,k[8]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[9]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[10]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[11]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[12]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[13]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[14]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[15]), \
Rx##n(X,Y,k[16]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[17]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[18]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[19]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[20]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[21]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[22]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[23]), \
Rx##n(X,Y,k[24]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[25]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[26]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[27]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[28]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[29]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[30]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[31]), \
Rx##n(X,Y,k[32]), Rx##n(X,Y,k[33]))
#define RK(X,Y,k,key,i) (SET1(k[i],Y), key[i]=Y, X=RCS(X,8), X+=Y, X^=i, Y=LCS(Y,3), Y^=X)
#define EK(A,B,C,D,k,key) (RK(B,A,k,key,0), RK(C,A,k,key,1), RK(D,A,k,key,2), RK(B,A,k,key,3), RK(C,A,k,key,4), RK(D,A,k,key,5), RK(B,A,k,key,6), \
RK(C,A,k,key,7), RK(D,A,k,key,8), RK(B,A,k,key,9), RK(C,A,k,key,10), RK(D,A,k,key,11), RK(B,A,k,key,12), RK(C,A,k,key,13), \
RK(D,A,k,key,14), RK(B,A,k,key,15), RK(C,A,k,key,16), RK(D,A,k,key,17), RK(B,A,k,key,18), RK(C,A,k,key,19), RK(D,A,k,key,20), \
RK(B,A,k,key,21), RK(C,A,k,key,22), RK(D,A,k,key,23), RK(B,A,k,key,24), RK(C,A,k,key,25), RK(D,A,k,key,26), RK(B,A,k,key,27), \
RK(C,A,k,key,28), RK(D,A,k,key,29), RK(B,A,k,key,30), RK(C,A,k,key,31), RK(D,A,k,key,32), RK(B,A,k,key,33))
typedef struct {
u256 rk[34];
u64 key[34];
} speck_context_t;
static int Encrypt_Xor(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, u64 nonce[], speck_context_t *ctx, int numbytes)
u64 x[2],y[2];
u256 X[4],Y[4],Z[4];
if (numbytes==16){
x[0]=nonce[1]; y[0]=nonce[0]; nonce[0]++;
((u64 *)out)[1]=x[0]; ((u64 *)out)[0]=y[0];
return 0;
if (numbytes==32){
x[0]=nonce[1]; y[0]=nonce[0]; nonce[0]++;
x[1]=nonce[1]; y[1]=nonce[0]; nonce[0]++;
((u64 *)out)[1]=x[0]^((u64 *)in)[1]; ((u64 *)out)[0]=y[0]^((u64 *)in)[0];
((u64 *)out)[3]=x[1]^((u64 *)in)[3]; ((u64 *)out)[2]=y[1]^((u64 *)in)[2];
return 0;
SET1(X[0],nonce[1]); SET4(Y[0],nonce[0]);
if (numbytes==64) Enc(X,Y,ctx->rk,4);
if (numbytes==128) Enc(X,Y,ctx->rk,8);
if (numbytes==192) Enc(X,Y,ctx->rk,12);
if (numbytes>=128) XOR_STORE(in+64,out+64,X[1],Y[1]);
if (numbytes>=192) XOR_STORE(in+128,out+128,X[2],Y[2]);
if (numbytes>=256) XOR_STORE(in+192,out+192,X[3],Y[3]);
return 0;
int speck_ctr( unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen,
const unsigned char *n, speck_context_t *ctx) {
int i;
u64 nonce[2];
unsigned char block[16];
u64 * const block64 = (u64 *)block;
if (!inlen) return 0;
nonce[0]=((u64 *)n)[0];
nonce[1]=((u64 *)n)[1];
while (inlen>=256){
in+=256; inlen-=256; out+=256;
if (inlen>=192){
in+=192; inlen-=192; out+=192;
if (inlen>=128){
in+=128; inlen-=128; out+=128;
if (inlen>=64){
in+=64; inlen-=64; out+=64;
if (inlen>=32){
in+=32; inlen-=32; out+=32;
if (inlen>=16){
((u64 *)out)[0]=block64[0]^((u64 *)in)[0];
((u64 *)out)[1]=block64[1]^((u64 *)in)[1];
in+=16; inlen-=16; out+=16;
if (inlen>0){
for (i=0;i<inlen;i++) out[i]=block[i]^in[i];
return 0;
int speck_expand_key (const unsigned char *k, speck_context_t *ctx) {
u64 K[4];
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < numkeywords; i++)
K[i] = ((u64 *)k)[i];
EK (K[0], K[1], K[2], K[3], ctx->rk, ctx->key);
return 0;
#elif defined (__SSE4_2__) // SSE support -------------------------------------------------
#include <smmintrin.h> #include <smmintrin.h>
@ -274,7 +481,7 @@ typedef struct {
} speck_context_t; } speck_context_t;
int Encrypt_Xor(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, u64 nonce[], speck_context_t *ctx, int numbytes) static int Encrypt_Xor(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, u64 nonce[], speck_context_t *ctx, int numbytes)
{ {
u64 x[2],y[2]; u64 x[2],y[2];
@ -288,7 +495,6 @@ int Encrypt_Xor(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, u64 nonce[], speck_
return 0; return 0;
} }
SET1(X[0],nonce[1]); SET2(Y[0],nonce[0]); SET1(X[0],nonce[1]); SET2(Y[0],nonce[0]);
if (numbytes==32) Enc(X,Y,ctx->rk,2); if (numbytes==32) Enc(X,Y,ctx->rk,2);
@ -331,10 +537,9 @@ int speck_ctr (unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long i
const unsigned char *n, speck_context_t *ctx) { const unsigned char *n, speck_context_t *ctx) {
int i; int i;
u64 nonce[2],K[4],key[34],A,B,C,D,x,y; u64 nonce[2];
unsigned char block[16]; unsigned char block[16];
u64 *const block64=(u64 *)block; u64 *const block64=(u64 *)block;
u128 rk[34];
if (!inlen) return 0; if (!inlen) return 0;
@ -460,7 +665,7 @@ int speck_expand_key (const unsigned char *k, speck_context_t *ctx) {
} }
#endif // SSE, NEON, plain C #endif // AVX, SSE, NEON, plain C
int speck_test () { int speck_test () {
@ -487,10 +692,10 @@ int speck_test () {
speck_ctr (pt, pt, 16, iv, &ctx); speck_ctr (pt, pt, 16, iv, &ctx);
u64 i; u64 i;
//fprintf (stderr, "rk00: %016llx\n", ctx.key[0]); // fprintf (stderr, "rk00: %016llx\n", ctx.key[0]);
//fprintf (stderr, "rk33: %016llx\n", ctx.key[33]); // fprintf (stderr, "rk33: %016llx\n", ctx.key[33]);
//fprintf (stderr, "out : %016lx\n", *(uint64_t*)pt); // fprintf (stderr, "out : %016lx\n", *(uint64_t*)pt);
//fprintf (stderr, "mem : " ); for (i=0; i < 16; i++) fprintf (stderr, "%02x ", pt[i]); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); // fprintf (stderr, "mem : " ); for (i=0; i < 16; i++) fprintf (stderr, "%02x ", pt[i]); fprintf (stderr, "\n");
int ret = 1; int ret = 1;
for (i=0; i < 16; i++) for (i=0; i < 16; i++)

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@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
#define u64 uint64_t #define u64 uint64_t
#if defined (__SSE4_2__) #if defined (__AVX2__)
#include <immintrin.h>
#define u256 __m256i
typedef struct {
u256 rk[34];
u64 key[34];
} speck_context_t;
#elif defined (__SSE4_2__)
#include <immintrin.h> #include <immintrin.h>
#define u128 __m128i #define u128 __m128i
typedef struct { typedef struct {

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@ -41,8 +41,11 @@ static int transop_deinit_speck(n2n_trans_op_t *arg) {
transop_speck_t *priv = (transop_speck_t *)arg->priv; transop_speck_t *priv = (transop_speck_t *)arg->priv;
if(priv) if(priv)
free(priv); #if defined (SPECK_ALIGNED_CTX)
_mm_free (priv);
free (priv);
return 0; return 0;
} }
@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ static int setup_speck_key(transop_speck_t *priv, const uint8_t *key, ssize_t ke
uint8_t key_mat_buf[32] = { 0x00 }; uint8_t key_mat_buf[32] = { 0x00 };
/* Clear out any old possibly longer key matter. */ /* Clear out any old possibly longer key matter. */
memset(&(priv->ctx), 0, sizeof(priv->ctx) ); memset(&(priv->ctx), 0, sizeof(speck_context_t) );
/* TODO: The input key always gets hashed to make a more unpredictable and more complete use of the key space */ /* TODO: The input key always gets hashed to make a more unpredictable and more complete use of the key space */
// REVISIT: Hash the key to keymat (formerly used: SHA) // REVISIT: Hash the key to keymat (formerly used: SHA)
@ -172,8 +175,8 @@ static int setup_speck_key(transop_speck_t *priv, const uint8_t *key, ssize_t ke
// ADD: Pearson Hashing // ADD: Pearson Hashing
memcpy (key_mat_buf, key, ((key_size>32)?32:key_size) ); memcpy (key_mat_buf, key, ((key_size>32)?32:key_size) );
speck_expand_key (key_mat_buf, &(priv->ctx)); speck_expand_key (key_mat_buf, &(priv->ctx));
traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Speck key setup completed\n"); traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Speck key setup completed\n");
return(0); return(0);
@ -184,7 +187,6 @@ static int setup_speck_key(transop_speck_t *priv, const uint8_t *key, ssize_t ke
static void transop_tick_speck(n2n_trans_op_t * arg, time_t now) { ; } static void transop_tick_speck(n2n_trans_op_t * arg, time_t now) { ; }
/* ****************************************************** */ /* ****************************************************** */
/* Speck initialization function */ /* Speck initialization function */
int n2n_transop_speck_init(const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt) { int n2n_transop_speck_init(const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt) {
transop_speck_t *priv; transop_speck_t *priv;
@ -198,8 +200,11 @@ int n2n_transop_speck_init(const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt) {
ttt->deinit = transop_deinit_speck; ttt->deinit = transop_deinit_speck;
ttt->fwd = transop_encode_speck; ttt->fwd = transop_encode_speck;
ttt->rev = transop_decode_speck; ttt->rev = transop_decode_speck;
#if defined (SPECK_ALIGNED_CTX)
priv = (transop_speck_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(transop_speck_t)); priv = (transop_speck_t*) _mm_malloc (sizeof(transop_speck_t), SPECK_ALIGNED_CTX);
priv = (transop_speck_t*) calloc (1, sizeof(transop_speck_t));
if(!priv) { if(!priv) {
traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "cannot allocate transop_speck_t memory"); traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "cannot allocate transop_speck_t memory");
return(-1); return(-1);