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# List of allowed communities
# ---------------------------
# these could either be fixed-name communities such as the following lines ...
# ... or regular expressions that a community name must fully match
# such as ntop[0-1][0-9] for communities from "ntop00" through "ntop19"
# * Note that fixed-name communities may not contain one of the following characters
# . * + ? [ ] \
# as otherwise, they are interpreted as regular expression
# * Only fixed-name communities are supported for header encryption (-H)
# * Regular expression support the following placeholders
# '.' Dot, matches any character
# '*' Asterisk, match zero or more (greedy)
# '+' Plus, match one or more (greedy)
# '?' Question, match zero or one (non-greedy)
# '[abc]' Character class, match if one of {'a', 'b', 'c'}
# '[^abc]' Inverted class, match if NOT one of {'a', 'b', 'c'} (feature is currently broken)
# '[a-zA-Z]' Character ranges, the character set of the ranges { a-z | A-Z }
2020-09-15 22:56:50 +02:00
# '\s' Whitespace, \t \f \r \n \v and spaces
# '\S' Non-whitespace
# '\w' Alphanumeric, [a-zA-Z0-9_]
# '\W' Non-alphanumeric
# '\d' Digits, [0-9]
# '\D' Non-digits
# fixed-name communities can optionally be followed by a network using the
# network/bitlen syntax such as the following line
# the supernode draws ip addresses to assign to the edges (if they omit the `-a`
# parameter) from this network. note that the network is delimited by [SPACE] so
# community names cannot contain [SPACE] either.
# if no network is provided here, the supernode assigns some other network to each
# community. networks are taken from the default range -
# as long as no other network range is provided through the supernode's command line
# option `-d`. those sub-networks are distinct so several edges with different
# communities can be used at the same computer (being served ip addresses from the
# same supernode). also, the sub-networks described in this file are avoided.
# however, all networks assigned in this file are not mutually checked for colliding
# ranges so different communities can use same or overlapping sub-networks. that does
# not impose a problem if the communities do not share edge nodes.
# there seems to be no sense in pre-assigning sub-networks to communities whose
# names are defined by regular expressions. those will be assigned distinct
# sub-networks from the default range or the `-d` range.
# if `-a` is used with the edge, the edge uses the ip address specified with the
# `-a xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx` option. also, the enhanced syntax `-r -a dhcp:` is
# still available to have more professional needs served by a full dhcp server.