* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file * that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Respect\Validation\Exceptions; use InvalidArgumentException; use Respect\Validation\Message\Formatter; use function key; /** * Default exception class for rule validations. * * @author Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas * @author Henrique Moody */ class ValidationException extends InvalidArgumentException implements Exception { public const MODE_DEFAULT = 'default'; public const MODE_NEGATIVE = 'negative'; public const STANDARD = 'standard'; /** * Contains the default templates for exception message. * * @var string[][] */ protected $defaultTemplates = [ self::MODE_DEFAULT => [ self::STANDARD => '{{name}} 必须有效', ], self::MODE_NEGATIVE => [ self::STANDARD => '{{name}} 不能有效', ], ]; /** * @var mixed */ private $input; /** * @var string */ private $id; /** * @var string */ private $mode = self::MODE_DEFAULT; /** * @var mixed[] */ private $params = []; /** * @var Formatter */ private $formatter; /** * @var string */ private $template; /** * @param mixed $input * @param mixed[] $params */ public function __construct($input, string $id, array $params, Formatter $formatter) { $this->input = $input; $this->id = $id; $this->params = $params; $this->formatter = $formatter; $this->template = $this->chooseTemplate(); parent::__construct($this->createMessage()); } public function getId(): string { return $this->id; } /** * @return mixed[] */ public function getParams(): array { return $this->params; } /** * @return mixed|null */ public function getParam(string $name) { return $this->params[$name] ?? null; } public function updateMode(string $mode): void { $this->mode = $mode; $this->message = $this->createMessage(); } public function updateTemplate(string $template): void { $this->template = $template; $this->message = $this->createMessage(); } /** * @param mixed[] $params */ public function updateParams(array $params): void { $this->params = $params; $this->message = $this->createMessage(); } public function hasCustomTemplate(): bool { return isset($this->defaultTemplates[$this->mode][$this->template]) === false; } public function __toString(): string { return $this->getMessage(); } protected function chooseTemplate(): string { return (string) key($this->defaultTemplates[$this->mode]); } private function createMessage(): string { return $this->formatter->format( $this->defaultTemplates[$this->mode][$this->template] ?? $this->template, $this->input, $this->params ); } }