* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file * that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Respect\Validation\Rules; use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\DomainException; use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\NestedValidationException; use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ValidationException; use Respect\Validation\Validatable; use function array_merge; use function array_pop; use function count; use function explode; use function iterator_to_array; use function mb_substr_count; /** * Validates whether the input is a valid domain name or not. * * @author Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas * @author Henrique Moody * @author Mehmet Tolga Avcioglu * @author Nick Lombard * @author RĂ³bert Nagy */ final class Domain extends AbstractRule { /** * @var Validatable */ private $genericRule; /** * @var Validatable */ private $tldRule; /** * @var Validatable */ private $partsRule; public function __construct(bool $tldCheck = true) { $this->genericRule = $this->createGenericRule(); $this->tldRule = $this->createTldRule($tldCheck); $this->partsRule = $this->createPartsRule(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function assert($input): void { $exceptions = []; $this->collectAssertException($exceptions, $this->genericRule, $input); $this->throwExceptions($exceptions, $input); $parts = explode('.', (string) $input); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $this->collectAssertException($exceptions, $this->tldRule, array_pop($parts)); } foreach ($parts as $part) { $this->collectAssertException($exceptions, $this->partsRule, $part); } $this->throwExceptions($exceptions, $input); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function validate($input): bool { try { $this->assert($input); } catch (ValidationException $exception) { return false; } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function check($input): void { try { $this->assert($input); } catch (NestedValidationException $exception) { /** @var ValidationException $childException */ foreach ($exception as $childException) { throw $childException; } throw $exception; } } /** * @param ValidationException[] $exceptions * @param mixed $input */ private function collectAssertException(array &$exceptions, Validatable $validator, $input): void { try { $validator->assert($input); } catch (NestedValidationException $nestedValidationException) { $exceptions = array_merge( $exceptions, iterator_to_array($nestedValidationException) ); } catch (ValidationException $validationException) { $exceptions[] = $validationException; } } private function createGenericRule(): Validatable { return new AllOf( new StringType(), new NoWhitespace(), new Contains('.'), new Length(3) ); } private function createTldRule(bool $realTldCheck): Validatable { if ($realTldCheck) { return new Tld(); } return new AllOf( new Not(new StartsWith('-')), new NoWhitespace(), new Length(2) ); } private function createPartsRule(): Validatable { return new AllOf( new Alnum('-'), new Not(new StartsWith('-')), new AnyOf( new Not(new Contains('--')), new Callback(static function ($str) { return mb_substr_count($str, '--') == 1; }) ), new Not(new EndsWith('-')) ); } /** * @param ValidationException[] $exceptions * @param mixed $input */ private function throwExceptions(array $exceptions, $input): void { if (count($exceptions)) { /** @var DomainException $domainException */ $domainException = $this->reportError($input); $domainException->addChildren($exceptions); throw $domainException; } } }