listen($socket); echo 'listen on ', ADDR , ':', PORT, PHP_EOL; $loop->run(); function handler(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $req) { $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ip = $req->getHeader('REMOTE_ADDR'); if (!$ip) { // app deal http requests $ip = $req->getServerParams()['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { // app is behind nginx $ip = $ip[0]; } $url = $req->getUri()->getPath(); // strip start / $url = substr($url, 1); echo "$time IP: $ip, request url: $url", PHP_EOL; if (substr($url, 0, 4) !== 'http') { return serveStaticFiles($url); } $exp1 = '/^https?:\/\/?github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(?:releases|archive)\/.*$/i'; $exp2 = '/^https?:\/\/?github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(?:blob)\/.*$/i'; $exp3 = '/^https?:\/\/?github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/(?:info|git-).*$/i'; $exp4 = '/^https?:\/\/?raw\.githubusercontent\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/.+?\/.+$/i'; $exp5 = '/^https?:\/\/?api\.github\.com\/.+?\/.+?\/.+?\/.+$/i'; if (preg_match($exp1, $url) || preg_match($exp5, $url) || !CNPMJS && (preg_match($exp3, $url) || preg_match($exp4, $url))) { return proxy($req); } else if (preg_match($exp2, $url)) { if (JSDELIVR){ $url = str_replace('/blob/', '@', $url); $url = preg_replace('/^https?:\/\/github\.com/', '', $url); return new React\Http\Message\Response( 302, array( 'Location' => $url ) ); }else{ $url = str_replace('/blob/', '/raw/', $url); return proxy($req); } } else if (preg_match($exp3, $url)) { $url = preg_replace('/^https?:\/\/github\.com/', '', $url); return new React\Http\Message\Response( 302, array( 'Location' => $url ) ); } else if (preg_match($exp4, $url)) { $url = preg_replace('/(com\/.+?\/.+?)\/(.+?\/)/', '$1@$2', $url); $url = preg_replace('/^https?:\/\/raw\.githubusercontent\.com/', '', $url); return new React\Http\Message\Response( 302, array( 'Location' => $url ) ); } return new React\Http\Message\Response( 500, array( ), "

unable to deal with request: $url

" ); } function serveStaticFiles(string $url) { if ($url == "") $url = "index.html"; $path = ROOT . "/$url"; $path = realpath($path); if (strpos(ROOT, $path) === 0 && is_file($path)) { header('Content-Type:' . mime_content_type($path)); readfile($path); return; } return new React\Http\Message\Response( 404, array( ), "

File Not Found!

" ); } function proxy(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $req) { $requestMethod = $req->getMethod(); if ($requestMethod === 'OPTIONS' && isset($req->header['access-control-request-headers'])) { return new React\Http\Message\Response( 204, array( 'access-control-allow-origin' => '*', 'access-control-allow-methods' => 'GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,TRACE,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS', 'access-control-max-age' => '1728000', ) ); } return fetch($req); } function fetch(Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $req) { global $loop; $url = $req->getUri()->getPath(); // strip start / $url = substr($url, 1); $client = new React\Http\Browser($loop); // catch any response $client = $client->withRejectErrorResponse(false); // see return $client->requestStreaming($req->getMethod(), $url)->then(function (Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) { $headers = $response->getHeaders(); $body = $response->getBody(); assert($body instanceof Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface); assert($body instanceof React\Stream\ReadableStreamInterface); if (isset($headers['Content-Length']) && intval($headers['Content-Length'][0]) > SIZE_LIMIT) { echo 'length: ', normalizeSize(intval($headers['Content-Length'][0])), "exceed limit", PHP_EOL; // return direct link instead of error return new React\Http\Message\Response( 302, array( 'Location' => $url ) ); } $headers['access-control-expose-headers'] = '*'; $headers['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*'; unset($headers['content-security-policy']); unset($headers['content-security-policy-report-only']); unset($headers['clear-site-data']); $res = new React\Http\Message\Response( 200, $headers ); return $res->withBody($body); }); } function normalizeSize(int $size) { $BASE = 1024; $units = [ 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', ]; foreach ($units as $unit) { $size /= $BASE; if ($size < 1024) { return round($size, 2) . $unit; } } return round($size, 2) . 'GB'; }