* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Dumper; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ArrayNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BaseNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\EnumNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\NodeInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\PrototypedArrayNode; /** * Dumps an XML reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance. * * @author Wouter J */ class XmlReferenceDumper { private ?string $reference = null; public function dump(ConfigurationInterface $configuration, string $namespace = null) { return $this->dumpNode($configuration->getConfigTreeBuilder()->buildTree(), $namespace); } public function dumpNode(NodeInterface $node, string $namespace = null) { $this->reference = ''; $this->writeNode($node, 0, true, $namespace); $ref = $this->reference; $this->reference = null; return $ref; } private function writeNode(NodeInterface $node, int $depth = 0, bool $root = false, string $namespace = null) { $rootName = ($root ? 'config' : $node->getName()); $rootNamespace = ($namespace ?: ($root ? 'http://example.org/schema/dic/'.$node->getName() : null)); // xml remapping if ($node->getParent()) { $remapping = array_filter($node->getParent()->getXmlRemappings(), function (array $mapping) use ($rootName) { return $rootName === $mapping[1]; }); if (\count($remapping)) { [$singular] = current($remapping); $rootName = $singular; } } $rootName = str_replace('_', '-', $rootName); $rootAttributes = []; $rootAttributeComments = []; $rootChildren = []; $rootComments = []; if ($node instanceof ArrayNode) { $children = $node->getChildren(); // comments about the root node if ($rootInfo = $node->getInfo()) { $rootComments[] = $rootInfo; } if ($rootNamespace) { $rootComments[] = 'Namespace: '.$rootNamespace; } // render prototyped nodes if ($node instanceof PrototypedArrayNode) { $prototype = $node->getPrototype(); $info = 'prototype'; if (null !== $prototype->getInfo()) { $info .= ': '.$prototype->getInfo(); } array_unshift($rootComments, $info); if ($key = $node->getKeyAttribute()) { $rootAttributes[$key] = str_replace('-', ' ', $rootName).' '.$key; } if ($prototype instanceof PrototypedArrayNode) { $prototype->setName($key ?? ''); $children = [$key => $prototype]; } elseif ($prototype instanceof ArrayNode) { $children = $prototype->getChildren(); } else { if ($prototype->hasDefaultValue()) { $prototypeValue = $prototype->getDefaultValue(); } else { switch (\get_class($prototype)) { case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ScalarNode': $prototypeValue = 'scalar value'; break; case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\FloatNode': case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\IntegerNode': $prototypeValue = 'numeric value'; break; case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BooleanNode': $prototypeValue = 'true|false'; break; case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\EnumNode': $prototypeValue = implode('|', array_map('json_encode', $prototype->getValues())); break; default: $prototypeValue = 'value'; } } } } // get attributes and elements foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child instanceof ArrayNode) { // get elements $rootChildren[] = $child; continue; } // get attributes // metadata $name = str_replace('_', '-', $child->getName()); $value = '%%%%not_defined%%%%'; // use a string which isn't used in the normal world // comments $comments = []; if ($child instanceof BaseNode && $info = $child->getInfo()) { $comments[] = $info; } if ($child instanceof BaseNode && $example = $child->getExample()) { $comments[] = 'Example: '.(\is_array($example) ? implode(', ', $example) : $example); } if ($child->isRequired()) { $comments[] = 'Required'; } if ($child instanceof BaseNode && $child->isDeprecated()) { $deprecation = $child->getDeprecation($child->getName(), $node->getPath()); $comments[] = sprintf('Deprecated (%s)', ($deprecation['package'] || $deprecation['version'] ? "Since {$deprecation['package']} {$deprecation['version']}: " : '').$deprecation['message']); } if ($child instanceof EnumNode) { $comments[] = 'One of '.implode('; ', array_map('json_encode', $child->getValues())); } if (\count($comments)) { $rootAttributeComments[$name] = implode(";\n", $comments); } // default values if ($child->hasDefaultValue()) { $value = $child->getDefaultValue(); } // append attribute $rootAttributes[$name] = $value; } } // render comments // root node comment if (\count($rootComments)) { foreach ($rootComments as $comment) { $this->writeLine('', $depth); } } // attribute comments if (\count($rootAttributeComments)) { foreach ($rootAttributeComments as $attrName => $comment) { $commentDepth = $depth + 4 + \strlen($attrName) + 2; $commentLines = explode("\n", $comment); $multiline = (\count($commentLines) > 1); $comment = implode(\PHP_EOL.str_repeat(' ', $commentDepth), $commentLines); if ($multiline) { $this->writeLine('', $depth); } else { $this->writeLine('', $depth); } } } // render start tag + attributes $rootIsVariablePrototype = isset($prototypeValue); $rootIsEmptyTag = (0 === \count($rootChildren) && !$rootIsVariablePrototype); $rootOpenTag = '<'.$rootName; if (1 >= ($attributesCount = \count($rootAttributes))) { if (1 === $attributesCount) { $rootOpenTag .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', current(array_keys($rootAttributes)), $this->writeValue(current($rootAttributes))); } $rootOpenTag .= $rootIsEmptyTag ? ' />' : '>'; if ($rootIsVariablePrototype) { $rootOpenTag .= $prototypeValue.''; } $this->writeLine($rootOpenTag, $depth); } else { $this->writeLine($rootOpenTag, $depth); $i = 1; foreach ($rootAttributes as $attrName => $attrValue) { $attr = sprintf('%s="%s"', $attrName, $this->writeValue($attrValue)); $this->writeLine($attr, $depth + 4); if ($attributesCount === $i++) { $this->writeLine($rootIsEmptyTag ? '/>' : '>', $depth); if ($rootIsVariablePrototype) { $rootOpenTag .= $prototypeValue.''; } } } } // render children tags foreach ($rootChildren as $child) { $this->writeLine(''); $this->writeNode($child, $depth + 4); } // render end tag if (!$rootIsEmptyTag && !$rootIsVariablePrototype) { $this->writeLine(''); $rootEndTag = ''; $this->writeLine($rootEndTag, $depth); } } /** * Outputs a single config reference line. */ private function writeLine(string $text, int $indent = 0) { $indent = \strlen($text) + $indent; $format = '%'.$indent.'s'; $this->reference .= sprintf($format, $text).\PHP_EOL; } /** * Renders the string conversion of the value. */ private function writeValue(mixed $value): string { if ('%%%%not_defined%%%%' === $value) { return ''; } if (\is_string($value) || is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } if (false === $value) { return 'false'; } if (true === $value) { return 'true'; } if (null === $value) { return 'null'; } if (empty($value)) { return ''; } if (\is_array($value)) { return implode(',', $value); } return ''; } }