*/ protected static $_config = []; /** * This method can be used to define configuration adapters for an application. * * To change an adapter's configuration at runtime, first drop the adapter and then * reconfigure it. * * Adapters will not be constructed until the first operation is done. * * ### Usage * * Assuming that the class' name is `Cache` the following scenarios * are supported: * * Setting a cache engine up. * * ``` * Cache::setConfig('default', $settings); * ``` * * Injecting a constructed adapter in: * * ``` * Cache::setConfig('default', $instance); * ``` * * Configure multiple adapters at once: * * ``` * Cache::setConfig($arrayOfConfig); * ``` * * @param array|string $key The name of the configuration, or an array of multiple configs. * @param mixed $config Configuration value. Generally an array of name => configuration data for adapter. * @throws \BadMethodCallException When trying to modify an existing config. * @throws \LogicException When trying to store an invalid structured config array. * @return void */ public static function setConfig($key, $config = null): void { if ($config === null) { if (!is_array($key)) { throw new LogicException('If config is null, key must be an array.'); } foreach ($key as $name => $settings) { static::setConfig($name, $settings); } return; } if (isset(static::$_config[$key])) { /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument */ throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Cannot reconfigure existing key "%s"', $key)); } if (is_object($config)) { $config = ['className' => $config]; } if (is_array($config) && isset($config['url'])) { $parsed = static::parseDsn($config['url']); unset($config['url']); $config = $parsed + $config; } if (isset($config['engine']) && empty($config['className'])) { $config['className'] = $config['engine']; unset($config['engine']); } /** @psalm-suppress InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue */ static::$_config[$key] = $config; } /** * Reads existing configuration. * * @param string $key The name of the configuration. * @return mixed|null Configuration data at the named key or null if the key does not exist. */ public static function getConfig(string $key) { return static::$_config[$key] ?? null; } /** * Reads existing configuration for a specific key. * * The config value for this key must exist, it can never be null. * * @param string $key The name of the configuration. * @return mixed Configuration data at the named key. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If value does not exist. */ public static function getConfigOrFail(string $key) { if (!isset(static::$_config[$key])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected configuration `%s` not found.', $key)); } return static::$_config[$key]; } /** * Drops a constructed adapter. * * If you wish to modify an existing configuration, you should drop it, * change configuration and then re-add it. * * If the implementing objects supports a `$_registry` object the named configuration * will also be unloaded from the registry. * * @param string $config An existing configuration you wish to remove. * @return bool Success of the removal, returns false when the config does not exist. */ public static function drop(string $config): bool { if (!isset(static::$_config[$config])) { return false; } /** @psalm-suppress RedundantPropertyInitializationCheck */ if (isset(static::$_registry)) { static::$_registry->unload($config); } unset(static::$_config[$config]); return true; } /** * Returns an array containing the named configurations * * @return array Array of configurations. */ public static function configured(): array { $configurations = array_keys(static::$_config); return array_map(function ($key) { return (string)$key; }, $configurations); } /** * Parses a DSN into a valid connection configuration * * This method allows setting a DSN using formatting similar to that used by PEAR::DB. * The following is an example of its usage: * * ``` * $dsn = 'mysql://user:pass@localhost/database?'; * $config = ConnectionManager::parseDsn($dsn); * * $dsn = 'Cake\Log\Engine\FileLog://?types=notice,info,debug&file=debug&path=LOGS'; * $config = Log::parseDsn($dsn); * * $dsn = 'smtp://user:secret@localhost:25?timeout=30&client=null&tls=null'; * $config = Email::parseDsn($dsn); * * $dsn = 'file:///?className=\My\Cache\Engine\FileEngine'; * $config = Cache::parseDsn($dsn); * * $dsn = 'File://?prefix=myapp_cake_core_&serialize=true&duration=+2 minutes&path=/tmp/persistent/'; * $config = Cache::parseDsn($dsn); * ``` * * For all classes, the value of `scheme` is set as the value of both the `className` * unless they have been otherwise specified. * * Note that querystring arguments are also parsed and set as values in the returned configuration. * * @param string $dsn The DSN string to convert to a configuration array * @return array The configuration array to be stored after parsing the DSN * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If not passed a string, or passed an invalid string */ public static function parseDsn(string $dsn): array { if (empty($dsn)) { return []; } $pattern = <<<'REGEXP' { ^ (?P<_scheme> (?P[\w\\\\]+):// ) (?P<_username> (?P.*?) (?P<_password> :(?P.*?) )? @ )? (?P<_host> (?P[^?#/:@]+) (?P<_port> :(?P\d+) )? )? (?P<_path> (?P/[^?#]*) )? (?P<_query> \?(?P[^#]*) )? (?P<_fragment> \#(?P.*) )? $ }x REGEXP; preg_match($pattern, $dsn, $parsed); if (!$parsed) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The DSN string '{$dsn}' could not be parsed."); } $exists = []; foreach ($parsed as $k => $v) { if (is_int($k)) { unset($parsed[$k]); } elseif (strpos($k, '_') === 0) { $exists[substr($k, 1)] = ($v !== ''); unset($parsed[$k]); } elseif ($v === '' && !$exists[$k]) { unset($parsed[$k]); } } $query = ''; if (isset($parsed['query'])) { $query = $parsed['query']; unset($parsed['query']); } parse_str($query, $queryArgs); foreach ($queryArgs as $key => $value) { if ($value === 'true') { $queryArgs[$key] = true; } elseif ($value === 'false') { $queryArgs[$key] = false; } elseif ($value === 'null') { $queryArgs[$key] = null; } } $parsed = $queryArgs + $parsed; if (empty($parsed['className'])) { $classMap = static::getDsnClassMap(); $parsed['className'] = $parsed['scheme']; if (isset($classMap[$parsed['scheme']])) { /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArrayOffset */ $parsed['className'] = $classMap[$parsed['scheme']]; } } return $parsed; } /** * Updates the DSN class map for this class. * * @param array $map Additions/edits to the class map to apply. * @return void * @psalm-param array $map */ public static function setDsnClassMap(array $map): void { static::$_dsnClassMap = $map + static::$_dsnClassMap; } /** * Returns the DSN class map for this class. * * @return array * @psalm-return array */ public static function getDsnClassMap(): array { return static::$_dsnClassMap; } }