* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Stub; /** * Casts Reflector related classes to array representation. * * @author Nicolas Grekas * * @final */ class ReflectionCaster { public const UNSET_CLOSURE_FILE_INFO = ['Closure' => __CLASS__.'::unsetClosureFileInfo']; private const EXTRA_MAP = [ 'docComment' => 'getDocComment', 'extension' => 'getExtensionName', 'isDisabled' => 'isDisabled', 'isDeprecated' => 'isDeprecated', 'isInternal' => 'isInternal', 'isUserDefined' => 'isUserDefined', 'isGenerator' => 'isGenerator', 'isVariadic' => 'isVariadic', ]; public static function castClosure(\Closure $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested, int $filter = 0) { $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL; $c = new \ReflectionFunction($c); $a = static::castFunctionAbstract($c, $a, $stub, $isNested, $filter); if (!str_contains($c->name, '{closure}')) { $stub->class = isset($a[$prefix.'class']) ? $a[$prefix.'class']->value.'::'.$c->name : $c->name; unset($a[$prefix.'class']); } unset($a[$prefix.'extra']); $stub->class .= self::getSignature($a); if ($f = $c->getFileName()) { $stub->attr['file'] = $f; $stub->attr['line'] = $c->getStartLine(); } unset($a[$prefix.'parameters']); if ($filter & Caster::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE) { $stub->cut += ($c->getFileName() ? 2 : 0) + \count($a); return []; } if ($f) { $a[$prefix.'file'] = new LinkStub($f, $c->getStartLine()); $a[$prefix.'line'] = $c->getStartLine().' to '.$c->getEndLine(); } return $a; } public static function unsetClosureFileInfo(\Closure $c, array $a) { unset($a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'file'], $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'line']); return $a; } public static function castGenerator(\Generator $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { // Cannot create ReflectionGenerator based on a terminated Generator try { $reflectionGenerator = new \ReflectionGenerator($c); } catch (\Exception $e) { $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'closed'] = true; return $a; } return self::castReflectionGenerator($reflectionGenerator, $a, $stub, $isNested); } public static function castType(\ReflectionType $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL; if ($c instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) { $a += [ $prefix.'name' => $c instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $c->getName() : (string) $c, $prefix.'allowsNull' => $c->allowsNull(), $prefix.'isBuiltin' => $c->isBuiltin(), ]; } elseif ($c instanceof \ReflectionUnionType || $c instanceof \ReflectionIntersectionType) { $a[$prefix.'allowsNull'] = $c->allowsNull(); self::addMap($a, $c, [ 'types' => 'getTypes', ]); } else { $a[$prefix.'allowsNull'] = $c->allowsNull(); } return $a; } public static function castAttribute(\ReflectionAttribute $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { self::addMap($a, $c, [ 'name' => 'getName', 'arguments' => 'getArguments', ]); return $a; } public static function castReflectionGenerator(\ReflectionGenerator $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL; if ($c->getThis()) { $a[$prefix.'this'] = new CutStub($c->getThis()); } $function = $c->getFunction(); $frame = [ 'class' => $function->class ?? null, 'type' => isset($function->class) ? ($function->isStatic() ? '::' : '->') : null, 'function' => $function->name, 'file' => $c->getExecutingFile(), 'line' => $c->getExecutingLine(), ]; if ($trace = $c->getTrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)) { $function = new \ReflectionGenerator($c->getExecutingGenerator()); array_unshift($trace, [ 'function' => 'yield', 'file' => $function->getExecutingFile(), 'line' => $function->getExecutingLine() - (int) (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100), ]); $trace[] = $frame; $a[$prefix.'trace'] = new TraceStub($trace, false, 0, -1, -1); } else { $function = new FrameStub($frame, false, true); $function = ExceptionCaster::castFrameStub($function, [], $function, true); $a[$prefix.'executing'] = $function[$prefix.'src']; } $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'closed'] = false; return $a; } public static function castClass(\ReflectionClass $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested, int $filter = 0) { $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL; if ($n = \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers())) { $a[$prefix.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', $n); } self::addMap($a, $c, [ 'extends' => 'getParentClass', 'implements' => 'getInterfaceNames', 'constants' => 'getReflectionConstants', ]); foreach ($c->getProperties() as $n) { $a[$prefix.'properties'][$n->name] = $n; } foreach ($c->getMethods() as $n) { $a[$prefix.'methods'][$n->name] = $n; } self::addAttributes($a, $c, $prefix); if (!($filter & Caster::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE) && !$isNested) { self::addExtra($a, $c); } return $a; } public static function castFunctionAbstract(\ReflectionFunctionAbstract $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested, int $filter = 0) { $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL; self::addMap($a, $c, [ 'returnsReference' => 'returnsReference', 'returnType' => 'getReturnType', 'class' => \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80111 ? 'getClosureCalledClass' : 'getClosureScopeClass', 'this' => 'getClosureThis', ]); if (isset($a[$prefix.'returnType'])) { $v = $a[$prefix.'returnType']; $v = $v instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $v->getName() : (string) $v; $a[$prefix.'returnType'] = new ClassStub($a[$prefix.'returnType'] instanceof \ReflectionNamedType && $a[$prefix.'returnType']->allowsNull() && 'mixed' !== $v ? '?'.$v : $v, [class_exists($v, false) || interface_exists($v, false) || trait_exists($v, false) ? $v : '', '']); } if (isset($a[$prefix.'class'])) { $a[$prefix.'class'] = new ClassStub($a[$prefix.'class']); } if (isset($a[$prefix.'this'])) { $a[$prefix.'this'] = new CutStub($a[$prefix.'this']); } foreach ($c->getParameters() as $v) { $k = '$'.$v->name; if ($v->isVariadic()) { $k = '...'.$k; } if ($v->isPassedByReference()) { $k = '&'.$k; } $a[$prefix.'parameters'][$k] = $v; } if (isset($a[$prefix.'parameters'])) { $a[$prefix.'parameters'] = new EnumStub($a[$prefix.'parameters']); } self::addAttributes($a, $c, $prefix); if (!($filter & Caster::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE) && $v = $c->getStaticVariables()) { foreach ($v as $k => &$v) { if (\is_object($v)) { $a[$prefix.'use']['$'.$k] = new CutStub($v); } else { $a[$prefix.'use']['$'.$k] = &$v; } } unset($v); $a[$prefix.'use'] = new EnumStub($a[$prefix.'use']); } if (!($filter & Caster::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE) && !$isNested) { self::addExtra($a, $c); } return $a; } public static function castClassConstant(\ReflectionClassConstant $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers())); $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'value'] = $c->getValue(); self::addAttributes($a, $c); return $a; } public static function castMethod(\ReflectionMethod $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers())); return $a; } public static function castParameter(\ReflectionParameter $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL; self::addMap($a, $c, [ 'position' => 'getPosition', 'isVariadic' => 'isVariadic', 'byReference' => 'isPassedByReference', 'allowsNull' => 'allowsNull', ]); self::addAttributes($a, $c, $prefix); if ($v = $c->getType()) { $a[$prefix.'typeHint'] = $v instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? $v->getName() : (string) $v; } if (isset($a[$prefix.'typeHint'])) { $v = $a[$prefix.'typeHint']; $a[$prefix.'typeHint'] = new ClassStub($v, [class_exists($v, false) || interface_exists($v, false) || trait_exists($v, false) ? $v : '', '']); } else { unset($a[$prefix.'allowsNull']); } if ($c->isOptional()) { try { $a[$prefix.'default'] = $v = $c->getDefaultValue(); if ($c->isDefaultValueConstant()) { $a[$prefix.'default'] = new ConstStub($c->getDefaultValueConstantName(), $v); } if (null === $v) { unset($a[$prefix.'allowsNull']); } } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { } } return $a; } public static function castProperty(\ReflectionProperty $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers())); self::addAttributes($a, $c); self::addExtra($a, $c); return $a; } public static function castReference(\ReflectionReference $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'id'] = $c->getId(); return $a; } public static function castExtension(\ReflectionExtension $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { self::addMap($a, $c, [ 'version' => 'getVersion', 'dependencies' => 'getDependencies', 'iniEntries' => 'getIniEntries', 'isPersistent' => 'isPersistent', 'isTemporary' => 'isTemporary', 'constants' => 'getConstants', 'functions' => 'getFunctions', 'classes' => 'getClasses', ]); return $a; } public static function castZendExtension(\ReflectionZendExtension $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested) { self::addMap($a, $c, [ 'version' => 'getVersion', 'author' => 'getAuthor', 'copyright' => 'getCopyright', 'url' => 'getURL', ]); return $a; } public static function getSignature(array $a) { $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL; $signature = ''; if (isset($a[$prefix.'parameters'])) { foreach ($a[$prefix.'parameters']->value as $k => $param) { $signature .= ', '; if ($type = $param->getType()) { if (!$type instanceof \ReflectionNamedType) { $signature .= $type.' '; } else { if (!$param->isOptional() && $param->allowsNull() && 'mixed' !== $type->getName()) { $signature .= '?'; } $signature .= substr(strrchr('\\'.$type->getName(), '\\'), 1).' '; } } $signature .= $k; if (!$param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { continue; } $v = $param->getDefaultValue(); $signature .= ' = '; if ($param->isDefaultValueConstant()) { $signature .= substr(strrchr('\\'.$param->getDefaultValueConstantName(), '\\'), 1); } elseif (null === $v) { $signature .= 'null'; } elseif (\is_array($v)) { $signature .= $v ? '[…'.\count($v).']' : '[]'; } elseif (\is_string($v)) { $signature .= 10 > \strlen($v) && !str_contains($v, '\\') ? "'{$v}'" : "'…".\strlen($v)."'"; } elseif (\is_bool($v)) { $signature .= $v ? 'true' : 'false'; } elseif (\is_object($v)) { $signature .= 'new '.substr(strrchr('\\'.get_debug_type($v), '\\'), 1); } else { $signature .= $v; } } } $signature = (empty($a[$prefix.'returnsReference']) ? '' : '&').'('.substr($signature, 2).')'; if (isset($a[$prefix.'returnType'])) { $signature .= ': '.substr(strrchr('\\'.$a[$prefix.'returnType'], '\\'), 1); } return $signature; } private static function addExtra(array &$a, \Reflector $c) { $x = isset($a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'extra']) ? $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'extra']->value : []; if (method_exists($c, 'getFileName') && $m = $c->getFileName()) { $x['file'] = new LinkStub($m, $c->getStartLine()); $x['line'] = $c->getStartLine().' to '.$c->getEndLine(); } self::addMap($x, $c, self::EXTRA_MAP, ''); if ($x) { $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'extra'] = new EnumStub($x); } } private static function addMap(array &$a, object $c, array $map, string $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL) { foreach ($map as $k => $m) { if ('isDisabled' === $k) { continue; } if (method_exists($c, $m) && false !== ($m = $c->$m()) && null !== $m) { $a[$prefix.$k] = $m instanceof \Reflector ? $m->name : $m; } } } private static function addAttributes(array &$a, \Reflector $c, string $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL): void { foreach ($c->getAttributes() as $n) { $a[$prefix.'attributes'][] = $n; } } }