<?php namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters; use Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\LimiterTimeoutException; use Illuminate\Support\InteractsWithTime; class ConcurrencyLimiterBuilder { use InteractsWithTime; /** * The Redis connection. * * @var \Illuminate\Redis\Connections\Connection */ public $connection; /** * The name of the lock. * * @var string */ public $name; /** * The maximum number of entities that can hold the lock at the same time. * * @var int */ public $maxLocks; /** * The number of seconds to maintain the lock until it is automatically released. * * @var int */ public $releaseAfter = 60; /** * The amount of time to block until a lock is available. * * @var int */ public $timeout = 3; /** * The number of milliseconds to wait between attempts to acquire the lock. * * @var int */ public $sleep = 250; /** * Create a new builder instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Redis\Connections\Connection $connection * @param string $name * @return void */ public function __construct($connection, $name) { $this->name = $name; $this->connection = $connection; } /** * Set the maximum number of locks that can be obtained per time window. * * @param int $maxLocks * @return $this */ public function limit($maxLocks) { $this->maxLocks = $maxLocks; return $this; } /** * Set the number of seconds until the lock will be released. * * @param int $releaseAfter * @return $this */ public function releaseAfter($releaseAfter) { $this->releaseAfter = $this->secondsUntil($releaseAfter); return $this; } /** * Set the amount of time to block until a lock is available. * * @param int $timeout * @return $this */ public function block($timeout) { $this->timeout = $timeout; return $this; } /** * The number of milliseconds to wait between lock acquisition attempts. * * @param int $sleep * @return $this */ public function sleep($sleep) { $this->sleep = $sleep; return $this; } /** * Execute the given callback if a lock is obtained, otherwise call the failure callback. * * @param callable $callback * @param callable|null $failure * @return mixed * * @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\LimiterTimeoutException */ public function then(callable $callback, callable $failure = null) { try { return (new ConcurrencyLimiter( $this->connection, $this->name, $this->maxLocks, $this->releaseAfter ))->block($this->timeout, $callback, $this->sleep); } catch (LimiterTimeoutException $e) { if ($failure) { return $failure($e); } throw $e; } } }