* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class VarCloner extends AbstractCloner { private static string $gid; private static array $arrayCache = []; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doClone(mixed $var): array { $len = 1; // Length of $queue $pos = 0; // Number of cloned items past the minimum depth $refsCounter = 0; // Hard references counter $queue = [[$var]]; // This breadth-first queue is the return value $hardRefs = []; // Map of original zval ids to stub objects $objRefs = []; // Map of original object handles to their stub object counterpart $objects = []; // Keep a ref to objects to ensure their handle cannot be reused while cloning $resRefs = []; // Map of original resource handles to their stub object counterpart $values = []; // Map of stub objects' ids to original values $maxItems = $this->maxItems; $maxString = $this->maxString; $minDepth = $this->minDepth; $currentDepth = 0; // Current tree depth $currentDepthFinalIndex = 0; // Final $queue index for current tree depth $minimumDepthReached = 0 === $minDepth; // Becomes true when minimum tree depth has been reached $cookie = (object) []; // Unique object used to detect hard references $a = null; // Array cast for nested structures $stub = null; // Stub capturing the main properties of an original item value // or null if the original value is used directly $gid = self::$gid ??= md5(random_bytes(6)); // Unique string used to detect the special $GLOBALS variable $arrayStub = new Stub(); $arrayStub->type = Stub::TYPE_ARRAY; $fromObjCast = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { // Detect when we move on to the next tree depth if ($i > $currentDepthFinalIndex) { ++$currentDepth; $currentDepthFinalIndex = $len - 1; if ($currentDepth >= $minDepth) { $minimumDepthReached = true; } } $refs = $vals = $queue[$i]; foreach ($vals as $k => $v) { // $v is the original value or a stub object in case of hard references $zvalRef = ($r = \ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement($vals, $k)) ? $r->getId() : null; if ($zvalRef) { $vals[$k] = &$stub; // Break hard references to make $queue completely unset($stub); // independent from the original structure if (null !== $vals[$k] = $hardRefs[$zvalRef] ?? null) { $v = $vals[$k]; if ($v->value instanceof Stub && (Stub::TYPE_OBJECT === $v->value->type || Stub::TYPE_RESOURCE === $v->value->type)) { ++$v->value->refCount; } ++$v->refCount; continue; } $vals[$k] = new Stub(); $vals[$k]->value = $v; $vals[$k]->handle = ++$refsCounter; $hardRefs[$zvalRef] = $vals[$k]; } // Create $stub when the original value $v cannot be used directly // If $v is a nested structure, put that structure in array $a switch (true) { case null === $v: case \is_bool($v): case \is_int($v): case \is_float($v): continue 2; case \is_string($v): if ('' === $v) { continue 2; } if (!preg_match('//u', $v)) { $stub = new Stub(); $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_STRING; $stub->class = Stub::STRING_BINARY; if (0 <= $maxString && 0 < $cut = \strlen($v) - $maxString) { $stub->cut = $cut; $stub->value = substr($v, 0, -$cut); } else { $stub->value = $v; } } elseif (0 <= $maxString && isset($v[1 + ($maxString >> 2)]) && 0 < $cut = mb_strlen($v, 'UTF-8') - $maxString) { $stub = new Stub(); $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_STRING; $stub->class = Stub::STRING_UTF8; $stub->cut = $cut; $stub->value = mb_substr($v, 0, $maxString, 'UTF-8'); } else { continue 2; } $a = null; break; case \is_array($v): if (!$v) { continue 2; } $stub = $arrayStub; if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) { $stub->class = array_is_list($v) ? Stub::ARRAY_INDEXED : Stub::ARRAY_ASSOC; $a = $v; break; } $stub->class = Stub::ARRAY_INDEXED; $j = -1; foreach ($v as $gk => $gv) { if ($gk !== ++$j) { $stub->class = Stub::ARRAY_ASSOC; $a = $v; $a[$gid] = true; break; } } // Copies of $GLOBALS have very strange behavior, // let's detect them with some black magic if (isset($v[$gid])) { unset($v[$gid]); $a = []; foreach ($v as $gk => &$gv) { if ($v === $gv && !isset($hardRefs[\ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement($v, $gk)->getId()])) { unset($v); $v = new Stub(); $v->value = [$v->cut = \count($gv), Stub::TYPE_ARRAY => 0]; $v->handle = -1; $gv = &$a[$gk]; $hardRefs[\ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement($a, $gk)->getId()] = &$gv; $gv = $v; } $a[$gk] = &$gv; } unset($gv); } else { $a = $v; } break; case \is_object($v): if (empty($objRefs[$h = spl_object_id($v)])) { $stub = new Stub(); $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_OBJECT; $stub->class = \get_class($v); $stub->value = $v; $stub->handle = $h; $a = $this->castObject($stub, 0 < $i); if ($v !== $stub->value) { if (Stub::TYPE_OBJECT !== $stub->type || null === $stub->value) { break; } $stub->handle = $h = spl_object_id($stub->value); } $stub->value = null; if (0 <= $maxItems && $maxItems <= $pos && $minimumDepthReached) { $stub->cut = \count($a); $a = null; } } if (empty($objRefs[$h])) { $objRefs[$h] = $stub; $objects[] = $v; } else { $stub = $objRefs[$h]; ++$stub->refCount; $a = null; } break; default: // resource if (empty($resRefs[$h = (int) $v])) { $stub = new Stub(); $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_RESOURCE; if ('Unknown' === $stub->class = @get_resource_type($v)) { $stub->class = 'Closed'; } $stub->value = $v; $stub->handle = $h; $a = $this->castResource($stub, 0 < $i); $stub->value = null; if (0 <= $maxItems && $maxItems <= $pos && $minimumDepthReached) { $stub->cut = \count($a); $a = null; } } if (empty($resRefs[$h])) { $resRefs[$h] = $stub; } else { $stub = $resRefs[$h]; ++$stub->refCount; $a = null; } break; } if ($a) { if (!$minimumDepthReached || 0 > $maxItems) { $queue[$len] = $a; $stub->position = $len++; } elseif ($pos < $maxItems) { if ($maxItems < $pos += \count($a)) { $a = \array_slice($a, 0, $maxItems - $pos, true); if ($stub->cut >= 0) { $stub->cut += $pos - $maxItems; } } $queue[$len] = $a; $stub->position = $len++; } elseif ($stub->cut >= 0) { $stub->cut += \count($a); $stub->position = 0; } } if ($arrayStub === $stub) { if ($arrayStub->cut) { $stub = [$arrayStub->cut, $arrayStub->class => $arrayStub->position]; $arrayStub->cut = 0; } elseif (isset(self::$arrayCache[$arrayStub->class][$arrayStub->position])) { $stub = self::$arrayCache[$arrayStub->class][$arrayStub->position]; } else { self::$arrayCache[$arrayStub->class][$arrayStub->position] = $stub = [$arrayStub->class => $arrayStub->position]; } } if (!$zvalRef) { $vals[$k] = $stub; } else { $hardRefs[$zvalRef]->value = $stub; } } if ($fromObjCast) { $fromObjCast = false; $refs = $vals; $vals = []; $j = -1; foreach ($queue[$i] as $k => $v) { foreach ([$k => true] as $gk => $gv) { } if ($gk !== $k) { $vals = (object) $vals; $vals->{$k} = $refs[++$j]; $vals = (array) $vals; } else { $vals[$k] = $refs[++$j]; } } } $queue[$i] = $vals; } foreach ($values as $h => $v) { $hardRefs[$h] = $v; } return $queue; } }