bootIfNotBooted(); $this->initializeTraits(); $this->syncOriginal(); $this->fill($attributes); } /** * Check if the model needs to be booted and if so, do it. * * @return void */ protected function bootIfNotBooted() { if (! isset(static::$booted[static::class])) { static::$booted[static::class] = true; $this->fireModelEvent('booting', false); static::booting(); static::boot(); static::booted(); $this->fireModelEvent('booted', false); } } /** * Perform any actions required before the model boots. * * @return void */ protected static function booting() { // } /** * Bootstrap the model and its traits. * * @return void */ protected static function boot() { static::bootTraits(); } /** * Boot all of the bootable traits on the model. * * @return void */ protected static function bootTraits() { $class = static::class; $booted = []; static::$traitInitializers[$class] = []; foreach (class_uses_recursive($class) as $trait) { $method = 'boot'.class_basename($trait); if (method_exists($class, $method) && ! in_array($method, $booted)) { forward_static_call([$class, $method]); $booted[] = $method; } if (method_exists($class, $method = 'initialize'.class_basename($trait))) { static::$traitInitializers[$class][] = $method; static::$traitInitializers[$class] = array_unique( static::$traitInitializers[$class] ); } } } /** * Initialize any initializable traits on the model. * * @return void */ protected function initializeTraits() { foreach (static::$traitInitializers[static::class] as $method) { $this->{$method}(); } } /** * Perform any actions required after the model boots. * * @return void */ protected static function booted() { // } /** * Clear the list of booted models so they will be re-booted. * * @return void */ public static function clearBootedModels() { static::$booted = []; static::$globalScopes = []; } /** * Disables relationship model touching for the current class during given callback scope. * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public static function withoutTouching(callable $callback) { static::withoutTouchingOn([static::class], $callback); } /** * Disables relationship model touching for the given model classes during given callback scope. * * @param array $models * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public static function withoutTouchingOn(array $models, callable $callback) { static::$ignoreOnTouch = array_values(array_merge(static::$ignoreOnTouch, $models)); try { $callback(); } finally { static::$ignoreOnTouch = array_values(array_diff(static::$ignoreOnTouch, $models)); } } /** * Determine if the given model is ignoring touches. * * @param string|null $class * @return bool */ public static function isIgnoringTouch($class = null) { $class = $class ?: static::class; if (! get_class_vars($class)['timestamps'] || ! $class::UPDATED_AT) { return true; } foreach (static::$ignoreOnTouch as $ignoredClass) { if ($class === $ignoredClass || is_subclass_of($class, $ignoredClass)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Indicate that models should prevent lazy loading, silently discarding attributes, and accessing missing attributes. * * @param bool $shouldBeStrict * @return void */ public static function shouldBeStrict(bool $shouldBeStrict = true) { static::preventLazyLoading($shouldBeStrict); static::preventSilentlyDiscardingAttributes($shouldBeStrict); static::preventAccessingMissingAttributes($shouldBeStrict); } /** * Prevent model relationships from being lazy loaded. * * @param bool $value * @return void */ public static function preventLazyLoading($value = true) { static::$modelsShouldPreventLazyLoading = $value; } /** * Register a callback that is responsible for handling lazy loading violations. * * @param callable|null $callback * @return void */ public static function handleLazyLoadingViolationUsing(?callable $callback) { static::$lazyLoadingViolationCallback = $callback; } /** * Prevent non-fillable attributes from being silently discarded. * * @param bool $value * @return void */ public static function preventSilentlyDiscardingAttributes($value = true) { static::$modelsShouldPreventSilentlyDiscardingAttributes = $value; } /** * Register a callback that is responsible for handling discarded attribute violations. * * @param callable|null $callback * @return void */ public static function handleDiscardedAttributeViolationUsing(?callable $callback) { static::$discardedAttributeViolationCallback = $callback; } /** * Prevent accessing missing attributes on retrieved models. * * @param bool $value * @return void */ public static function preventAccessingMissingAttributes($value = true) { static::$modelsShouldPreventAccessingMissingAttributes = $value; } /** * Register a callback that is responsible for handling lazy loading violations. * * @param callable|null $callback * @return void */ public static function handleMissingAttributeViolationUsing(?callable $callback) { static::$missingAttributeViolationCallback = $callback; } /** * Execute a callback without broadcasting any model events for all model types. * * @param callable $callback * @return mixed */ public static function withoutBroadcasting(callable $callback) { $isBroadcasting = static::$isBroadcasting; static::$isBroadcasting = false; try { return $callback(); } finally { static::$isBroadcasting = $isBroadcasting; } } /** * Fill the model with an array of attributes. * * @param array $attributes * @return $this * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\MassAssignmentException */ public function fill(array $attributes) { $totallyGuarded = $this->totallyGuarded(); $fillable = $this->fillableFromArray($attributes); foreach ($fillable as $key => $value) { // The developers may choose to place some attributes in the "fillable" array // which means only those attributes may be set through mass assignment to // the model, and all others will just get ignored for security reasons. if ($this->isFillable($key)) { $this->setAttribute($key, $value); } elseif ($totallyGuarded || static::preventsSilentlyDiscardingAttributes()) { if (isset(static::$discardedAttributeViolationCallback)) { call_user_func(static::$discardedAttributeViolationCallback, $this, [$key]); } else { throw new MassAssignmentException(sprintf( 'Add [%s] to fillable property to allow mass assignment on [%s].', $key, get_class($this) )); } } } if (count($attributes) !== count($fillable) && static::preventsSilentlyDiscardingAttributes()) { $keys = array_diff(array_keys($attributes), array_keys($fillable)); if (isset(static::$discardedAttributeViolationCallback)) { call_user_func(static::$discardedAttributeViolationCallback, $this, $keys); } else { throw new MassAssignmentException(sprintf( 'Add fillable property [%s] to allow mass assignment on [%s].', implode(', ', $keys), get_class($this) )); } } return $this; } /** * Fill the model with an array of attributes. Force mass assignment. * * @param array $attributes * @return $this */ public function forceFill(array $attributes) { return static::unguarded(fn () => $this->fill($attributes)); } /** * Qualify the given column name by the model's table. * * @param string $column * @return string */ public function qualifyColumn($column) { if (str_contains($column, '.')) { return $column; } return $this->getTable().'.'.$column; } /** * Qualify the given columns with the model's table. * * @param array $columns * @return array */ public function qualifyColumns($columns) { return collect($columns)->map(function ($column) { return $this->qualifyColumn($column); })->all(); } /** * Create a new instance of the given model. * * @param array $attributes * @param bool $exists * @return static */ public function newInstance($attributes = [], $exists = false) { // This method just provides a convenient way for us to generate fresh model // instances of this current model. It is particularly useful during the // hydration of new objects via the Eloquent query builder instances. $model = new static; $model->exists = $exists; $model->setConnection( $this->getConnectionName() ); $model->setTable($this->getTable()); $model->mergeCasts($this->casts); $model->fill((array) $attributes); return $model; } /** * Create a new model instance that is existing. * * @param array $attributes * @param string|null $connection * @return static */ public function newFromBuilder($attributes = [], $connection = null) { $model = $this->newInstance([], true); $model->setRawAttributes((array) $attributes, true); $model->setConnection($connection ?: $this->getConnectionName()); $model->fireModelEvent('retrieved', false); return $model; } /** * Begin querying the model on a given connection. * * @param string|null $connection * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public static function on($connection = null) { // First we will just create a fresh instance of this model, and then we can set the // connection on the model so that it is used for the queries we execute, as well // as being set on every relation we retrieve without a custom connection name. $instance = new static; $instance->setConnection($connection); return $instance->newQuery(); } /** * Begin querying the model on the write connection. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public static function onWriteConnection() { return static::query()->useWritePdo(); } /** * Get all of the models from the database. * * @param array|string $columns * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ public static function all($columns = ['*']) { return static::query()->get( is_array($columns) ? $columns : func_get_args() ); } /** * Begin querying a model with eager loading. * * @param array|string $relations * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public static function with($relations) { return static::query()->with( is_string($relations) ? func_get_args() : $relations ); } /** * Eager load relations on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @return $this */ public function load($relations) { $query = $this->newQueryWithoutRelationships()->with( is_string($relations) ? func_get_args() : $relations ); $query->eagerLoadRelations([$this]); return $this; } /** * Eager load relationships on the polymorphic relation of a model. * * @param string $relation * @param array $relations * @return $this */ public function loadMorph($relation, $relations) { if (! $this->{$relation}) { return $this; } $className = get_class($this->{$relation}); $this->{$relation}->load($relations[$className] ?? []); return $this; } /** * Eager load relations on the model if they are not already eager loaded. * * @param array|string $relations * @return $this */ public function loadMissing($relations) { $relations = is_string($relations) ? func_get_args() : $relations; $this->newCollection([$this])->loadMissing($relations); return $this; } /** * Eager load relation's column aggregations on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @param string $column * @param string $function * @return $this */ public function loadAggregate($relations, $column, $function = null) { $this->newCollection([$this])->loadAggregate($relations, $column, $function); return $this; } /** * Eager load relation counts on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @return $this */ public function loadCount($relations) { $relations = is_string($relations) ? func_get_args() : $relations; return $this->loadAggregate($relations, '*', 'count'); } /** * Eager load relation max column values on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadMax($relations, $column) { return $this->loadAggregate($relations, $column, 'max'); } /** * Eager load relation min column values on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadMin($relations, $column) { return $this->loadAggregate($relations, $column, 'min'); } /** * Eager load relation's column summations on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadSum($relations, $column) { return $this->loadAggregate($relations, $column, 'sum'); } /** * Eager load relation average column values on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadAvg($relations, $column) { return $this->loadAggregate($relations, $column, 'avg'); } /** * Eager load related model existence values on the model. * * @param array|string $relations * @return $this */ public function loadExists($relations) { return $this->loadAggregate($relations, '*', 'exists'); } /** * Eager load relationship column aggregation on the polymorphic relation of a model. * * @param string $relation * @param array $relations * @param string $column * @param string $function * @return $this */ public function loadMorphAggregate($relation, $relations, $column, $function = null) { if (! $this->{$relation}) { return $this; } $className = get_class($this->{$relation}); $this->{$relation}->loadAggregate($relations[$className] ?? [], $column, $function); return $this; } /** * Eager load relationship counts on the polymorphic relation of a model. * * @param string $relation * @param array $relations * @return $this */ public function loadMorphCount($relation, $relations) { return $this->loadMorphAggregate($relation, $relations, '*', 'count'); } /** * Eager load relationship max column values on the polymorphic relation of a model. * * @param string $relation * @param array $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadMorphMax($relation, $relations, $column) { return $this->loadMorphAggregate($relation, $relations, $column, 'max'); } /** * Eager load relationship min column values on the polymorphic relation of a model. * * @param string $relation * @param array $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadMorphMin($relation, $relations, $column) { return $this->loadMorphAggregate($relation, $relations, $column, 'min'); } /** * Eager load relationship column summations on the polymorphic relation of a model. * * @param string $relation * @param array $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadMorphSum($relation, $relations, $column) { return $this->loadMorphAggregate($relation, $relations, $column, 'sum'); } /** * Eager load relationship average column values on the polymorphic relation of a model. * * @param string $relation * @param array $relations * @param string $column * @return $this */ public function loadMorphAvg($relation, $relations, $column) { return $this->loadMorphAggregate($relation, $relations, $column, 'avg'); } /** * Increment a column's value by a given amount. * * @param string $column * @param float|int $amount * @param array $extra * @return int */ protected function increment($column, $amount = 1, array $extra = []) { return $this->incrementOrDecrement($column, $amount, $extra, 'increment'); } /** * Decrement a column's value by a given amount. * * @param string $column * @param float|int $amount * @param array $extra * @return int */ protected function decrement($column, $amount = 1, array $extra = []) { return $this->incrementOrDecrement($column, $amount, $extra, 'decrement'); } /** * Run the increment or decrement method on the model. * * @param string $column * @param float|int $amount * @param array $extra * @param string $method * @return int */ protected function incrementOrDecrement($column, $amount, $extra, $method) { $query = $this->newQueryWithoutRelationships(); if (! $this->exists) { return $query->{$method}($column, $amount, $extra); } $this->{$column} = $this->isClassDeviable($column) ? $this->deviateClassCastableAttribute($method, $column, $amount) : $this->{$column} + ($method === 'increment' ? $amount : $amount * -1); $this->forceFill($extra); if ($this->fireModelEvent('updating') === false) { return false; } return tap($this->setKeysForSaveQuery($query)->{$method}($column, $amount, $extra), function () use ($column) { $this->syncChanges(); $this->fireModelEvent('updated', false); $this->syncOriginalAttribute($column); }); } /** * Update the model in the database. * * @param array $attributes * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function update(array $attributes = [], array $options = []) { if (! $this->exists) { return false; } return $this->fill($attributes)->save($options); } /** * Update the model in the database within a transaction. * * @param array $attributes * @param array $options * @return bool * * @throws \Throwable */ public function updateOrFail(array $attributes = [], array $options = []) { if (! $this->exists) { return false; } return $this->fill($attributes)->saveOrFail($options); } /** * Update the model in the database without raising any events. * * @param array $attributes * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function updateQuietly(array $attributes = [], array $options = []) { if (! $this->exists) { return false; } return $this->fill($attributes)->saveQuietly($options); } /** * Increment a column's value by a given amount without raising any events. * * @param string $column * @param float|int $amount * @param array $extra * @return int */ protected function incrementQuietly($column, $amount = 1, array $extra = []) { return static::withoutEvents(function () use ($column, $amount, $extra) { return $this->incrementOrDecrement($column, $amount, $extra, 'increment'); }); } /** * Decrement a column's value by a given amount without raising any events. * * @param string $column * @param float|int $amount * @param array $extra * @return int */ protected function decrementQuietly($column, $amount = 1, array $extra = []) { return static::withoutEvents(function () use ($column, $amount, $extra) { return $this->incrementOrDecrement($column, $amount, $extra, 'decrement'); }); } /** * Save the model and all of its relationships. * * @return bool */ public function push() { if (! $this->save()) { return false; } // To sync all of the relationships to the database, we will simply spin through // the relationships and save each model via this "push" method, which allows // us to recurse into all of these nested relations for the model instance. foreach ($this->relations as $models) { $models = $models instanceof Collection ? $models->all() : [$models]; foreach (array_filter($models) as $model) { if (! $model->push()) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Save the model and all of its relationships without raising any events to the parent model. * * @return bool */ public function pushQuietly() { return static::withoutEvents(fn () => $this->push()); } /** * Save the model to the database without raising any events. * * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function saveQuietly(array $options = []) { return static::withoutEvents(fn () => $this->save($options)); } /** * Save the model to the database. * * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function save(array $options = []) { $this->mergeAttributesFromCachedCasts(); $query = $this->newModelQuery(); // If the "saving" event returns false we'll bail out of the save and return // false, indicating that the save failed. This provides a chance for any // listeners to cancel save operations if validations fail or whatever. if ($this->fireModelEvent('saving') === false) { return false; } // If the model already exists in the database we can just update our record // that is already in this database using the current IDs in this "where" // clause to only update this model. Otherwise, we'll just insert them. if ($this->exists) { $saved = $this->isDirty() ? $this->performUpdate($query) : true; } // If the model is brand new, we'll insert it into our database and set the // ID attribute on the model to the value of the newly inserted row's ID // which is typically an auto-increment value managed by the database. else { $saved = $this->performInsert($query); if (! $this->getConnectionName() && $connection = $query->getConnection()) { $this->setConnection($connection->getName()); } } // If the model is successfully saved, we need to do a few more things once // that is done. We will call the "saved" method here to run any actions // we need to happen after a model gets successfully saved right here. if ($saved) { $this->finishSave($options); } return $saved; } /** * Save the model to the database within a transaction. * * @param array $options * @return bool * * @throws \Throwable */ public function saveOrFail(array $options = []) { return $this->getConnection()->transaction(fn () => $this->save($options)); } /** * Perform any actions that are necessary after the model is saved. * * @param array $options * @return void */ protected function finishSave(array $options) { $this->fireModelEvent('saved', false); if ($this->isDirty() && ($options['touch'] ?? true)) { $this->touchOwners(); } $this->syncOriginal(); } /** * Perform a model update operation. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query * @return bool */ protected function performUpdate(Builder $query) { // If the updating event returns false, we will cancel the update operation so // developers can hook Validation systems into their models and cancel this // operation if the model does not pass validation. Otherwise, we update. if ($this->fireModelEvent('updating') === false) { return false; } // First we need to create a fresh query instance and touch the creation and // update timestamp on the model which are maintained by us for developer // convenience. Then we will just continue saving the model instances. if ($this->usesTimestamps()) { $this->updateTimestamps(); } // Once we have run the update operation, we will fire the "updated" event for // this model instance. This will allow developers to hook into these after // models are updated, giving them a chance to do any special processing. $dirty = $this->getDirty(); if (count($dirty) > 0) { $this->setKeysForSaveQuery($query)->update($dirty); $this->syncChanges(); $this->fireModelEvent('updated', false); } return true; } /** * Set the keys for a select query. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ protected function setKeysForSelectQuery($query) { $query->where($this->getKeyName(), '=', $this->getKeyForSelectQuery()); return $query; } /** * Get the primary key value for a select query. * * @return mixed */ protected function getKeyForSelectQuery() { return $this->original[$this->getKeyName()] ?? $this->getKey(); } /** * Set the keys for a save update query. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ protected function setKeysForSaveQuery($query) { $query->where($this->getKeyName(), '=', $this->getKeyForSaveQuery()); return $query; } /** * Get the primary key value for a save query. * * @return mixed */ protected function getKeyForSaveQuery() { return $this->original[$this->getKeyName()] ?? $this->getKey(); } /** * Perform a model insert operation. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query * @return bool */ protected function performInsert(Builder $query) { if ($this->fireModelEvent('creating') === false) { return false; } // First we'll need to create a fresh query instance and touch the creation and // update timestamps on this model, which are maintained by us for developer // convenience. After, we will just continue saving these model instances. if ($this->usesTimestamps()) { $this->updateTimestamps(); } // If the model has an incrementing key, we can use the "insertGetId" method on // the query builder, which will give us back the final inserted ID for this // table from the database. Not all tables have to be incrementing though. $attributes = $this->getAttributesForInsert(); if ($this->getIncrementing()) { $this->insertAndSetId($query, $attributes); } // If the table isn't incrementing we'll simply insert these attributes as they // are. These attribute arrays must contain an "id" column previously placed // there by the developer as the manually determined key for these models. else { if (empty($attributes)) { return true; } $query->insert($attributes); } // We will go ahead and set the exists property to true, so that it is set when // the created event is fired, just in case the developer tries to update it // during the event. This will allow them to do so and run an update here. $this->exists = true; $this->wasRecentlyCreated = true; $this->fireModelEvent('created', false); return true; } /** * Insert the given attributes and set the ID on the model. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query * @param array $attributes * @return void */ protected function insertAndSetId(Builder $query, $attributes) { $id = $query->insertGetId($attributes, $keyName = $this->getKeyName()); $this->setAttribute($keyName, $id); } /** * Destroy the models for the given IDs. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection|array|int|string $ids * @return int */ public static function destroy($ids) { if ($ids instanceof EloquentCollection) { $ids = $ids->modelKeys(); } if ($ids instanceof BaseCollection) { $ids = $ids->all(); } $ids = is_array($ids) ? $ids : func_get_args(); if (count($ids) === 0) { return 0; } // We will actually pull the models from the database table and call delete on // each of them individually so that their events get fired properly with a // correct set of attributes in case the developers wants to check these. $key = ($instance = new static)->getKeyName(); $count = 0; foreach ($instance->whereIn($key, $ids)->get() as $model) { if ($model->delete()) { $count++; } } return $count; } /** * Delete the model from the database. * * @return bool|null * * @throws \LogicException */ public function delete() { $this->mergeAttributesFromCachedCasts(); if (is_null($this->getKeyName())) { throw new LogicException('No primary key defined on model.'); } // If the model doesn't exist, there is nothing to delete so we'll just return // immediately and not do anything else. Otherwise, we will continue with a // deletion process on the model, firing the proper events, and so forth. if (! $this->exists) { return; } if ($this->fireModelEvent('deleting') === false) { return false; } // Here, we'll touch the owning models, verifying these timestamps get updated // for the models. This will allow any caching to get broken on the parents // by the timestamp. Then we will go ahead and delete the model instance. $this->touchOwners(); $this->performDeleteOnModel(); // Once the model has been deleted, we will fire off the deleted event so that // the developers may hook into post-delete operations. We will then return // a boolean true as the delete is presumably successful on the database. $this->fireModelEvent('deleted', false); return true; } /** * Delete the model from the database without raising any events. * * @return bool */ public function deleteQuietly() { return static::withoutEvents(fn () => $this->delete()); } /** * Delete the model from the database within a transaction. * * @return bool|null * * @throws \Throwable */ public function deleteOrFail() { if (! $this->exists) { return false; } return $this->getConnection()->transaction(fn () => $this->delete()); } /** * Force a hard delete on a soft deleted model. * * This method protects developers from running forceDelete when the trait is missing. * * @return bool|null */ public function forceDelete() { return $this->delete(); } /** * Perform the actual delete query on this model instance. * * @return void */ protected function performDeleteOnModel() { $this->setKeysForSaveQuery($this->newModelQuery())->delete(); $this->exists = false; } /** * Begin querying the model. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public static function query() { return (new static)->newQuery(); } /** * Get a new query builder for the model's table. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function newQuery() { return $this->registerGlobalScopes($this->newQueryWithoutScopes()); } /** * Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes or eager loading. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|static */ public function newModelQuery() { return $this->newEloquentBuilder( $this->newBaseQueryBuilder() )->setModel($this); } /** * Get a new query builder with no relationships loaded. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function newQueryWithoutRelationships() { return $this->registerGlobalScopes($this->newModelQuery()); } /** * Register the global scopes for this builder instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function registerGlobalScopes($builder) { foreach ($this->getGlobalScopes() as $identifier => $scope) { $builder->withGlobalScope($identifier, $scope); } return $builder; } /** * Get a new query builder that doesn't have any global scopes. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|static */ public function newQueryWithoutScopes() { return $this->newModelQuery() ->with($this->with) ->withCount($this->withCount); } /** * Get a new query instance without a given scope. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope|string $scope * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function newQueryWithoutScope($scope) { return $this->newQuery()->withoutGlobalScope($scope); } /** * Get a new query to restore one or more models by their queueable IDs. * * @param array|int $ids * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ public function newQueryForRestoration($ids) { return $this->newQueryWithoutScopes()->whereKey($ids); } /** * Create a new Eloquent query builder for the model. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|static */ public function newEloquentBuilder($query) { return new Builder($query); } /** * Get a new query builder instance for the connection. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ protected function newBaseQueryBuilder() { return $this->getConnection()->query(); } /** * Create a new Eloquent Collection instance. * * @param array $models * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection */ public function newCollection(array $models = []) { return new Collection($models); } /** * Create a new pivot model instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $parent * @param array $attributes * @param string $table * @param bool $exists * @param string|null $using * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot */ public function newPivot(self $parent, array $attributes, $table, $exists, $using = null) { return $using ? $using::fromRawAttributes($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists) : Pivot::fromAttributes($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists); } /** * Determine if the model has a given scope. * * @param string $scope * @return bool */ public function hasNamedScope($scope) { return method_exists($this, 'scope'.ucfirst($scope)); } /** * Apply the given named scope if possible. * * @param string $scope * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public function callNamedScope($scope, array $parameters = []) { return $this->{'scope'.ucfirst($scope)}(...$parameters); } /** * Convert the model instance to an array. * * @return array */ public function toArray() { return array_merge($this->attributesToArray(), $this->relationsToArray()); } /** * Convert the model instance to JSON. * * @param int $options * @return string * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\JsonEncodingException */ public function toJson($options = 0) { $json = json_encode($this->jsonSerialize(), $options); if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw JsonEncodingException::forModel($this, json_last_error_msg()); } return $json; } /** * Convert the object into something JSON serializable. * * @return mixed */ public function jsonSerialize(): mixed { return $this->toArray(); } /** * Reload a fresh model instance from the database. * * @param array|string $with * @return static|null */ public function fresh($with = []) { if (! $this->exists) { return; } return $this->setKeysForSelectQuery($this->newQueryWithoutScopes()) ->useWritePdo() ->with(is_string($with) ? func_get_args() : $with) ->first(); } /** * Reload the current model instance with fresh attributes from the database. * * @return $this */ public function refresh() { if (! $this->exists) { return $this; } $this->setRawAttributes( $this->setKeysForSelectQuery($this->newQueryWithoutScopes()) ->useWritePdo() ->firstOrFail() ->attributes ); $this->load(collect($this->relations)->reject(function ($relation) { return $relation instanceof Pivot || (is_object($relation) && in_array(AsPivot::class, class_uses_recursive($relation), true)); })->keys()->all()); $this->syncOriginal(); return $this; } /** * Clone the model into a new, non-existing instance. * * @param array|null $except * @return static */ public function replicate(array $except = null) { $defaults = array_values(array_filter([ $this->getKeyName(), $this->getCreatedAtColumn(), $this->getUpdatedAtColumn(), ])); $attributes = Arr::except( $this->getAttributes(), $except ? array_unique(array_merge($except, $defaults)) : $defaults ); return tap(new static, function ($instance) use ($attributes) { $instance->setRawAttributes($attributes); $instance->setRelations($this->relations); $instance->fireModelEvent('replicating', false); }); } /** * Clone the model into a new, non-existing instance without raising any events. * * @param array|null $except * @return static */ public function replicateQuietly(array $except = null) { return static::withoutEvents(fn () => $this->replicate($except)); } /** * Determine if two models have the same ID and belong to the same table. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null $model * @return bool */ public function is($model) { return ! is_null($model) && $this->getKey() === $model->getKey() && $this->getTable() === $model->getTable() && $this->getConnectionName() === $model->getConnectionName(); } /** * Determine if two models are not the same. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null $model * @return bool */ public function isNot($model) { return ! $this->is($model); } /** * Get the database connection for the model. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Connection */ public function getConnection() { return static::resolveConnection($this->getConnectionName()); } /** * Get the current connection name for the model. * * @return string|null */ public function getConnectionName() { return $this->connection; } /** * Set the connection associated with the model. * * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function setConnection($name) { $this->connection = $name; return $this; } /** * Resolve a connection instance. * * @param string|null $connection * @return \Illuminate\Database\Connection */ public static function resolveConnection($connection = null) { return static::$resolver->connection($connection); } /** * Get the connection resolver instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface */ public static function getConnectionResolver() { return static::$resolver; } /** * Set the connection resolver instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface $resolver * @return void */ public static function setConnectionResolver(Resolver $resolver) { static::$resolver = $resolver; } /** * Unset the connection resolver for models. * * @return void */ public static function unsetConnectionResolver() { static::$resolver = null; } /** * Get the table associated with the model. * * @return string */ public function getTable() { return $this->table ?? Str::snake(Str::pluralStudly(class_basename($this))); } /** * Set the table associated with the model. * * @param string $table * @return $this */ public function setTable($table) { $this->table = $table; return $this; } /** * Get the primary key for the model. * * @return string */ public function getKeyName() { return $this->primaryKey; } /** * Set the primary key for the model. * * @param string $key * @return $this */ public function setKeyName($key) { $this->primaryKey = $key; return $this; } /** * Get the table qualified key name. * * @return string */ public function getQualifiedKeyName() { return $this->qualifyColumn($this->getKeyName()); } /** * Get the auto-incrementing key type. * * @return string */ public function getKeyType() { return $this->keyType; } /** * Set the data type for the primary key. * * @param string $type * @return $this */ public function setKeyType($type) { $this->keyType = $type; return $this; } /** * Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing. * * @return bool */ public function getIncrementing() { return $this->incrementing; } /** * Set whether IDs are incrementing. * * @param bool $value * @return $this */ public function setIncrementing($value) { $this->incrementing = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value of the model's primary key. * * @return mixed */ public function getKey() { return $this->getAttribute($this->getKeyName()); } /** * Get the queueable identity for the entity. * * @return mixed */ public function getQueueableId() { return $this->getKey(); } /** * Get the queueable relationships for the entity. * * @return array */ public function getQueueableRelations() { $relations = []; foreach ($this->getRelations() as $key => $relation) { if (! method_exists($this, $key)) { continue; } $relations[] = $key; if ($relation instanceof QueueableCollection) { foreach ($relation->getQueueableRelations() as $collectionValue) { $relations[] = $key.'.'.$collectionValue; } } if ($relation instanceof QueueableEntity) { foreach ($relation->getQueueableRelations() as $entityValue) { $relations[] = $key.'.'.$entityValue; } } } return array_unique($relations); } /** * Get the queueable connection for the entity. * * @return string|null */ public function getQueueableConnection() { return $this->getConnectionName(); } /** * Get the value of the model's route key. * * @return mixed */ public function getRouteKey() { return $this->getAttribute($this->getRouteKeyName()); } /** * Get the route key for the model. * * @return string */ public function getRouteKeyName() { return $this->getKeyName(); } /** * Retrieve the model for a bound value. * * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $field * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null */ public function resolveRouteBinding($value, $field = null) { return $this->resolveRouteBindingQuery($this, $value, $field)->first(); } /** * Retrieve the model for a bound value. * * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $field * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null */ public function resolveSoftDeletableRouteBinding($value, $field = null) { return $this->resolveRouteBindingQuery($this, $value, $field)->withTrashed()->first(); } /** * Retrieve the child model for a bound value. * * @param string $childType * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $field * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null */ public function resolveChildRouteBinding($childType, $value, $field) { return $this->resolveChildRouteBindingQuery($childType, $value, $field)->first(); } /** * Retrieve the child model for a bound value. * * @param string $childType * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $field * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null */ public function resolveSoftDeletableChildRouteBinding($childType, $value, $field) { return $this->resolveChildRouteBindingQuery($childType, $value, $field)->withTrashed()->first(); } /** * Retrieve the child model query for a bound value. * * @param string $childType * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $field * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation */ protected function resolveChildRouteBindingQuery($childType, $value, $field) { $relationship = $this->{$this->childRouteBindingRelationshipName($childType)}(); $field = $field ?: $relationship->getRelated()->getRouteKeyName(); if ($relationship instanceof HasManyThrough || $relationship instanceof BelongsToMany) { $field = $relationship->getRelated()->getTable().'.'.$field; } return $relationship instanceof Model ? $relationship->resolveRouteBindingQuery($relationship, $value, $field) : $relationship->getRelated()->resolveRouteBindingQuery($relationship, $value, $field); } /** * Retrieve the child route model binding relationship name for the given child type. * * @param string $childType * @return string */ protected function childRouteBindingRelationshipName($childType) { return Str::plural(Str::camel($childType)); } /** * Retrieve the model for a bound value. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation $query * @param mixed $value * @param string|null $field * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation */ public function resolveRouteBindingQuery($query, $value, $field = null) { return $query->where($field ?? $this->getRouteKeyName(), $value); } /** * Get the default foreign key name for the model. * * @return string */ public function getForeignKey() { return Str::snake(class_basename($this)).'_'.$this->getKeyName(); } /** * Get the number of models to return per page. * * @return int */ public function getPerPage() { return $this->perPage; } /** * Set the number of models to return per page. * * @param int $perPage * @return $this */ public function setPerPage($perPage) { $this->perPage = $perPage; return $this; } /** * Determine if lazy loading is disabled. * * @return bool */ public static function preventsLazyLoading() { return static::$modelsShouldPreventLazyLoading; } /** * Determine if discarding guarded attribute fills is disabled. * * @return bool */ public static function preventsSilentlyDiscardingAttributes() { return static::$modelsShouldPreventSilentlyDiscardingAttributes; } /** * Determine if accessing missing attributes is disabled. * * @return bool */ public static function preventsAccessingMissingAttributes() { return static::$modelsShouldPreventAccessingMissingAttributes; } /** * Get the broadcast channel route definition that is associated with the given entity. * * @return string */ public function broadcastChannelRoute() { return str_replace('\\', '.', get_class($this)).'.{'.Str::camel(class_basename($this)).'}'; } /** * Get the broadcast channel name that is associated with the given entity. * * @return string */ public function broadcastChannel() { return str_replace('\\', '.', get_class($this)).'.'.$this->getKey(); } /** * Dynamically retrieve attributes on the model. * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ public function __get($key) { return $this->getAttribute($key); } /** * Dynamically set attributes on the model. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public function __set($key, $value) { $this->setAttribute($key, $value); } /** * Determine if the given attribute exists. * * @param mixed $offset * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($offset): bool { try { return ! is_null($this->getAttribute($offset)); } catch (MissingAttributeException) { return false; } } /** * Get the value for a given offset. * * @param mixed $offset * @return mixed */ public function offsetGet($offset): mixed { return $this->getAttribute($offset); } /** * Set the value for a given offset. * * @param mixed $offset * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void { $this->setAttribute($offset, $value); } /** * Unset the value for a given offset. * * @param mixed $offset * @return void */ public function offsetUnset($offset): void { unset($this->attributes[$offset], $this->relations[$offset]); } /** * Determine if an attribute or relation exists on the model. * * @param string $key * @return bool */ public function __isset($key) { return $this->offsetExists($key); } /** * Unset an attribute on the model. * * @param string $key * @return void */ public function __unset($key) { $this->offsetUnset($key); } /** * Handle dynamic method calls into the model. * * @param string $method * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $parameters) { if (in_array($method, ['increment', 'decrement'])) { return $this->$method(...$parameters); } if ($resolver = $this->relationResolver(static::class, $method)) { return $resolver($this); } if (Str::startsWith($method, 'through') && method_exists($this, $relationMethod = Str::of($method)->after('through')->lcfirst()->toString())) { return $this->through($relationMethod); } return $this->forwardCallTo($this->newQuery(), $method, $parameters); } /** * Handle dynamic static method calls into the model. * * @param string $method * @param array $parameters * @return mixed */ public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters) { return (new static)->$method(...$parameters); } /** * Convert the model to its string representation. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->escapeWhenCastingToString ? e($this->toJson()) : $this->toJson(); } /** * Indicate that the object's string representation should be escaped when __toString is invoked. * * @param bool $escape * @return $this */ public function escapeWhenCastingToString($escape = true) { $this->escapeWhenCastingToString = $escape; return $this; } /** * Prepare the object for serialization. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() { $this->mergeAttributesFromCachedCasts(); $this->classCastCache = []; $this->attributeCastCache = []; return array_keys(get_object_vars($this)); } /** * When a model is being unserialized, check if it needs to be booted. * * @return void */ public function __wakeup() { $this->bootIfNotBooted(); $this->initializeTraits(); } }