* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Respect\Validation; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionException; use ReflectionObject; use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ComponentException; use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\InvalidClassException; use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ValidationException; use Respect\Validation\Message\Formatter; use Respect\Validation\Message\ParameterStringifier; use Respect\Validation\Message\Stringifier\KeepOriginalStringName; use function array_merge; use function lcfirst; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use function trim; use function ucfirst; /** * Factory of objects. * * @author Augusto Pascutti * @author Henrique Moody */ final class Factory { /** * @var string[] */ private $rulesNamespaces = ['Respect\\Validation\\Rules']; /** * @var string[] */ private $exceptionsNamespaces = ['Respect\\Validation\\Exceptions']; /** * @var callable */ private $translator = 'strval'; /** * @var ParameterStringifier */ private $parameterStringifier; /** * Default instance of the Factory. * * @var Factory */ private static $defaultInstance; public function __construct() { $this->parameterStringifier = new KeepOriginalStringName(); } /** * Returns the default instance of the Factory. */ public static function getDefaultInstance(): self { if (self::$defaultInstance === null) { self::$defaultInstance = new self(); } return self::$defaultInstance; } public function withRuleNamespace(string $rulesNamespace): self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->rulesNamespaces[] = trim($rulesNamespace, '\\'); return $clone; } public function withExceptionNamespace(string $exceptionsNamespace): self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->exceptionsNamespaces[] = trim($exceptionsNamespace, '\\'); return $clone; } public function withTranslator(callable $translator): self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->translator = $translator; return $clone; } public function withParameterStringifier(ParameterStringifier $parameterStringifier): self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->parameterStringifier = $parameterStringifier; return $clone; } /** * Creates a rule. * * @param mixed[] $arguments * * @throws ComponentException */ public function rule(string $ruleName, array $arguments = []): Validatable { foreach ($this->rulesNamespaces as $namespace) { try { /** @var class-string $name */ $name = $namespace . '\\' . ucfirst($ruleName); /** @var Validatable $rule */ $rule = $this ->createReflectionClass($name, Validatable::class) ->newInstanceArgs($arguments); return $rule; } catch (ReflectionException $exception) { continue; } } throw new ComponentException(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid rule name', $ruleName)); } /** * Creates an exception. * * @param mixed $input * @param mixed[] $extraParams * * @throws ComponentException */ public function exception(Validatable $validatable, $input, array $extraParams = []): ValidationException { $formatter = new Formatter($this->translator, $this->parameterStringifier); $reflection = new ReflectionObject($validatable); $ruleName = $reflection->getShortName(); $params = ['input' => $input] + $extraParams + $this->extractPropertiesValues($validatable, $reflection); $id = lcfirst($ruleName); if ($validatable->getName() !== null) { /*$id = */$params['name'] = $validatable->getName(); } $exceptionNamespace = str_replace('\\Rules', '\\Exceptions', $reflection->getNamespaceName()); foreach (array_merge([$exceptionNamespace], $this->exceptionsNamespaces) as $namespace) { try { /** @var class-string $exceptionName */ $exceptionName = $namespace . '\\' . $ruleName . 'Exception'; return $this->createValidationException( $exceptionName, $id, $input, $params, $formatter ); } catch (ReflectionException $exception) { continue; } } return new ValidationException($input, $id, $params, $formatter); } /** * Define the default instance of the Factory. */ public static function setDefaultInstance(self $defaultInstance): void { self::$defaultInstance = $defaultInstance; } /** * Creates a reflection based on class name. * * @param class-string $name * @param class-string $parentName * * @throws InvalidClassException * @throws ReflectionException * * @return ReflectionClass */ private function createReflectionClass(string $name, string $parentName): ReflectionClass { $reflection = new ReflectionClass($name); if (!$reflection->isSubclassOf($parentName) && $parentName !== $name) { throw new InvalidClassException(sprintf('"%s" must be an instance of "%s"', $name, $parentName)); } if (!$reflection->isInstantiable()) { throw new InvalidClassException(sprintf('"%s" must be instantiable', $name)); } return $reflection; } /** * Creates a Validation exception. * * @param class-string $exceptionName * * @param mixed $input * @param mixed[] $params * * @throws InvalidClassException * @throws ReflectionException */ private function createValidationException( string $exceptionName, string $id, $input, array $params, Formatter $formatter ): ValidationException { /** @var ValidationException $exception */ $exception = $this ->createReflectionClass($exceptionName, ValidationException::class) ->newInstance($input, $id, $params, $formatter); if (isset($params['template'])) { $exception->updateTemplate($params['template']); } return $exception; } /** * @param ReflectionObject|ReflectionClass $reflection * @return mixed[] */ private function extractPropertiesValues(Validatable $validatable, ReflectionClass $reflection): array { $values = []; foreach ($reflection->getProperties() as $property) { $property->setAccessible(true); $propertyValue = $property->getValue($validatable); if ($propertyValue === null) { continue; } $values[$property->getName()] = $propertyValue; } $parentReflection = $reflection->getParentClass(); if ($parentReflection !== false) { return $values + $this->extractPropertiesValues($validatable, $parentReflection); } return $values; } }