* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Resource; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageSubscriberInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ServiceSubscriberInterface; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas * * @final */ class ReflectionClassResource implements SelfCheckingResourceInterface { private array $files = []; private string $className; private \ReflectionClass $classReflector; private array $excludedVendors = []; private string $hash; public function __construct(\ReflectionClass $classReflector, array $excludedVendors = []) { $this->className = $classReflector->name; $this->classReflector = $classReflector; $this->excludedVendors = $excludedVendors; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isFresh(int $timestamp): bool { if (!isset($this->hash)) { $this->hash = $this->computeHash(); $this->loadFiles($this->classReflector); } foreach ($this->files as $file => $v) { if (false === $filemtime = @filemtime($file)) { return false; } if ($filemtime > $timestamp) { return $this->hash === $this->computeHash(); } } return true; } public function __toString(): string { return 'reflection.'.$this->className; } /** * @internal */ public function __sleep(): array { if (!isset($this->hash)) { $this->hash = $this->computeHash(); $this->loadFiles($this->classReflector); } return ['files', 'className', 'hash']; } private function loadFiles(\ReflectionClass $class) { foreach ($class->getInterfaces() as $v) { $this->loadFiles($v); } do { $file = $class->getFileName(); if (false !== $file && is_file($file)) { foreach ($this->excludedVendors as $vendor) { if (str_starts_with($file, $vendor) && false !== strpbrk(substr($file, \strlen($vendor), 1), '/'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) { $file = false; break; } } if ($file) { $this->files[$file] = null; } } foreach ($class->getTraits() as $v) { $this->loadFiles($v); } } while ($class = $class->getParentClass()); } private function computeHash(): string { try { $this->classReflector ??= new \ReflectionClass($this->className); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { // the class does not exist anymore return false; } $hash = hash_init('md5'); foreach ($this->generateSignature($this->classReflector) as $info) { hash_update($hash, $info); } return hash_final($hash); } private function generateSignature(\ReflectionClass $class): iterable { $attributes = []; foreach ($class->getAttributes() as $a) { $attributes[] = [$a->getName(), \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 ? (string) $a : $a->getArguments()]; } yield print_r($attributes, true); $attributes = []; yield $class->getDocComment(); yield (int) $class->isFinal(); yield (int) $class->isAbstract(); if ($class->isTrait()) { yield print_r(class_uses($class->name), true); } else { yield print_r(class_parents($class->name), true); yield print_r(class_implements($class->name), true); yield print_r($class->getConstants(), true); } if (!$class->isInterface()) { $defaults = $class->getDefaultProperties(); foreach ($class->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED) as $p) { foreach ($p->getAttributes() as $a) { $attributes[] = [$a->getName(), \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 ? (string) $a : $a->getArguments()]; } yield print_r($attributes, true); $attributes = []; yield $p->getDocComment(); yield $p->isDefault() ? '' : ''; yield $p->isPublic() ? 'public' : 'protected'; yield $p->isStatic() ? 'static' : ''; yield '$'.$p->name; yield print_r(isset($defaults[$p->name]) && !\is_object($defaults[$p->name]) ? $defaults[$p->name] : null, true); } } $defined = \Closure::bind(static function ($c) { return \defined($c); }, null, $class->name); foreach ($class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED) as $m) { foreach ($m->getAttributes() as $a) { $attributes[] = [$a->getName(), \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 ? (string) $a : $a->getArguments()]; } yield print_r($attributes, true); $attributes = []; $defaults = []; $parametersWithUndefinedConstants = []; foreach ($m->getParameters() as $p) { foreach ($p->getAttributes() as $a) { $attributes[] = [$a->getName(), \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 ? (string) $a : $a->getArguments()]; } yield print_r($attributes, true); $attributes = []; if (!$p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $defaults[$p->name] = null; continue; } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) { $defaults[$p->name] = (string) $p; continue; } if (!$p->isDefaultValueConstant() || $defined($p->getDefaultValueConstantName())) { $defaults[$p->name] = $p->getDefaultValue(); continue; } $defaults[$p->name] = $p->getDefaultValueConstantName(); $parametersWithUndefinedConstants[$p->name] = true; } if (!$parametersWithUndefinedConstants) { yield preg_replace('/^ @@.*/m', '', $m); } else { $t = $m->getReturnType(); $stack = [ $m->getDocComment(), $m->getName(), $m->isAbstract(), $m->isFinal(), $m->isStatic(), $m->isPublic(), $m->isPrivate(), $m->isProtected(), $m->returnsReference(), $t instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? ((string) $t->allowsNull()).$t->getName() : (string) $t, ]; foreach ($m->getParameters() as $p) { if (!isset($parametersWithUndefinedConstants[$p->name])) { $stack[] = (string) $p; } else { $t = $p->getType(); $stack[] = $p->isOptional(); $stack[] = $t instanceof \ReflectionNamedType ? ((string) $t->allowsNull()).$t->getName() : (string) $t; $stack[] = $p->isPassedByReference(); $stack[] = $p->isVariadic(); $stack[] = $p->getName(); } } yield implode(',', $stack); } yield print_r($defaults, true); } if ($class->isAbstract() || $class->isInterface() || $class->isTrait()) { return; } if (interface_exists(EventSubscriberInterface::class, false) && $class->isSubclassOf(EventSubscriberInterface::class)) { yield EventSubscriberInterface::class; yield print_r($class->name::getSubscribedEvents(), true); } if (interface_exists(MessageSubscriberInterface::class, false) && $class->isSubclassOf(MessageSubscriberInterface::class)) { yield MessageSubscriberInterface::class; foreach ($class->name::getHandledMessages() as $key => $value) { yield $key.print_r($value, true); } } if (interface_exists(ServiceSubscriberInterface::class, false) && $class->isSubclassOf(ServiceSubscriberInterface::class)) { yield ServiceSubscriberInterface::class; yield print_r($class->name::getSubscribedServices(), true); } } }