app = $app; } /** * Register any application services. * * @return void */ public function register() { // } /** * Register a booting callback to be run before the "boot" method is called. * * @param \Closure $callback * @return void */ public function booting(Closure $callback) { $this->bootingCallbacks[] = $callback; } /** * Register a booted callback to be run after the "boot" method is called. * * @param \Closure $callback * @return void */ public function booted(Closure $callback) { $this->bootedCallbacks[] = $callback; } /** * Call the registered booting callbacks. * * @return void */ public function callBootingCallbacks() { $index = 0; while ($index < count($this->bootingCallbacks)) { $this->app->call($this->bootingCallbacks[$index]); $index++; } } /** * Call the registered booted callbacks. * * @return void */ public function callBootedCallbacks() { $index = 0; while ($index < count($this->bootedCallbacks)) { $this->app->call($this->bootedCallbacks[$index]); $index++; } } /** * Merge the given configuration with the existing configuration. * * @param string $path * @param string $key * @return void */ protected function mergeConfigFrom($path, $key) { if (! ($this->app instanceof CachesConfiguration && $this->app->configurationIsCached())) { $config = $this->app->make('config'); $config->set($key, array_merge( require $path, $config->get($key, []) )); } } /** * Load the given routes file if routes are not already cached. * * @param string $path * @return void */ protected function loadRoutesFrom($path) { if (! ($this->app instanceof CachesRoutes && $this->app->routesAreCached())) { require $path; } } /** * Register a view file namespace. * * @param string|array $path * @param string $namespace * @return void */ protected function loadViewsFrom($path, $namespace) { $this->callAfterResolving('view', function ($view) use ($path, $namespace) { if (isset($this->app->config['view']['paths']) && is_array($this->app->config['view']['paths'])) { foreach ($this->app->config['view']['paths'] as $viewPath) { if (is_dir($appPath = $viewPath.'/vendor/'.$namespace)) { $view->addNamespace($namespace, $appPath); } } } $view->addNamespace($namespace, $path); }); } /** * Register the given view components with a custom prefix. * * @param string $prefix * @param array $components * @return void */ protected function loadViewComponentsAs($prefix, array $components) { $this->callAfterResolving(BladeCompiler::class, function ($blade) use ($prefix, $components) { foreach ($components as $alias => $component) { $blade->component($component, is_string($alias) ? $alias : null, $prefix); } }); } /** * Register a translation file namespace. * * @param string $path * @param string $namespace * @return void */ protected function loadTranslationsFrom($path, $namespace) { $this->callAfterResolving('translator', function ($translator) use ($path, $namespace) { $translator->addNamespace($namespace, $path); }); } /** * Register a JSON translation file path. * * @param string $path * @return void */ protected function loadJsonTranslationsFrom($path) { $this->callAfterResolving('translator', function ($translator) use ($path) { $translator->addJsonPath($path); }); } /** * Register database migration paths. * * @param array|string $paths * @return void */ protected function loadMigrationsFrom($paths) { $this->callAfterResolving('migrator', function ($migrator) use ($paths) { foreach ((array) $paths as $path) { $migrator->path($path); } }); } /** * Register Eloquent model factory paths. * * @deprecated Will be removed in a future Laravel version. * * @param array|string $paths * @return void */ protected function loadFactoriesFrom($paths) { $this->callAfterResolving(ModelFactory::class, function ($factory) use ($paths) { foreach ((array) $paths as $path) { $factory->load($path); } }); } /** * Setup an after resolving listener, or fire immediately if already resolved. * * @param string $name * @param callable $callback * @return void */ protected function callAfterResolving($name, $callback) { $this->app->afterResolving($name, $callback); if ($this->app->resolved($name)) { $callback($this->app->make($name), $this->app); } } /** * Register paths to be published by the publish command. * * @param array $paths * @param mixed $groups * @return void */ protected function publishes(array $paths, $groups = null) { $this->ensurePublishArrayInitialized($class = static::class); static::$publishes[$class] = array_merge(static::$publishes[$class], $paths); foreach ((array) $groups as $group) { $this->addPublishGroup($group, $paths); } } /** * Ensure the publish array for the service provider is initialized. * * @param string $class * @return void */ protected function ensurePublishArrayInitialized($class) { if (! array_key_exists($class, static::$publishes)) { static::$publishes[$class] = []; } } /** * Add a publish group / tag to the service provider. * * @param string $group * @param array $paths * @return void */ protected function addPublishGroup($group, $paths) { if (! array_key_exists($group, static::$publishGroups)) { static::$publishGroups[$group] = []; } static::$publishGroups[$group] = array_merge( static::$publishGroups[$group], $paths ); } /** * Get the paths to publish. * * @param string|null $provider * @param string|null $group * @return array */ public static function pathsToPublish($provider = null, $group = null) { if (! is_null($paths = static::pathsForProviderOrGroup($provider, $group))) { return $paths; } return collect(static::$publishes)->reduce(function ($paths, $p) { return array_merge($paths, $p); }, []); } /** * Get the paths for the provider or group (or both). * * @param string|null $provider * @param string|null $group * @return array */ protected static function pathsForProviderOrGroup($provider, $group) { if ($provider && $group) { return static::pathsForProviderAndGroup($provider, $group); } elseif ($group && array_key_exists($group, static::$publishGroups)) { return static::$publishGroups[$group]; } elseif ($provider && array_key_exists($provider, static::$publishes)) { return static::$publishes[$provider]; } elseif ($group || $provider) { return []; } } /** * Get the paths for the provider and group. * * @param string $provider * @param string $group * @return array */ protected static function pathsForProviderAndGroup($provider, $group) { if (! empty(static::$publishes[$provider]) && ! empty(static::$publishGroups[$group])) { return array_intersect_key(static::$publishes[$provider], static::$publishGroups[$group]); } return []; } /** * Get the service providers available for publishing. * * @return array */ public static function publishableProviders() { return array_keys(static::$publishes); } /** * Get the groups available for publishing. * * @return array */ public static function publishableGroups() { return array_keys(static::$publishGroups); } /** * Register the package's custom Artisan commands. * * @param array|mixed $commands * @return void */ public function commands($commands) { $commands = is_array($commands) ? $commands : func_get_args(); Artisan::starting(function ($artisan) use ($commands) { $artisan->resolveCommands($commands); }); } /** * Get the services provided by the provider. * * @return array */ public function provides() { return []; } /** * Get the events that trigger this service provider to register. * * @return array */ public function when() { return []; } /** * Determine if the provider is deferred. * * @return bool */ public function isDeferred() { return $this instanceof DeferrableProvider; } }