', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=', 'like', 'not like', 'ilike', '&', '|', '<<', '>>', ]; /** * Compile the lock into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param bool|string $value * @return string */ protected function compileLock(Builder $query, $value) { return ''; } /** * Wrap a union subquery in parentheses. * * @param string $sql * @return string */ protected function wrapUnion($sql) { return 'select * from ('.$sql.')'; } /** * Compile a "where date" clause. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $where * @return string */ protected function whereDate(Builder $query, $where) { return $this->dateBasedWhere('%Y-%m-%d', $query, $where); } /** * Compile a "where day" clause. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $where * @return string */ protected function whereDay(Builder $query, $where) { return $this->dateBasedWhere('%d', $query, $where); } /** * Compile a "where month" clause. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $where * @return string */ protected function whereMonth(Builder $query, $where) { return $this->dateBasedWhere('%m', $query, $where); } /** * Compile a "where year" clause. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $where * @return string */ protected function whereYear(Builder $query, $where) { return $this->dateBasedWhere('%Y', $query, $where); } /** * Compile a "where time" clause. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $where * @return string */ protected function whereTime(Builder $query, $where) { return $this->dateBasedWhere('%H:%M:%S', $query, $where); } /** * Compile a date based where clause. * * @param string $type * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $where * @return string */ protected function dateBasedWhere($type, Builder $query, $where) { $value = $this->parameter($where['value']); return "strftime('{$type}', {$this->wrap($where['column'])}) {$where['operator']} cast({$value} as text)"; } /** * Compile the index hints for the query. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\IndexHint $indexHint * @return string */ protected function compileIndexHint(Builder $query, $indexHint) { return $indexHint->type === 'force' ? "indexed by {$indexHint->index}" : ''; } /** * Compile a "JSON length" statement into SQL. * * @param string $column * @param string $operator * @param string $value * @return string */ protected function compileJsonLength($column, $operator, $value) { [$field, $path] = $this->wrapJsonFieldAndPath($column); return 'json_array_length('.$field.$path.') '.$operator.' '.$value; } /** * Compile a "JSON contains key" statement into SQL. * * @param string $column * @return string */ protected function compileJsonContainsKey($column) { [$field, $path] = $this->wrapJsonFieldAndPath($column); return 'json_type('.$field.$path.') is not null'; } /** * Compile an update statement into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $values * @return string */ public function compileUpdate(Builder $query, array $values) { if (isset($query->joins) || isset($query->limit)) { return $this->compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit($query, $values); } return parent::compileUpdate($query, $values); } /** * Compile an insert ignore statement into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $values * @return string */ public function compileInsertOrIgnore(Builder $query, array $values) { return Str::replaceFirst('insert', 'insert or ignore', $this->compileInsert($query, $values)); } /** * Compile the columns for an update statement. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $values * @return string */ protected function compileUpdateColumns(Builder $query, array $values) { $jsonGroups = $this->groupJsonColumnsForUpdate($values); return collect($values)->reject(function ($value, $key) { return $this->isJsonSelector($key); })->merge($jsonGroups)->map(function ($value, $key) use ($jsonGroups) { $column = last(explode('.', $key)); $value = isset($jsonGroups[$key]) ? $this->compileJsonPatch($column, $value) : $this->parameter($value); return $this->wrap($column).' = '.$value; })->implode(', '); } /** * Compile an "upsert" statement into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $values * @param array $uniqueBy * @param array $update * @return string */ public function compileUpsert(Builder $query, array $values, array $uniqueBy, array $update) { $sql = $this->compileInsert($query, $values); $sql .= ' on conflict ('.$this->columnize($uniqueBy).') do update set '; $columns = collect($update)->map(function ($value, $key) { return is_numeric($key) ? $this->wrap($value).' = '.$this->wrapValue('excluded').'.'.$this->wrap($value) : $this->wrap($key).' = '.$this->parameter($value); })->implode(', '); return $sql.$columns; } /** * Group the nested JSON columns. * * @param array $values * @return array */ protected function groupJsonColumnsForUpdate(array $values) { $groups = []; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if ($this->isJsonSelector($key)) { Arr::set($groups, str_replace('->', '.', Str::after($key, '.')), $value); } } return $groups; } /** * Compile a "JSON" patch statement into SQL. * * @param string $column * @param mixed $value * @return string */ protected function compileJsonPatch($column, $value) { return "json_patch(ifnull({$this->wrap($column)}, json('{}')), json({$this->parameter($value)}))"; } /** * Compile an update statement with joins or limit into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param array $values * @return string */ protected function compileUpdateWithJoinsOrLimit(Builder $query, array $values) { $table = $this->wrapTable($query->from); $columns = $this->compileUpdateColumns($query, $values); $alias = last(preg_split('/\s+as\s+/i', $query->from)); $selectSql = $this->compileSelect($query->select($alias.'.rowid')); return "update {$table} set {$columns} where {$this->wrap('rowid')} in ({$selectSql})"; } /** * Prepare the bindings for an update statement. * * @param array $bindings * @param array $values * @return array */ public function prepareBindingsForUpdate(array $bindings, array $values) { $groups = $this->groupJsonColumnsForUpdate($values); $values = collect($values)->reject(function ($value, $key) { return $this->isJsonSelector($key); })->merge($groups)->map(function ($value) { return is_array($value) ? json_encode($value) : $value; })->all(); $cleanBindings = Arr::except($bindings, 'select'); return array_values( array_merge($values, Arr::flatten($cleanBindings)) ); } /** * Compile a delete statement into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @return string */ public function compileDelete(Builder $query) { if (isset($query->joins) || isset($query->limit)) { return $this->compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit($query); } return parent::compileDelete($query); } /** * Compile a delete statement with joins or limit into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @return string */ protected function compileDeleteWithJoinsOrLimit(Builder $query) { $table = $this->wrapTable($query->from); $alias = last(preg_split('/\s+as\s+/i', $query->from)); $selectSql = $this->compileSelect($query->select($alias.'.rowid')); return "delete from {$table} where {$this->wrap('rowid')} in ({$selectSql})"; } /** * Compile a truncate table statement into SQL. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @return array */ public function compileTruncate(Builder $query) { return [ 'delete from sqlite_sequence where name = ?' => [$query->from], 'delete from '.$this->wrapTable($query->from) => [], ]; } /** * Wrap the given JSON selector. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected function wrapJsonSelector($value) { [$field, $path] = $this->wrapJsonFieldAndPath($value); return 'json_extract('.$field.$path.')'; } }