[], 'detached' => [], ]; $records = $this->formatRecordsList($this->parseIds($ids)); // Next, we will determine which IDs should get removed from the join table by // checking which of the given ID/records is in the list of current records // and removing all of those rows from this "intermediate" joining table. $detach = array_values(array_intersect( $this->newPivotQuery()->pluck($this->relatedPivotKey)->all(), array_keys($records) )); if (count($detach) > 0) { $this->detach($detach, false); $changes['detached'] = $this->castKeys($detach); } // Finally, for all of the records which were not "detached", we'll attach the // records into the intermediate table. Then, we will add those attaches to // this change list and get ready to return these results to the callers. $attach = array_diff_key($records, array_flip($detach)); if (count($attach) > 0) { $this->attach($attach, [], false); $changes['attached'] = array_keys($attach); } // Once we have finished attaching or detaching the records, we will see if we // have done any attaching or detaching, and if we have we will touch these // relationships if they are configured to touch on any database updates. if ($touch && (count($changes['attached']) || count($changes['detached']))) { $this->touchIfTouching(); } return $changes; } /** * Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs without detaching. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|array $ids * @return array */ public function syncWithoutDetaching($ids) { return $this->sync($ids, false); } /** * Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|array $ids * @param bool $detaching * @return array */ public function sync($ids, $detaching = true) { $changes = [ 'attached' => [], 'detached' => [], 'updated' => [], ]; // First we need to attach any of the associated models that are not currently // in this joining table. We'll spin through the given IDs, checking to see // if they exist in the array of current ones, and if not we will insert. $current = $this->getCurrentlyAttachedPivots() ->pluck($this->relatedPivotKey)->all(); $records = $this->formatRecordsList($this->parseIds($ids)); // Next, we will take the differences of the currents and given IDs and detach // all of the entities that exist in the "current" array but are not in the // array of the new IDs given to the method which will complete the sync. if ($detaching) { $detach = array_diff($current, array_keys($records)); if (count($detach) > 0) { $this->detach($detach); $changes['detached'] = $this->castKeys($detach); } } // Now we are finally ready to attach the new records. Note that we'll disable // touching until after the entire operation is complete so we don't fire a // ton of touch operations until we are totally done syncing the records. $changes = array_merge( $changes, $this->attachNew($records, $current, false) ); // Once we have finished attaching or detaching the records, we will see if we // have done any attaching or detaching, and if we have we will touch these // relationships if they are configured to touch on any database updates. if (count($changes['attached']) || count($changes['updated']) || count($changes['detached'])) { $this->touchIfTouching(); } return $changes; } /** * Sync the intermediate tables with a list of IDs or collection of models with the given pivot values. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|array $ids * @param array $values * @param bool $detaching * @return array */ public function syncWithPivotValues($ids, array $values, bool $detaching = true) { return $this->sync(collect($this->parseIds($ids))->mapWithKeys(function ($id) use ($values) { return [$id => $values]; }), $detaching); } /** * Format the sync / toggle record list so that it is keyed by ID. * * @param array $records * @return array */ protected function formatRecordsList(array $records) { return collect($records)->mapWithKeys(function ($attributes, $id) { if (! is_array($attributes)) { [$id, $attributes] = [$attributes, []]; } return [$id => $attributes]; })->all(); } /** * Attach all of the records that aren't in the given current records. * * @param array $records * @param array $current * @param bool $touch * @return array */ protected function attachNew(array $records, array $current, $touch = true) { $changes = ['attached' => [], 'updated' => []]; foreach ($records as $id => $attributes) { // If the ID is not in the list of existing pivot IDs, we will insert a new pivot // record, otherwise, we will just update this existing record on this joining // table, so that the developers will easily update these records pain free. if (! in_array($id, $current)) { $this->attach($id, $attributes, $touch); $changes['attached'][] = $this->castKey($id); } // Now we'll try to update an existing pivot record with the attributes that were // given to the method. If the model is actually updated we will add it to the // list of updated pivot records so we return them back out to the consumer. elseif (count($attributes) > 0 && $this->updateExistingPivot($id, $attributes, $touch)) { $changes['updated'][] = $this->castKey($id); } } return $changes; } /** * Update an existing pivot record on the table. * * @param mixed $id * @param array $attributes * @param bool $touch * @return int */ public function updateExistingPivot($id, array $attributes, $touch = true) { if ($this->using && empty($this->pivotWheres) && empty($this->pivotWhereIns) && empty($this->pivotWhereNulls)) { return $this->updateExistingPivotUsingCustomClass($id, $attributes, $touch); } if ($this->hasPivotColumn($this->updatedAt())) { $attributes = $this->addTimestampsToAttachment($attributes, true); } $updated = $this->newPivotStatementForId($this->parseId($id))->update( $this->castAttributes($attributes) ); if ($touch) { $this->touchIfTouching(); } return $updated; } /** * Update an existing pivot record on the table via a custom class. * * @param mixed $id * @param array $attributes * @param bool $touch * @return int */ protected function updateExistingPivotUsingCustomClass($id, array $attributes, $touch) { $pivot = $this->getCurrentlyAttachedPivots() ->where($this->foreignPivotKey, $this->parent->{$this->parentKey}) ->where($this->relatedPivotKey, $this->parseId($id)) ->first(); $updated = $pivot ? $pivot->fill($attributes)->isDirty() : false; if ($updated) { $pivot->save(); } if ($touch) { $this->touchIfTouching(); } return (int) $updated; } /** * Attach a model to the parent. * * @param mixed $id * @param array $attributes * @param bool $touch * @return void */ public function attach($id, array $attributes = [], $touch = true) { if ($this->using) { $this->attachUsingCustomClass($id, $attributes); } else { // Here we will insert the attachment records into the pivot table. Once we have // inserted the records, we will touch the relationships if necessary and the // function will return. We can parse the IDs before inserting the records. $this->newPivotStatement()->insert($this->formatAttachRecords( $this->parseIds($id), $attributes )); } if ($touch) { $this->touchIfTouching(); } } /** * Attach a model to the parent using a custom class. * * @param mixed $id * @param array $attributes * @return void */ protected function attachUsingCustomClass($id, array $attributes) { $records = $this->formatAttachRecords( $this->parseIds($id), $attributes ); foreach ($records as $record) { $this->newPivot($record, false)->save(); } } /** * Create an array of records to insert into the pivot table. * * @param array $ids * @param array $attributes * @return array */ protected function formatAttachRecords($ids, array $attributes) { $records = []; $hasTimestamps = ($this->hasPivotColumn($this->createdAt()) || $this->hasPivotColumn($this->updatedAt())); // To create the attachment records, we will simply spin through the IDs given // and create a new record to insert for each ID. Each ID may actually be a // key in the array, with extra attributes to be placed in other columns. foreach ($ids as $key => $value) { $records[] = $this->formatAttachRecord( $key, $value, $attributes, $hasTimestamps ); } return $records; } /** * Create a full attachment record payload. * * @param int $key * @param mixed $value * @param array $attributes * @param bool $hasTimestamps * @return array */ protected function formatAttachRecord($key, $value, $attributes, $hasTimestamps) { [$id, $attributes] = $this->extractAttachIdAndAttributes($key, $value, $attributes); return array_merge( $this->baseAttachRecord($id, $hasTimestamps), $this->castAttributes($attributes) ); } /** * Get the attach record ID and extra attributes. * * @param mixed $key * @param mixed $value * @param array $attributes * @return array */ protected function extractAttachIdAndAttributes($key, $value, array $attributes) { return is_array($value) ? [$key, array_merge($value, $attributes)] : [$value, $attributes]; } /** * Create a new pivot attachment record. * * @param int $id * @param bool $timed * @return array */ protected function baseAttachRecord($id, $timed) { $record[$this->relatedPivotKey] = $id; $record[$this->foreignPivotKey] = $this->parent->{$this->parentKey}; // If the record needs to have creation and update timestamps, we will make // them by calling the parent model's "freshTimestamp" method which will // provide us with a fresh timestamp in this model's preferred format. if ($timed) { $record = $this->addTimestampsToAttachment($record); } foreach ($this->pivotValues as $value) { $record[$value['column']] = $value['value']; } return $record; } /** * Set the creation and update timestamps on an attach record. * * @param array $record * @param bool $exists * @return array */ protected function addTimestampsToAttachment(array $record, $exists = false) { $fresh = $this->parent->freshTimestamp(); if ($this->using) { $pivotModel = new $this->using; $fresh = $fresh->format($pivotModel->getDateFormat()); } if (! $exists && $this->hasPivotColumn($this->createdAt())) { $record[$this->createdAt()] = $fresh; } if ($this->hasPivotColumn($this->updatedAt())) { $record[$this->updatedAt()] = $fresh; } return $record; } /** * Determine whether the given column is defined as a pivot column. * * @param string $column * @return bool */ public function hasPivotColumn($column) { return in_array($column, $this->pivotColumns); } /** * Detach models from the relationship. * * @param mixed $ids * @param bool $touch * @return int */ public function detach($ids = null, $touch = true) { if ($this->using && ! empty($ids) && empty($this->pivotWheres) && empty($this->pivotWhereIns) && empty($this->pivotWhereNulls)) { $results = $this->detachUsingCustomClass($ids); } else { $query = $this->newPivotQuery(); // If associated IDs were passed to the method we will only delete those // associations, otherwise all of the association ties will be broken. // We'll return the numbers of affected rows when we do the deletes. if (! is_null($ids)) { $ids = $this->parseIds($ids); if (empty($ids)) { return 0; } $query->whereIn($this->getQualifiedRelatedPivotKeyName(), (array) $ids); } // Once we have all of the conditions set on the statement, we are ready // to run the delete on the pivot table. Then, if the touch parameter // is true, we will go ahead and touch all related models to sync. $results = $query->delete(); } if ($touch) { $this->touchIfTouching(); } return $results; } /** * Detach models from the relationship using a custom class. * * @param mixed $ids * @return int */ protected function detachUsingCustomClass($ids) { $results = 0; foreach ($this->parseIds($ids) as $id) { $results += $this->newPivot([ $this->foreignPivotKey => $this->parent->{$this->parentKey}, $this->relatedPivotKey => $id, ], true)->delete(); } return $results; } /** * Get the pivot models that are currently attached. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function getCurrentlyAttachedPivots() { return $this->newPivotQuery()->get()->map(function ($record) { $class = $this->using ?: Pivot::class; $pivot = $class::fromRawAttributes($this->parent, (array) $record, $this->getTable(), true); return $pivot->setPivotKeys($this->foreignPivotKey, $this->relatedPivotKey); }); } /** * Create a new pivot model instance. * * @param array $attributes * @param bool $exists * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot */ public function newPivot(array $attributes = [], $exists = false) { $pivot = $this->related->newPivot( $this->parent, $attributes, $this->table, $exists, $this->using ); return $pivot->setPivotKeys($this->foreignPivotKey, $this->relatedPivotKey); } /** * Create a new existing pivot model instance. * * @param array $attributes * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Pivot */ public function newExistingPivot(array $attributes = []) { return $this->newPivot($attributes, true); } /** * Get a new plain query builder for the pivot table. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function newPivotStatement() { return $this->query->getQuery()->newQuery()->from($this->table); } /** * Get a new pivot statement for a given "other" ID. * * @param mixed $id * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function newPivotStatementForId($id) { return $this->newPivotQuery()->whereIn($this->relatedPivotKey, $this->parseIds($id)); } /** * Create a new query builder for the pivot table. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function newPivotQuery() { $query = $this->newPivotStatement(); foreach ($this->pivotWheres as $arguments) { $query->where(...$arguments); } foreach ($this->pivotWhereIns as $arguments) { $query->whereIn(...$arguments); } foreach ($this->pivotWhereNulls as $arguments) { $query->whereNull(...$arguments); } return $query->where($this->getQualifiedForeignPivotKeyName(), $this->parent->{$this->parentKey}); } /** * Set the columns on the pivot table to retrieve. * * @param array|mixed $columns * @return $this */ public function withPivot($columns) { $this->pivotColumns = array_merge( $this->pivotColumns, is_array($columns) ? $columns : func_get_args() ); return $this; } /** * Get all of the IDs from the given mixed value. * * @param mixed $value * @return array */ protected function parseIds($value) { if ($value instanceof Model) { return [$value->{$this->relatedKey}]; } if ($value instanceof Collection) { return $value->pluck($this->relatedKey)->all(); } if ($value instanceof BaseCollection) { return $value->toArray(); } return (array) $value; } /** * Get the ID from the given mixed value. * * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ protected function parseId($value) { return $value instanceof Model ? $value->{$this->relatedKey} : $value; } /** * Cast the given keys to integers if they are numeric and string otherwise. * * @param array $keys * @return array */ protected function castKeys(array $keys) { return array_map(function ($v) { return $this->castKey($v); }, $keys); } /** * Cast the given key to convert to primary key type. * * @param mixed $key * @return mixed */ protected function castKey($key) { return $this->getTypeSwapValue( $this->related->getKeyType(), $key ); } /** * Cast the given pivot attributes. * * @param array $attributes * @return array */ protected function castAttributes($attributes) { return $this->using ? $this->newPivot()->fill($attributes)->getAttributes() : $attributes; } /** * Converts a given value to a given type value. * * @param string $type * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ protected function getTypeSwapValue($type, $value) { return match (strtolower($type)) { 'int', 'integer' => (int) $value, 'real', 'float', 'double' => (float) $value, 'string' => (string) $value, default => $value, }; } }