*/ protected $doctrineTypeMappings = []; /** * The connection resolvers. * * @var \Closure[] */ protected static $resolvers = []; /** * Create a new database connection instance. * * @param \PDO|\Closure $pdo * @param string $database * @param string $tablePrefix * @param array $config * @return void */ public function __construct($pdo, $database = '', $tablePrefix = '', array $config = []) { $this->pdo = $pdo; // First we will setup the default properties. We keep track of the DB // name we are connected to since it is needed when some reflective // type commands are run such as checking whether a table exists. $this->database = $database; $this->tablePrefix = $tablePrefix; $this->config = $config; // We need to initialize a query grammar and the query post processors // which are both very important parts of the database abstractions // so we initialize these to their default values while starting. $this->useDefaultQueryGrammar(); $this->useDefaultPostProcessor(); } /** * Set the query grammar to the default implementation. * * @return void */ public function useDefaultQueryGrammar() { $this->queryGrammar = $this->getDefaultQueryGrammar(); } /** * Get the default query grammar instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar */ protected function getDefaultQueryGrammar() { return new QueryGrammar; } /** * Set the schema grammar to the default implementation. * * @return void */ public function useDefaultSchemaGrammar() { $this->schemaGrammar = $this->getDefaultSchemaGrammar(); } /** * Get the default schema grammar instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar */ protected function getDefaultSchemaGrammar() { // } /** * Set the query post processor to the default implementation. * * @return void */ public function useDefaultPostProcessor() { $this->postProcessor = $this->getDefaultPostProcessor(); } /** * Get the default post processor instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\Processor */ protected function getDefaultPostProcessor() { return new Processor; } /** * Get a schema builder instance for the connection. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder */ public function getSchemaBuilder() { if (is_null($this->schemaGrammar)) { $this->useDefaultSchemaGrammar(); } return new SchemaBuilder($this); } /** * Begin a fluent query against a database table. * * @param \Closure|\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder|string $table * @param string|null $as * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function table($table, $as = null) { return $this->query()->from($table, $as); } /** * Get a new query builder instance. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ public function query() { return new QueryBuilder( $this, $this->getQueryGrammar(), $this->getPostProcessor() ); } /** * Run a select statement and return a single result. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param bool $useReadPdo * @return mixed */ public function selectOne($query, $bindings = [], $useReadPdo = true) { $records = $this->select($query, $bindings, $useReadPdo); return array_shift($records); } /** * Run a select statement and return the first column of the first row. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param bool $useReadPdo * @return mixed * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\MultipleColumnsSelectedException */ public function scalar($query, $bindings = [], $useReadPdo = true) { $record = $this->selectOne($query, $bindings, $useReadPdo); if (is_null($record)) { return null; } $record = (array) $record; if (count($record) > 1) { throw new MultipleColumnsSelectedException; } return reset($record); } /** * Run a select statement against the database. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @return array */ public function selectFromWriteConnection($query, $bindings = []) { return $this->select($query, $bindings, false); } /** * Run a select statement against the database. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param bool $useReadPdo * @return array */ public function select($query, $bindings = [], $useReadPdo = true) { return $this->run($query, $bindings, function ($query, $bindings) use ($useReadPdo) { if ($this->pretending()) { return []; } // For select statements, we'll simply execute the query and return an array // of the database result set. Each element in the array will be a single // row from the database table, and will either be an array or objects. $statement = $this->prepared( $this->getPdoForSelect($useReadPdo)->prepare($query) ); $this->bindValues($statement, $this->prepareBindings($bindings)); $statement->execute(); return $statement->fetchAll(); }); } /** * Run a select statement against the database and returns a generator. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param bool $useReadPdo * @return \Generator */ public function cursor($query, $bindings = [], $useReadPdo = true) { $statement = $this->run($query, $bindings, function ($query, $bindings) use ($useReadPdo) { if ($this->pretending()) { return []; } // First we will create a statement for the query. Then, we will set the fetch // mode and prepare the bindings for the query. Once that's done we will be // ready to execute the query against the database and return the cursor. $statement = $this->prepared($this->getPdoForSelect($useReadPdo) ->prepare($query)); $this->bindValues( $statement, $this->prepareBindings($bindings) ); // Next, we'll execute the query against the database and return the statement // so we can return the cursor. The cursor will use a PHP generator to give // back one row at a time without using a bunch of memory to render them. $statement->execute(); return $statement; }); while ($record = $statement->fetch()) { yield $record; } } /** * Configure the PDO prepared statement. * * @param \PDOStatement $statement * @return \PDOStatement */ protected function prepared(PDOStatement $statement) { $statement->setFetchMode($this->fetchMode); $this->event(new StatementPrepared($this, $statement)); return $statement; } /** * Get the PDO connection to use for a select query. * * @param bool $useReadPdo * @return \PDO */ protected function getPdoForSelect($useReadPdo = true) { return $useReadPdo ? $this->getReadPdo() : $this->getPdo(); } /** * Run an insert statement against the database. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @return bool */ public function insert($query, $bindings = []) { return $this->statement($query, $bindings); } /** * Run an update statement against the database. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @return int */ public function update($query, $bindings = []) { return $this->affectingStatement($query, $bindings); } /** * Run a delete statement against the database. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @return int */ public function delete($query, $bindings = []) { return $this->affectingStatement($query, $bindings); } /** * Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @return bool */ public function statement($query, $bindings = []) { return $this->run($query, $bindings, function ($query, $bindings) { if ($this->pretending()) { return true; } $statement = $this->getPdo()->prepare($query); $this->bindValues($statement, $this->prepareBindings($bindings)); $this->recordsHaveBeenModified(); return $statement->execute(); }); } /** * Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @return int */ public function affectingStatement($query, $bindings = []) { return $this->run($query, $bindings, function ($query, $bindings) { if ($this->pretending()) { return 0; } // For update or delete statements, we want to get the number of rows affected // by the statement and return that back to the developer. We'll first need // to execute the statement and then we'll use PDO to fetch the affected. $statement = $this->getPdo()->prepare($query); $this->bindValues($statement, $this->prepareBindings($bindings)); $statement->execute(); $this->recordsHaveBeenModified( ($count = $statement->rowCount()) > 0 ); return $count; }); } /** * Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection. * * @param string $query * @return bool */ public function unprepared($query) { return $this->run($query, [], function ($query) { if ($this->pretending()) { return true; } $this->recordsHaveBeenModified( $change = $this->getPdo()->exec($query) !== false ); return $change; }); } /** * Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode. * * @param \Closure $callback * @return array */ public function pretend(Closure $callback) { return $this->withFreshQueryLog(function () use ($callback) { $this->pretending = true; // Basically to make the database connection "pretend", we will just return // the default values for all the query methods, then we will return an // array of queries that were "executed" within the Closure callback. $callback($this); $this->pretending = false; return $this->queryLog; }); } /** * Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode. * * @param \Closure $callback * @return array */ protected function withFreshQueryLog($callback) { $loggingQueries = $this->loggingQueries; // First we will back up the value of the logging queries property and then // we'll be ready to run callbacks. This query log will also get cleared // so we will have a new log of all the queries that are executed now. $this->enableQueryLog(); $this->queryLog = []; // Now we'll execute this callback and capture the result. Once it has been // executed we will restore the value of query logging and give back the // value of the callback so the original callers can have the results. $result = $callback(); $this->loggingQueries = $loggingQueries; return $result; } /** * Bind values to their parameters in the given statement. * * @param \PDOStatement $statement * @param array $bindings * @return void */ public function bindValues($statement, $bindings) { foreach ($bindings as $key => $value) { $statement->bindValue( is_string($key) ? $key : $key + 1, $value, match (true) { is_int($value) => PDO::PARAM_INT, is_resource($value) => PDO::PARAM_LOB, default => PDO::PARAM_STR }, ); } } /** * Prepare the query bindings for execution. * * @param array $bindings * @return array */ public function prepareBindings(array $bindings) { $grammar = $this->getQueryGrammar(); foreach ($bindings as $key => $value) { // We need to transform all instances of DateTimeInterface into the actual // date string. Each query grammar maintains its own date string format // so we'll just ask the grammar for the format to get from the date. if ($value instanceof DateTimeInterface) { $bindings[$key] = $value->format($grammar->getDateFormat()); } elseif (is_bool($value)) { $bindings[$key] = (int) $value; } } return $bindings; } /** * Run a SQL statement and log its execution context. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param \Closure $callback * @return mixed * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\QueryException */ protected function run($query, $bindings, Closure $callback) { foreach ($this->beforeExecutingCallbacks as $beforeExecutingCallback) { $beforeExecutingCallback($query, $bindings, $this); } $this->reconnectIfMissingConnection(); $start = microtime(true); // Here we will run this query. If an exception occurs we'll determine if it was // caused by a connection that has been lost. If that is the cause, we'll try // to re-establish connection and re-run the query with a fresh connection. try { $result = $this->runQueryCallback($query, $bindings, $callback); } catch (QueryException $e) { $result = $this->handleQueryException( $e, $query, $bindings, $callback ); } // Once we have run the query we will calculate the time that it took to run and // then log the query, bindings, and execution time so we will report them on // the event that the developer needs them. We'll log time in milliseconds. $this->logQuery( $query, $bindings, $this->getElapsedTime($start) ); return $result; } /** * Run a SQL statement. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param \Closure $callback * @return mixed * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\QueryException */ protected function runQueryCallback($query, $bindings, Closure $callback) { // To execute the statement, we'll simply call the callback, which will actually // run the SQL against the PDO connection. Then we can calculate the time it // took to execute and log the query SQL, bindings and time in our memory. try { return $callback($query, $bindings); } // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors. catch (Exception $e) { throw new QueryException( $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e ); } } /** * Log a query in the connection's query log. * * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param float|null $time * @return void */ public function logQuery($query, $bindings, $time = null) { $this->totalQueryDuration += $time ?? 0.0; $this->event(new QueryExecuted($query, $bindings, $time, $this)); if ($this->loggingQueries) { $this->queryLog[] = compact('query', 'bindings', 'time'); } } /** * Get the elapsed time since a given starting point. * * @param int $start * @return float */ protected function getElapsedTime($start) { return round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 2); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when the connection queries for longer than a given amount of time. * * @param \DateTimeInterface|\Carbon\CarbonInterval|float|int $threshold * @param callable $handler * @return void */ public function whenQueryingForLongerThan($threshold, $handler) { $threshold = $threshold instanceof DateTimeInterface ? $this->secondsUntil($threshold) * 1000 : $threshold; $threshold = $threshold instanceof CarbonInterval ? $threshold->totalMilliseconds : $threshold; $this->queryDurationHandlers[] = [ 'has_run' => false, 'handler' => $handler, ]; $key = count($this->queryDurationHandlers) - 1; $this->listen(function ($event) use ($threshold, $handler, $key) { if (! $this->queryDurationHandlers[$key]['has_run'] && $this->totalQueryDuration() > $threshold) { $handler($this, $event); $this->queryDurationHandlers[$key]['has_run'] = true; } }); } /** * Allow all the query duration handlers to run again, even if they have already run. * * @return void */ public function allowQueryDurationHandlersToRunAgain() { foreach ($this->queryDurationHandlers as $key => $queryDurationHandler) { $this->queryDurationHandlers[$key]['has_run'] = false; } } /** * Get the duration of all run queries in milliseconds. * * @return float */ public function totalQueryDuration() { return $this->totalQueryDuration; } /** * Reset the duration of all run queries. * * @return void */ public function resetTotalQueryDuration() { $this->totalQueryDuration = 0.0; } /** * Handle a query exception. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param \Closure $callback * @return mixed * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\QueryException */ protected function handleQueryException(QueryException $e, $query, $bindings, Closure $callback) { if ($this->transactions >= 1) { throw $e; } return $this->tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection( $e, $query, $bindings, $callback ); } /** * Handle a query exception that occurred during query execution. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e * @param string $query * @param array $bindings * @param \Closure $callback * @return mixed * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\QueryException */ protected function tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection(QueryException $e, $query, $bindings, Closure $callback) { if ($this->causedByLostConnection($e->getPrevious())) { $this->reconnect(); return $this->runQueryCallback($query, $bindings, $callback); } throw $e; } /** * Reconnect to the database. * * @return mixed|false * * @throws \Illuminate\Database\LostConnectionException */ public function reconnect() { if (is_callable($this->reconnector)) { $this->doctrineConnection = null; return call_user_func($this->reconnector, $this); } throw new LostConnectionException('Lost connection and no reconnector available.'); } /** * Reconnect to the database if a PDO connection is missing. * * @return void */ protected function reconnectIfMissingConnection() { if (is_null($this->pdo)) { $this->reconnect(); } } /** * Disconnect from the underlying PDO connection. * * @return void */ public function disconnect() { $this->setPdo(null)->setReadPdo(null); $this->doctrineConnection = null; } /** * Register a hook to be run just before a database query is executed. * * @param \Closure $callback * @return $this */ public function beforeExecuting(Closure $callback) { $this->beforeExecutingCallbacks[] = $callback; return $this; } /** * Register a database query listener with the connection. * * @param \Closure $callback * @return void */ public function listen(Closure $callback) { $this->events?->listen(Events\QueryExecuted::class, $callback); } /** * Fire an event for this connection. * * @param string $event * @return array|null */ protected function fireConnectionEvent($event) { return $this->events?->dispatch(match ($event) { 'beganTransaction' => new TransactionBeginning($this), 'committed' => new TransactionCommitted($this), 'committing' => new TransactionCommitting($this), 'rollingBack' => new TransactionRolledBack($this), default => null, }); } /** * Fire the given event if possible. * * @param mixed $event * @return void */ protected function event($event) { $this->events?->dispatch($event); } /** * Get a new raw query expression. * * @param mixed $value * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression */ public function raw($value) { return new Expression($value); } /** * Determine if the database connection has modified any database records. * * @return bool */ public function hasModifiedRecords() { return $this->recordsModified; } /** * Indicate if any records have been modified. * * @param bool $value * @return void */ public function recordsHaveBeenModified($value = true) { if (! $this->recordsModified) { $this->recordsModified = $value; } } /** * Set the record modification state. * * @param bool $value * @return $this */ public function setRecordModificationState(bool $value) { $this->recordsModified = $value; return $this; } /** * Reset the record modification state. * * @return void */ public function forgetRecordModificationState() { $this->recordsModified = false; } /** * Indicate that the connection should use the write PDO connection for reads. * * @param bool $value * @return $this */ public function useWriteConnectionWhenReading($value = true) { $this->readOnWriteConnection = $value; return $this; } /** * Is Doctrine available? * * @return bool */ public function isDoctrineAvailable() { return class_exists('Doctrine\DBAL\Connection'); } /** * Indicates whether native alter operations will be used when dropping or renaming columns, even if Doctrine DBAL is installed. * * @return bool */ public function usingNativeSchemaOperations() { return ! $this->isDoctrineAvailable() || SchemaBuilder::$alwaysUsesNativeSchemaOperationsIfPossible; } /** * Get a Doctrine Schema Column instance. * * @param string $table * @param string $column * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column */ public function getDoctrineColumn($table, $column) { $schema = $this->getDoctrineSchemaManager(); return $schema->listTableDetails($table)->getColumn($column); } /** * Get the Doctrine DBAL schema manager for the connection. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\AbstractSchemaManager */ public function getDoctrineSchemaManager() { $connection = $this->getDoctrineConnection(); // Doctrine v2 expects one parameter while v3 expects two. 2nd will be ignored on v2... return $this->getDoctrineDriver()->getSchemaManager( $connection, $connection->getDatabasePlatform() ); } /** * Get the Doctrine DBAL database connection instance. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection */ public function getDoctrineConnection() { if (is_null($this->doctrineConnection)) { $driver = $this->getDoctrineDriver(); $this->doctrineConnection = new DoctrineConnection(array_filter([ 'pdo' => $this->getPdo(), 'dbname' => $this->getDatabaseName(), 'driver' => $driver->getName(), 'serverVersion' => $this->getConfig('server_version'), ]), $driver); foreach ($this->doctrineTypeMappings as $name => $type) { $this->doctrineConnection ->getDatabasePlatform() ->registerDoctrineTypeMapping($type, $name); } } return $this->doctrineConnection; } /** * Register a custom Doctrine mapping type. * * @param Type|class-string $class * @param string $name * @param string $type * @return void * * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function registerDoctrineType(Type|string $class, string $name, string $type): void { if (! $this->isDoctrineAvailable()) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Registering a custom Doctrine type requires Doctrine DBAL (doctrine/dbal).' ); } if (! Type::hasType($name)) { Type::getTypeRegistry() ->register($name, is_string($class) ? new $class() : $class); } $this->doctrineTypeMappings[$name] = $type; } /** * Get the current PDO connection. * * @return \PDO */ public function getPdo() { if ($this->pdo instanceof Closure) { return $this->pdo = call_user_func($this->pdo); } return $this->pdo; } /** * Get the current PDO connection parameter without executing any reconnect logic. * * @return \PDO|\Closure|null */ public function getRawPdo() { return $this->pdo; } /** * Get the current PDO connection used for reading. * * @return \PDO */ public function getReadPdo() { if ($this->transactions > 0) { return $this->getPdo(); } if ($this->readOnWriteConnection || ($this->recordsModified && $this->getConfig('sticky'))) { return $this->getPdo(); } if ($this->readPdo instanceof Closure) { return $this->readPdo = call_user_func($this->readPdo); } return $this->readPdo ?: $this->getPdo(); } /** * Get the current read PDO connection parameter without executing any reconnect logic. * * @return \PDO|\Closure|null */ public function getRawReadPdo() { return $this->readPdo; } /** * Set the PDO connection. * * @param \PDO|\Closure|null $pdo * @return $this */ public function setPdo($pdo) { $this->transactions = 0; $this->pdo = $pdo; return $this; } /** * Set the PDO connection used for reading. * * @param \PDO|\Closure|null $pdo * @return $this */ public function setReadPdo($pdo) { $this->readPdo = $pdo; return $this; } /** * Set the reconnect instance on the connection. * * @param callable $reconnector * @return $this */ public function setReconnector(callable $reconnector) { $this->reconnector = $reconnector; return $this; } /** * Get the database connection name. * * @return string|null */ public function getName() { return $this->getConfig('name'); } /** * Get the database connection full name. * * @return string|null */ public function getNameWithReadWriteType() { return $this->getName().($this->readWriteType ? '::'.$this->readWriteType : ''); } /** * Get an option from the configuration options. * * @param string|null $option * @return mixed */ public function getConfig($option = null) { return Arr::get($this->config, $option); } /** * Get the PDO driver name. * * @return string */ public function getDriverName() { return $this->getConfig('driver'); } /** * Get the query grammar used by the connection. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar */ public function getQueryGrammar() { return $this->queryGrammar; } /** * Set the query grammar used by the connection. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar $grammar * @return $this */ public function setQueryGrammar(Query\Grammars\Grammar $grammar) { $this->queryGrammar = $grammar; return $this; } /** * Get the schema grammar used by the connection. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar */ public function getSchemaGrammar() { return $this->schemaGrammar; } /** * Set the schema grammar used by the connection. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar $grammar * @return $this */ public function setSchemaGrammar(Schema\Grammars\Grammar $grammar) { $this->schemaGrammar = $grammar; return $this; } /** * Get the query post processor used by the connection. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\Processor */ public function getPostProcessor() { return $this->postProcessor; } /** * Set the query post processor used by the connection. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\Processor $processor * @return $this */ public function setPostProcessor(Processor $processor) { $this->postProcessor = $processor; return $this; } /** * Get the event dispatcher used by the connection. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher */ public function getEventDispatcher() { return $this->events; } /** * Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events * @return $this */ public function setEventDispatcher(Dispatcher $events) { $this->events = $events; return $this; } /** * Unset the event dispatcher for this connection. * * @return void */ public function unsetEventDispatcher() { $this->events = null; } /** * Set the transaction manager instance on the connection. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\DatabaseTransactionsManager $manager * @return $this */ public function setTransactionManager($manager) { $this->transactionsManager = $manager; return $this; } /** * Unset the transaction manager for this connection. * * @return void */ public function unsetTransactionManager() { $this->transactionsManager = null; } /** * Determine if the connection is in a "dry run". * * @return bool */ public function pretending() { return $this->pretending === true; } /** * Get the connection query log. * * @return array */ public function getQueryLog() { return $this->queryLog; } /** * Clear the query log. * * @return void */ public function flushQueryLog() { $this->queryLog = []; } /** * Enable the query log on the connection. * * @return void */ public function enableQueryLog() { $this->loggingQueries = true; } /** * Disable the query log on the connection. * * @return void */ public function disableQueryLog() { $this->loggingQueries = false; } /** * Determine whether we're logging queries. * * @return bool */ public function logging() { return $this->loggingQueries; } /** * Get the name of the connected database. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseName() { return $this->database; } /** * Set the name of the connected database. * * @param string $database * @return $this */ public function setDatabaseName($database) { $this->database = $database; return $this; } /** * Set the read / write type of the connection. * * @param string|null $readWriteType * @return $this */ public function setReadWriteType($readWriteType) { $this->readWriteType = $readWriteType; return $this; } /** * Get the table prefix for the connection. * * @return string */ public function getTablePrefix() { return $this->tablePrefix; } /** * Set the table prefix in use by the connection. * * @param string $prefix * @return $this */ public function setTablePrefix($prefix) { $this->tablePrefix = $prefix; $this->getQueryGrammar()->setTablePrefix($prefix); return $this; } /** * Set the table prefix and return the grammar. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Grammar $grammar * @return \Illuminate\Database\Grammar */ public function withTablePrefix(Grammar $grammar) { $grammar->setTablePrefix($this->tablePrefix); return $grammar; } /** * Register a connection resolver. * * @param string $driver * @param \Closure $callback * @return void */ public static function resolverFor($driver, Closure $callback) { static::$resolvers[$driver] = $callback; } /** * Get the connection resolver for the given driver. * * @param string $driver * @return mixed */ public static function getResolver($driver) { return static::$resolvers[$driver] ?? null; } }