<?php /* * Copyright (c) Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <alganet@gmail.com> * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Respect\Validation\Rules; use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ComponentException; use function bccomp; use function explode; use function filter_var; use function ip2long; use function is_string; use function long2ip; use function mb_strpos; use function mb_substr_count; use function sprintf; use function str_repeat; use function str_replace; use function strtr; use const FILTER_VALIDATE_IP; /** * Validates whether the input is a valid IP address. * * This validator uses the native filter_var() PHP function. * * @author Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <alganet@gmail.com> * @author Danilo Benevides <danilobenevides01@gmail.com> * @author Henrique Moody <henriquemoody@gmail.com> * @author Luís Otávio Cobucci Oblonczyk <lcobucci@gmail.com> */ final class Ip extends AbstractRule { /** * @var string|null */ private $range; /** * @var int|null */ private $options; /** * @var string|null */ private $startAddress; /** * @var string|null */ private $endAddress; /** * @var string|null */ private $mask; /** * Initializes the rule defining the range and some options for filter_var(). * * @throws ComponentException In case the range is invalid */ public function __construct(string $range = '*', ?int $options = null) { $this->parseRange($range); $this->range = $this->createRange(); $this->options = $options; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function validate($input): bool { if (!is_string($input)) { return false; } if (!$this->verifyAddress($input)) { return false; } if ($this->mask) { return $this->belongsToSubnet($input); } if ($this->startAddress && $this->endAddress) { return $this->verifyNetwork($input); } return true; } private function createRange(): ?string { if ($this->startAddress && $this->endAddress) { return $this->startAddress . '-' . $this->endAddress; } if ($this->startAddress && $this->mask) { return $this->startAddress . '/' . long2ip((int) $this->mask); } return null; } private function parseRange(string $input): void { if ($input == '*' || $input == '*.*.*.*' || $input == '') { return; } if (mb_strpos($input, '-') !== false) { [$this->startAddress, $this->endAddress] = explode('-', $input); if ($this->startAddress !== null && !$this->verifyAddress($this->startAddress)) { throw new ComponentException('Invalid network range'); } if ($this->endAddress !== null && !$this->verifyAddress($this->endAddress)) { throw new ComponentException('Invalid network range'); } return; } if (mb_strpos($input, '*') !== false) { $this->parseRangeUsingWildcards($input); return; } if (mb_strpos($input, '/') !== false) { $this->parseRangeUsingCidr($input); return; } throw new ComponentException('Invalid network range'); } private function fillAddress(string $address, string $fill = '*'): string { return $address . str_repeat('.' . $fill, 3 - mb_substr_count($address, '.')); } private function parseRangeUsingWildcards(string $input): void { $address = $this->fillAddress($input); $this->startAddress = strtr($address, '*', '0'); $this->endAddress = str_replace('*', '255', $address); } private function parseRangeUsingCidr(string $input): void { $parts = explode('/', $input); $this->startAddress = $this->fillAddress($parts[0], '0'); $isAddressMask = mb_strpos($parts[1], '.') !== false; if ($isAddressMask && $this->verifyAddress($parts[1])) { $this->mask = sprintf('%032b', ip2long($parts[1])); return; } if ($isAddressMask || $parts[1] < 8 || $parts[1] > 30) { throw new ComponentException('Invalid network mask'); } $this->mask = sprintf('%032b', ip2long((string) long2ip(~(2 ** (32 - (int) $parts[1]) - 1)))); } private function verifyAddress(string $address): bool { return filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, ['flags' => $this->options]) !== false; } private function verifyNetwork(string $input): bool { $input = sprintf('%u', ip2long($input)); return $this->startAddress !== null && $this->endAddress !== null && bccomp($input, sprintf('%u', ip2long($this->startAddress))) >= 0 && bccomp($input, sprintf('%u', ip2long($this->endAddress))) <= 0; } private function belongsToSubnet(string $input): bool { if ($this->mask === null || $this->startAddress === null) { return false; } $min = sprintf('%032b', ip2long($this->startAddress)); $input = sprintf('%032b', ip2long($input)); return ($input & $this->mask) === ($min & $this->mask); } }