<?php namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts; class Attribute { /** * The attribute accessor. * * @var callable */ public $get; /** * The attribute mutator. * * @var callable */ public $set; /** * Indicates if caching is enabled for this attribute. * * @var bool */ public $withCaching = false; /** * Indicates if caching of objects is enabled for this attribute. * * @var bool */ public $withObjectCaching = true; /** * Create a new attribute accessor / mutator. * * @param callable|null $get * @param callable|null $set * @return void */ public function __construct(callable $get = null, callable $set = null) { $this->get = $get; $this->set = $set; } /** * Create a new attribute accessor / mutator. * * @param callable|null $get * @param callable|null $set * @return static */ public static function make(callable $get = null, callable $set = null): static { return new static($get, $set); } /** * Create a new attribute accessor. * * @param callable $get * @return static */ public static function get(callable $get) { return new static($get); } /** * Create a new attribute mutator. * * @param callable $set * @return static */ public static function set(callable $set) { return new static(null, $set); } /** * Disable object caching for the attribute. * * @return static */ public function withoutObjectCaching() { $this->withObjectCaching = false; return $this; } /** * Enable caching for the attribute. * * @return static */ public function shouldCache() { $this->withCaching = true; return $this; } }