/* (C) 2007-09 - Luca Deri */ #include "n2n.h" #include "n2n_win32.h" /* ***************************************************** */ void initWin32() { WSADATA wsaData; int err; err = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData ); if( err != 0 ) { /* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */ /* WinSock DLL. */ printf("FATAL ERROR: unable to initialise Winsock 2.x."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } void destroyWin32() { WSACleanup(); } struct win_adapter_info { HANDLE handle; char adapterid[1024]; char adaptername[1024]; }; /* ***************************************************** */ static HANDLE open_tap_device(const char *adapterid) { char tapname[1024]; _snprintf(tapname, sizeof(tapname), USERMODEDEVICEDIR "%s" TAPSUFFIX, adapterid); return(CreateFile(tapname, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, /* Don't let other processes share or open the resource until the handle's been closed */ 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0)); } /* ***************************************************** */ static void iterate_win_network_adapters( int (*callback)(struct win_adapter_info*, struct tuntap_dev *), void *userdata) { HKEY key, key2; char regpath[1024]; long len, rc; int found = 0; int err, i; struct win_adapter_info adapter; /* Open registry and look for network adapters */ if((rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NETWORK_CONNECTIONS_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &key))) { printf("Unable to read registry: [rc=%d]\n", rc); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* MSVC Note: If you keep getting rc=2 errors, make sure you set: Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Character set to: "Use Multi-Byte Character Set" */ } for (i = 0; ; i++) { len = sizeof(adapter.adapterid); if(RegEnumKeyEx(key, i, (LPTSTR)adapter.adapterid, &len, 0, 0, 0, NULL)) break; /* Find out more about this adapter */ _snprintf(regpath, sizeof(regpath), "%s\\%s\\Connection", NETWORK_CONNECTIONS_KEY, adapter.adapterid); if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPCSTR)regpath, 0, KEY_READ, &key2)) continue; len = sizeof(adapter.adaptername); err = RegQueryValueEx(key2, "Name", 0, 0, adapter.adaptername, &len); RegCloseKey(key2); if(err) continue; adapter.handle = open_tap_device(adapter.adapterid); if(adapter.handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* Valid device, use the callback */ if(!callback(&adapter, userdata)) break; else CloseHandle(adapter.handle); /* continue */ } } RegCloseKey(key); } /* ***************************************************** */ static int print_adapter_callback(struct win_adapter_info *adapter, struct tuntap_dev *device) { printf(" %s - %s\n", adapter->adapterid, adapter->adaptername); /* continue */ return(1); } void win_print_available_adapters() { iterate_win_network_adapters(print_adapter_callback, NULL); } /* ***************************************************** */ static int lookup_adapter_info_reg(const char *target_adapter, char *regpath, size_t regpath_size) { HKEY key, key2; long len, rc; char index[16]; int err, i; char adapter_name[N2N_IFNAMSIZ]; int rv = 0; if((rc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ADAPTER_INFO_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &key))) { printf("Unable to read registry: %s, [rc=%d]\n", ADAPTER_INFO_KEY, rc); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for(i = 0; ; i++) { len = sizeof(index); if(RegEnumKeyEx(key, i, (LPTSTR)index, &len, 0, 0, 0, NULL)) break; _snprintf(regpath, regpath_size, "%s\\%s", ADAPTER_INFO_KEY, index); if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPCSTR)regpath, 0, KEY_READ, &key2)) continue; len = sizeof(adapter_name); err = RegQueryValueEx(key2, "NetCfgInstanceId", 0, 0, adapter_name, &len); RegCloseKey(key2); if(err) continue; if(!strcmp(adapter_name, target_adapter)) { rv = 1; break; } } RegCloseKey(key); return(rv); } /* ***************************************************** */ static void set_interface_mac(struct tuntap_dev *device, const char *mac_str) { char cmd[256]; char mac_buf[18]; char adapter_info_reg[1024]; uint64_t mac = 0; uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)&mac; if(strlen(mac_str) != 17) { printf("Invalid MAC: %s\n", mac_str); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Remove the colons */ for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { mac_buf[i*2] = mac_str[2*i + i]; mac_buf[i*2+1] = mac_str[2*i + i + 1]; } mac_buf[12] = '\0'; if(!lookup_adapter_info_reg(device->device_name, adapter_info_reg, sizeof(adapter_info_reg))) { printf("Could not determine adapter MAC registry key\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\%s /v MAC /d %s /f > nul", adapter_info_reg, mac_buf); system(cmd); /* Put down then up again to apply */ CloseHandle(device->device_handle); _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "netsh interface set interface \"%s\" disabled > nul", device->ifName); system(cmd); _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "netsh interface set interface \"%s\" enabled > nul", device->ifName); system(cmd); device->device_handle = open_tap_device(device->device_name); if(device->device_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Reopening TAP device \"%s\" failed\n", device->device_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* ***************************************************** */ static int choose_adapter_callback(struct win_adapter_info *adapter, struct tuntap_dev *device) { if(device->device_name) { /* A device name filter was set, name must match */ if(strcmp(device->device_name, adapter->adapterid) && strcmp(device->device_name, adapter->adaptername)) { /* Not found, continue */ return(1); } } /* otherwise just pick the first available adapter */ /* Adapter found, break */ device->device_handle = adapter->handle; if(device->device_name) free(device->device_name); device->device_name = _strdup(adapter->adapterid); device->ifName = _strdup(adapter->adaptername); return(0); } /* ***************************************************** */ int open_wintap(struct tuntap_dev *device, const char * devname, const char * address_mode, /* "static" or "dhcp" */ char *device_ip, char *device_mask, const char *device_mac, int mtu, int metric) { char cmd[256]; DWORD len; ULONG status = TRUE; memset(device, 0, sizeof(struct tuntap_dev)); device->device_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; device->device_name = devname[0] ? _strdup(devname) : NULL; device->ifName = NULL; device->ip_addr = inet_addr(device_ip); iterate_win_network_adapters(choose_adapter_callback, device); if(device->device_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if(!devname[0]) printf("No Windows tap devices found, did you run tapinstall.exe?\n"); else printf("Cannot find tap device \"%s\"\n", devname); return -1; } /* ************************************** */ /* interface index, required for routing */ ULONG buffer_len = 0; IP_ADAPTER_INFO *buffer; // get required buffer size and allocate buffer GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &buffer_len); buffer = malloc(buffer_len); // find device by name and get its index if(buffer && !GetAdaptersInfo(buffer, &buffer_len)) { IP_ADAPTER_INFO *i; for(i = buffer; i != NULL; i = i->Next) { if(!strcmp(device->device_name, i->AdapterName)) { device->if_idx = i->Index; break; } } } free(buffer); /* ************************************** */ if(device_mac[0]) set_interface_mac(device, device_mac); /* Get MAC address from tap device->device_name */ if(!DeviceIoControl(device->device_handle, TAP_IOCTL_GET_MAC, device->mac_addr, sizeof(device->mac_addr), device->mac_addr, sizeof(device->mac_addr), &len, 0)) { printf("Could not get MAC address from Windows tap %s (%s)\n", device->device_name, device->ifName); return -1; } device->mtu = mtu; printf("Open device [name=%s][ip=%s][ifName=%s][MTU=%d][mac=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X]\n", device->device_name, device_ip, device->ifName, device->mtu, device->mac_addr[0] & 0xFF, device->mac_addr[1] & 0xFF, device->mac_addr[2] & 0xFF, device->mac_addr[3] & 0xFF, device->mac_addr[4] & 0xFF, device->mac_addr[5] & 0xFF); /* ****************** */ if ( 0 == strcmp("dhcp", address_mode) ) { _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "netsh interface ip set address \"%s\" dhcp > nul", device->ifName); } else { _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "netsh interface ip set address \"%s\" static %s %s > nul", device->ifName, device_ip, device_mask); } if(system(cmd) == 0) { device->ip_addr = inet_addr(device_ip); device->device_mask = inet_addr(device_mask); } else printf("WARNING: Unable to set device %s IP address [%s]\n", device->ifName, cmd); /* ****************** */ /* MTU */ _snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface \"%s\" mtu=%d store=persistent > nul", device->ifName, mtu); if(system(cmd) != 0) printf("WARNING: Unable to set device %s parameters MTU=%d store=persistent [%s]\n", device->ifName, mtu, cmd); /* ****************** */ /* metric */ PMIB_IPINTERFACE_ROW Row; if(metric) { /* try to change only if a value has been given, otherwise leave with default or as set before */ // find & store original metric Row = calloc(1, sizeof(MIB_IPINTERFACE_ROW)); InitializeIpInterfaceEntry(Row); Row->InterfaceIndex = device->if_idx; Row->Family = AF_INET; GetIpInterfaceEntry(Row); device->metric_original = Row->Metric; device->metric = metric; // set new value Row->Metric = metric; // store Row->SitePrefixLength = 0; /* if not set to zero, following function call fails... */ SetIpInterfaceEntry(Row); free(Row); } /* ****************** */ /* set driver media status to 'connected' (i.e. set the interface up) */ if (!DeviceIoControl (device->device_handle, TAP_IOCTL_SET_MEDIA_STATUS, &status, sizeof (status), &status, sizeof (status), &len, NULL)) printf("WARNING: Unable to enable TAP adapter\n"); /* * Initialize overlapped structures */ device->overlap_read.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); device->overlap_write.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!device->overlap_read.hEvent || !device->overlap_write.hEvent) { return -1; } return(0); } /* ************************************************ */ int tuntap_read(struct tuntap_dev *tuntap, unsigned char *buf, int len) { DWORD read_size, last_err; ResetEvent(tuntap->overlap_read.hEvent); if (ReadFile(tuntap->device_handle, buf, len, &read_size, &tuntap->overlap_read)) { //printf("tun_read(len=%d)\n", read_size); return read_size; } switch (last_err = GetLastError()) { case ERROR_IO_PENDING: WaitForSingleObject(tuntap->overlap_read.hEvent, INFINITE); GetOverlappedResult(tuntap->device_handle, &tuntap->overlap_read, &read_size, FALSE); return read_size; break; default: printf("GetLastError() returned %d\n", last_err); break; } return -1; } /* ************************************************ */ int tuntap_write(struct tuntap_dev *tuntap, unsigned char *buf, int len) { DWORD write_size; //printf("tun_write(len=%d)\n", len); ResetEvent(tuntap->overlap_write.hEvent); if (WriteFile(tuntap->device_handle, buf, len, &write_size, &tuntap->overlap_write)) { //printf("DONE tun_write(len=%d)\n", write_size); return write_size; } switch (GetLastError()) { case ERROR_IO_PENDING: WaitForSingleObject(tuntap->overlap_write.hEvent, INFINITE); GetOverlappedResult(tuntap->device_handle, &tuntap->overlap_write, &write_size, FALSE); return write_size; break; default: break; } return -1; } /* ************************************************ */ int tuntap_open(struct tuntap_dev *device, char *dev, const char *address_mode, /* static or dhcp */ char *device_ip, char *device_mask, const char * device_mac, int mtu, int metric) { return(open_wintap(device, dev, address_mode, device_ip, device_mask, device_mac, mtu, metric)); } /* ************************************************ */ void tuntap_close(struct tuntap_dev *tuntap) { PMIB_IPINTERFACE_ROW Row; if(tuntap->metric) { /* only required if a value has been given (and thus stored) */ // find device entry Row = calloc(1, sizeof(MIB_IPINTERFACE_ROW)); InitializeIpInterfaceEntry(Row); Row->InterfaceIndex = tuntap->if_idx; Row->Family = AF_INET; GetIpInterfaceEntry(Row); // restore original value Row->Metric = tuntap->metric_original; // store Row->SitePrefixLength = 0; /* if not set to zero, following function call fails... */ SetIpInterfaceEntry(Row); free(Row); } CloseHandle(tuntap->device_handle); } /* Fill out the ip_addr value from the interface. Called to pick up dynamic * address changes. */ void tuntap_get_address(struct tuntap_dev *tuntap) { } /* ************************************************ */ #if 0 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct tuntap_dev tuntap; int i; int mtu = 1400; printf("Welcome to n2n\n"); initWin32(); open_wintap(&tuntap, "static", "", "", mtu, 0); for(i=0; i<10; i++) { u_char buf[MTU]; int rc; rc = tun_read(&tuntap, buf, sizeof(buf)); buf[0]=2; buf[1]=3; buf[2]=4; printf("tun_read returned %d\n", rc); rc = tun_write(&tuntap, buf, rc); printf("tun_write returned %d\n", rc); } // rc = tun_open (device->device_name, IF_MODE_TUN); WSACleanup (); return(0); } #endif