/* * (C) 2007-09 - Luca Deri * Richard Andrews * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see * * Code contributions courtesy of: * Massimo Torquati * Matt Gilg * */ #include "n2n.h" #include "minilzo.h" #include #if defined(DEBUG) # define PURGE_REGISTRATION_FREQUENCY 60 # define REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT 120 #else /* #if defined(DEBUG) */ # define PURGE_REGISTRATION_FREQUENCY 60 # define REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT (60*20) #endif /* #if defined(DEBUG) */ const uint8_t broadcast_addr[6] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; const uint8_t multicast_addr[6] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; /* First 3 bytes are meaningful */ const uint8_t ipv6_multicast_addr[6] = { 0x33, 0x33, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; /* First 2 bytes are meaningful */ /* ************************************** */ SOCKET open_socket(int local_port, int bind_any) { SOCKET sock_fd; struct sockaddr_in local_address; int sockopt = 1; if((sock_fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to create socket [%s][%d]\n", strerror(errno), sock_fd); return(-1); } #ifndef WIN32 /* fcntl(sock_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); */ #endif setsockopt(sock_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&sockopt, sizeof(sockopt)); memset(&local_address, 0, sizeof(local_address)); local_address.sin_family = AF_INET; local_address.sin_port = htons(local_port); local_address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(bind_any?INADDR_ANY:INADDR_LOOPBACK); if(bind(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*) &local_address, sizeof(local_address)) == -1) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Bind error [%s]\n", strerror(errno)); return(-1); } return(sock_fd); } int traceLevel = 2 /* NORMAL */; int useSyslog = 0, syslog_opened = 0; #define N2N_TRACE_DATESIZE 32 void traceEvent(int eventTraceLevel, char* file, int line, char * format, ...) { va_list va_ap; if(eventTraceLevel <= traceLevel) { char buf[2048]; char out_buf[640]; char theDate[N2N_TRACE_DATESIZE]; char *extra_msg = ""; time_t theTime = time(NULL); #ifdef WIN32 int i; #endif /* We have two paths - one if we're logging, one if we aren't * Note that the no-log case is those systems which don't support it (WIN32), * those without the headers !defined(USE_SYSLOG) * those where it's parametrically off... */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strftime(theDate, N2N_TRACE_DATESIZE, "%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&theTime)); va_start (va_ap, format); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, format, va_ap); va_end(va_ap); if(eventTraceLevel == 0 /* TRACE_ERROR */) extra_msg = "ERROR: "; else if(eventTraceLevel == 1 /* TRACE_WARNING */) extra_msg = "WARNING: "; while(buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; #ifndef WIN32 if(useSyslog) { if(!syslog_opened) { openlog("n2n", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); syslog_opened = 1; } snprintf(out_buf, sizeof(out_buf), "%s%s", extra_msg, buf); syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", out_buf); } else { snprintf(out_buf, sizeof(out_buf), "%s [%11s:%4d] %s%s", theDate, file, line, extra_msg, buf); printf("%s\n", out_buf); fflush(stdout); } #else /* this is the WIN32 code */ for(i=strlen(file)-1; i>0; i--) if(file[i] == '\\') { i++; break; }; snprintf(out_buf, sizeof(out_buf), "%s [%11s:%4d] %s%s", theDate, &file[i], line, extra_msg, buf); printf("%s\n", out_buf); fflush(stdout); #endif } } /* *********************************************** */ /* addr should be in network order. Things are so much simpler that way. */ char* intoa(uint32_t /* host order */ addr, char* buf, uint16_t buf_len) { char *cp, *retStr; uint8_t byteval; int n; cp = &buf[buf_len]; *--cp = '\0'; n = 4; do { byteval = addr & 0xff; *--cp = byteval % 10 + '0'; byteval /= 10; if (byteval > 0) { *--cp = byteval % 10 + '0'; byteval /= 10; if (byteval > 0) *--cp = byteval + '0'; } *--cp = '.'; addr >>= 8; } while (--n > 0); /* Convert the string to lowercase */ retStr = (char*)(cp+1); return(retStr); } /* *********************************************** */ char * macaddr_str( macstr_t buf, const n2n_mac_t mac ) { snprintf(buf, N2N_MACSTR_SIZE, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", mac[0] & 0xFF, mac[1] & 0xFF, mac[2] & 0xFF, mac[3] & 0xFF, mac[4] & 0xFF, mac[5] & 0xFF); return(buf); } /* *********************************************** */ uint8_t is_multi_broadcast(const uint8_t * dest_mac) { int is_broadcast = ( memcmp(broadcast_addr, dest_mac, 6) == 0 ); int is_multicast = ( memcmp(multicast_addr, dest_mac, 3) == 0 ); int is_ipv6_multicast = ( memcmp(ipv6_multicast_addr, dest_mac, 2) == 0 ); return is_broadcast || is_multicast || is_ipv6_multicast; } /* http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc908.html */ /* *********************************************** */ char* msg_type2str(uint16_t msg_type) { switch(msg_type) { case MSG_TYPE_REGISTER: return("MSG_TYPE_REGISTER"); case MSG_TYPE_DEREGISTER: return("MSG_TYPE_DEREGISTER"); case MSG_TYPE_PACKET: return("MSG_TYPE_PACKET"); case MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_ACK: return("MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_ACK"); case MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER: return("MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER"); case MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK: return("MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK"); case MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER_NAK: return("MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER_NAK"); case MSG_TYPE_FEDERATION: return("MSG_TYPE_FEDERATION"); default: return("???"); } return("???"); } /* *********************************************** */ void hexdump(const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { size_t i; if ( 0 == len ) { return; } for(i=0; i 0) && ((i % 16) == 0)) { printf("\n"); } printf("%02X ", buf[i] & 0xFF); } printf("\n"); } /* *********************************************** */ void print_n2n_version() { printf("Welcome to n2n v.%s for %s\n" "Built on %s\n" "Copyright 2007-09 - http://www.ntop.org\n\n", n2n_sw_version, n2n_sw_osName, n2n_sw_buildDate); } /** Find the peer entry in list with mac_addr equal to mac. * * Does not modify the list. * * @return NULL if not found; otherwise pointer to peer entry. */ struct peer_info * find_peer_by_mac( struct peer_info * list, const n2n_mac_t mac ) { while(list != NULL) { if( 0 == memcmp(mac, list->mac_addr, 6) ) { return list; } list = list->next; } return NULL; } /** Return the number of elements in the list. * */ size_t peer_list_size( const struct peer_info * list ) { size_t retval=0; while ( list ) { ++retval; list = list->next; } return retval; } /** Add new to the head of list. If list is NULL; create it. * * The item new is added to the head of the list. New is modified during * insertion. list takes ownership of new. */ void peer_list_add( struct peer_info * * list, struct peer_info * new ) { new->next = *list; new->last_seen = time(NULL); *list = new; } size_t purge_expired_registrations( struct peer_info ** peer_list ) { static time_t last_purge = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); size_t num_reg = 0; if((now - last_purge) < PURGE_REGISTRATION_FREQUENCY) return 0; traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Purging old registrations"); num_reg = purge_peer_list( peer_list, now-REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT ); last_purge = now; traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Remove %ld registrations", num_reg); return num_reg; } /** Purge old items from the peer_list and return the number of items that were removed. */ size_t purge_peer_list( struct peer_info ** peer_list, time_t purge_before ) { struct peer_info *scan; struct peer_info *prev; size_t retval=0; scan = *peer_list; prev = NULL; while(scan != NULL) { if(scan->last_seen < purge_before) { struct peer_info *next = scan->next; if(prev == NULL) { *peer_list = next; } else { prev->next = next; } ++retval; free(scan); scan = next; } else { prev = scan; scan = scan->next; } } return retval; } /** Purge all items from the peer_list and return the number of items that were removed. */ size_t clear_peer_list( struct peer_info ** peer_list ) { struct peer_info *scan; struct peer_info *prev; size_t retval=0; scan = *peer_list; prev = NULL; while(scan != NULL) { struct peer_info *next = scan->next; if(prev == NULL) { *peer_list = next; } else { prev->next = next; } ++retval; free(scan); scan = next; } return retval; } static uint8_t hex2byte( const char * s ) { char tmp[3]; tmp[0]=s[0]; tmp[1]=s[1]; tmp[2]=0; /* NULL term */ return((uint8_t)strtol( s, NULL, 16 )); } extern int str2mac( uint8_t * outmac /* 6 bytes */, const char * s ) { size_t i; /* break it down as one case for the first "HH", the 5 x through loop for * each ":HH" where HH is a two hex nibbles in ASCII. */ *outmac=hex2byte(s); ++outmac; s+=2; /* don't skip colon yet - helps generalise loop. */ for (i=1; i<6; ++i ) { s+=1; *outmac=hex2byte(s); ++outmac; s+=2; } return 0; /* ok */ } extern char * sock_to_cstr( n2n_sock_str_t out, const n2n_sock_t * sock ) { int r; if ( NULL == out ) { return NULL; } memset(out, 0, N2N_SOCKBUF_SIZE); if ( AF_INET6 == sock->family ) { /* INET6 not written yet */ r = snprintf( out, N2N_SOCKBUF_SIZE, "XXXX:%hu", sock->port ); return out; } else { const uint8_t * a = sock->addr.v4; r = snprintf( out, N2N_SOCKBUF_SIZE, "%hu.%hu.%hu.%hu:%hu", (a[0] & 0xff), (a[1] & 0xff), (a[2] & 0xff), (a[3] & 0xff), sock->port ); return out; } } /* @return zero if the two sockets are equivalent. */ int sock_equal( const n2n_sock_t * a, const n2n_sock_t * b ) { if ( a->port != b->port ) { return 1; } if ( a->family != b->family ) { return 1; } switch (a->family) /* they are the same */ { case AF_INET: if ( 0 != memcmp( a->addr.v4, b->addr.v4, IPV4_SIZE ) ) { return 1;}; break; default: if ( 0 != memcmp( a->addr.v6, b->addr.v6, IPV6_SIZE ) ) { return 1;}; break; } return 0; }