# Removed Features This folder contains a list N2N legacy features which have been dropped due to maintainance cost versus effective use and benefits. Multiple Transops ----------------- N2N used to initialize all the available transops and use the "tick" function of the transops to decide which transop to use before sending a packet. This however has the following problems: - It only works with the keyfile, whereas with normal encryption we inizialize and keep structures that we don't need. - It is unfeasable as an edge node is required to implement all the transops in order to properly talk with other edge nodes (via keyfile). - It rises the complexity of the code. - It is not clear which transop will be used. - Mixing multiple encyptions together is not necessarily a good idea to improve security as a vulnerability in at least one encryption method will leak some information. Keyfile and Key Rotation ------------------------ The keyfile mechanism allowed N2N users to specify a keyfile to be used to periodically rotate keys and encryption methods. However, it has the following problems: - This feature is obscure for most of the users and poorly documented. - It is tightly integrated in the core whereas it is used by only a few people (if any). In conclusion the main problem is the complexity that it adds to the code. In a possible future rework this could be integrated as an extention (e.g. a specific trasop) without rising the core complexity.