/** * (C) 2007-09 - Luca Deri * Richard Andrews * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not see see * * Code contributions courtesy of: * Don Bindner * Sylwester Sosnowski * Wilfried "Wonka" Klaebe * Lukasz Taczuk * */ #include "n2n.h" #include "n2n_transforms.h" #include #include #include "minilzo.h" #if defined(DEBUG) #define SOCKET_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SECS 5 #define REGISTER_SUPER_INTERVAL_DFL 20 /* sec */ #else /* #if defined(DEBUG) */ #define SOCKET_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SECS 10 #define REGISTER_SUPER_INTERVAL_DFL 60 /* sec */ #endif /* #if defined(DEBUG) */ #define REGISTER_SUPER_INTERVAL_MIN 20 /* sec */ #define REGISTER_SUPER_INTERVAL_MAX 3600 /* sec */ #define IFACE_UPDATE_INTERVAL (30) /* sec. How long it usually takes to get an IP lease. */ #define TRANSOP_TICK_INTERVAL (10) /* sec */ /** maximum length of command line arguments */ #define MAX_CMDLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH 4096 /** maximum length of a line in the configuration file */ #define MAX_CONFFILE_LINE_LENGTH 1024 #define N2N_PATHNAME_MAXLEN 256 #define N2N_MAX_TRANSFORMS 16 #define N2N_EDGE_MGMT_PORT 5644 /** Positions in the transop array where various transforms are stored. * * Used by transop_enum_to_index(). See also the transform enumerations in * n2n_transforms.h */ #define N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX 0 #define N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX 1 #define N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX 2 /* etc. */ /* Work-memory needed for compression. Allocate memory in units * of `lzo_align_t' (instead of `char') to make sure it is properly aligned. */ /* #define HEAP_ALLOC(var,size) \ */ /* lzo_align_t __LZO_MMODEL var [ ((size) + (sizeof(lzo_align_t) - 1)) / sizeof(lzo_align_t) ] */ /* static HEAP_ALLOC(wrkmem,LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS); */ /* ******************************************************* */ #define N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE 48 typedef char n2n_sn_name_t[N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE]; #define N2N_EDGE_NUM_SUPERNODES 2 #define N2N_EDGE_SUP_ATTEMPTS 3 /* Number of failed attmpts before moving on to next supernode. */ /** Main structure type for edge. */ struct n2n_edge { int daemon; /**< Non-zero if edge should detach and run in the background. */ uint8_t re_resolve_supernode_ip; n2n_sock_t supernode; size_t sn_idx; /**< Currently active supernode. */ size_t sn_num; /**< Number of supernode addresses defined. */ n2n_sn_name_t sn_ip_array[N2N_EDGE_NUM_SUPERNODES]; int sn_wait; /**< Whether we are waiting for a supernode response. */ n2n_community_t community_name; /**< The community. 16 full octets. */ char keyschedule[N2N_PATHNAME_MAXLEN]; int null_transop; /**< Only allowed if no key sources defined. */ int udp_sock; int udp_mgmt_sock; /**< socket for status info. */ tuntap_dev device; /**< All about the TUNTAP device */ int dyn_ip_mode; /**< Interface IP address is dynamically allocated, eg. DHCP. */ int allow_routing; /**< Accept packet no to interface address. */ int drop_multicast; /**< Multicast ethernet addresses. */ n2n_trans_op_t transop[N2N_MAX_TRANSFORMS]; /* one for each transform at fixed positions */ size_t tx_transop_idx; /**< The transop to use when encoding. */ struct peer_info * known_peers; /**< Edges we are connected to. */ struct peer_info * pending_peers; /**< Edges we have tried to register with. */ time_t last_register_req; /**< Check if time to re-register with super*/ size_t register_lifetime; /**< Time distance after last_register_req at which to re-register. */ time_t last_p2p; /**< Last time p2p traffic was received. */ time_t last_sup; /**< Last time a packet arrived from supernode. */ size_t sup_attempts; /**< Number of remaining attempts to this supernode. */ n2n_cookie_t last_cookie; /**< Cookie sent in last REGISTER_SUPER. */ time_t start_time; /**< For calculating uptime */ /* Statistics */ size_t tx_p2p; size_t rx_p2p; size_t tx_sup; size_t rx_sup; }; /** Return the IP address of the current supernode in the ring. */ static const char * supernode_ip( const n2n_edge_t * eee ) { return (eee->sn_ip_array)[eee->sn_idx]; } static void supernode2addr(n2n_sock_t * sn, const n2n_sn_name_t addr); static void send_packet2net(n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t *decrypted_msg, size_t len); /* ************************************** */ /* parse the configuration file */ static int readConfFile(const char * filename, char * const linebuffer) { struct stat stats; FILE * fd; char * buffer = NULL; buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_CONFFILE_LINE_LENGTH); if (!buffer) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory"); return -1; } if (stat(filename, &stats)) { if (errno == ENOENT) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "parameter file %s not found/unable to access\n", filename); else traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "cannot stat file %s, errno=%d\n",filename, errno); free(buffer); return -1; } fd = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fd) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to open parameter file '%s' (%d)...\n",filename,errno); free(buffer); return -1; } while(fgets(buffer, MAX_CONFFILE_LINE_LENGTH,fd)) { char * p = NULL; /* strip out comments */ p = strchr(buffer, '#'); if (p) *p ='\0'; /* remove \n */ p = strchr(buffer, '\n'); if (p) *p ='\0'; /* strip out heading spaces */ p = buffer; while(*p == ' ' && *p != '\0') ++p; if (p != buffer) strncpy(buffer,p,strlen(p)+1); /* strip out trailing spaces */ while(strlen(buffer) && buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]==' ') buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]= '\0'; /* check for nested @file option */ if (strchr(buffer, '@')) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "@file in file nesting is not supported\n"); free(buffer); return -1; } if ((strlen(linebuffer)+strlen(buffer)+2)< MAX_CMDLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH) { strncat(linebuffer, " ", 1); strncat(linebuffer, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "too many argument"); free(buffer); return -1; } } free(buffer); fclose(fd); return 0; } /* Create the argv vector */ static char ** buildargv(int * effectiveargc, char * const linebuffer) { const int INITIAL_MAXARGC = 16; /* Number of args + NULL in initial argv */ int maxargc; int argc=0; char ** argv; char * buffer, * buff; *effectiveargc = 0; buffer = (char *)calloc(1, strlen(linebuffer)+2); if (!buffer) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory"); return NULL; } strncpy(buffer, linebuffer,strlen(linebuffer)); maxargc = INITIAL_MAXARGC; argv = (char **)malloc(maxargc * sizeof(char*)); if (argv == NULL) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory"); return NULL; } buff = buffer; while(buff) { char * p = strchr(buff,' '); if (p) { *p='\0'; argv[argc++] = strdup(buff); while(*++p == ' ' && *p != '\0'); buff=p; if (argc >= maxargc) { maxargc *= 2; argv = (char **)realloc(argv, maxargc * sizeof(char*)); if (argv == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to re-allocate memory"); free(buffer); return NULL; } } } else { argv[argc++] = strdup(buff); break; } } free(buffer); *effectiveargc = argc; return argv; } /* ************************************** */ /** Initialise an edge to defaults. * * This also initialises the NULL transform operation opstruct. */ static int edge_init(n2n_edge_t * eee) { #ifdef WIN32 initWin32(); #endif memset(eee, 0, sizeof(n2n_edge_t)); eee->start_time = time(NULL); transop_null_init( &(eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX]) ); transop_twofish_init( &(eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX] ) ); transop_aes_init( &(eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX] ) ); eee->tx_transop_idx = N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX; /* No guarantee the others have been setup */ eee->daemon = 1; /* By default run in daemon mode. */ eee->re_resolve_supernode_ip = 0; /* keyschedule set to NULLs by memset */ /* community_name set to NULLs by memset */ eee->null_transop = 0; eee->udp_sock = -1; eee->udp_mgmt_sock = -1; eee->dyn_ip_mode = 0; eee->allow_routing = 0; eee->drop_multicast = 1; eee->known_peers = NULL; eee->pending_peers = NULL; eee->last_register_req = 0; eee->register_lifetime = REGISTER_SUPER_INTERVAL_DFL; eee->last_p2p = 0; eee->last_sup = 0; eee->sup_attempts = N2N_EDGE_SUP_ATTEMPTS; if(lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "LZO compression error"); return(-1); } return(0); } /* Called in main() after options are parsed. */ static int edge_init_twofish( n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t *encrypt_pwd, uint32_t encrypt_pwd_len ) { return transop_twofish_setup( &(eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX]), 0, encrypt_pwd, encrypt_pwd_len ); } /** Find the transop op-struct for the transform enumeration required. * * @return - index into the transop array, or -1 on failure. */ static int transop_enum_to_index( n2n_transform_t id ) { switch (id) { case N2N_TRANSFORM_ID_TWOFISH: return N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX; break; case N2N_TRANSFORM_ID_NULL: return N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX; break; case N2N_TRANSFORM_ID_AESCBC: return N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX; break; default: return -1; } } /** Called periodically to roll keys and do any periodic maintenance in the * tranform operations state machines. */ static int n2n_tick_transop( n2n_edge_t * eee, time_t now ) { n2n_tostat_t tst; size_t trop = eee->tx_transop_idx; /* Tests are done in order that most preferred transform is last and causes * tx_transop_idx to be left at most preferred valid transform. */ tst = (eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX].tick)( &(eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX]), now ); tst = (eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX].tick)( &(eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX]), now ); if ( tst.can_tx ) { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "can_tx AESCBC (idx=%u)", (unsigned int)N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX ); trop = N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX; } tst = (eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX].tick)( &(eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX]), now ); if ( tst.can_tx ) { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "can_tx TF (idx=%u)", (unsigned int)N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX ); trop = N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX; } if ( trop != eee->tx_transop_idx ) { eee->tx_transop_idx = trop; traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "Chose new tx_transop_idx=%u", (unsigned int)(eee->tx_transop_idx) ); } return 0; } /** Read in a key-schedule file, parse the lines and pass each line to the * appropriate trans_op for parsing of key-data and adding key-schedule * entries. The lookup table of time->trans_op is constructed such that * encoding can be passed to the correct trans_op. The trans_op internal table * will then determine the best SA for that trans_op from the key schedule to * use for encoding. */ static int edge_init_keyschedule( n2n_edge_t * eee ) { #define N2N_NUM_CIPHERSPECS 32 int retval = -1; ssize_t numSpecs=0; n2n_cipherspec_t specs[N2N_NUM_CIPHERSPECS]; size_t i; time_t now = time(NULL); numSpecs = n2n_read_keyfile( specs, N2N_NUM_CIPHERSPECS, eee->keyschedule ); if ( numSpecs > 0 ) { traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "keyfile = %s read -> %d specs.\n", optarg, (signed int)numSpecs); for ( i=0; i < (size_t)numSpecs; ++i ) { int idx; idx = transop_enum_to_index( specs[i].t ); switch (idx) { case N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX: case N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX: { retval = (eee->transop[idx].addspec)( &(eee->transop[idx]), &(specs[i]) ); break; } default: retval = -1; } if (0 != retval) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "keyschedule failed to add spec[%u] to transop[%d].\n", (unsigned int)i, idx); return retval; } } n2n_tick_transop( eee, now ); } else { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to process '%s'", eee->keyschedule ); } return retval; } /** Deinitialise the edge and deallocate any owned memory. */ static void edge_deinit(n2n_edge_t * eee) { if ( eee->udp_sock >=0 ) { closesocket( eee->udp_sock ); } if ( eee->udp_mgmt_sock >= 0 ) { closesocket(eee->udp_mgmt_sock); } clear_peer_list( &(eee->pending_peers) ); clear_peer_list( &(eee->known_peers) ); (eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX].deinit)(&eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX]); (eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX].deinit)(&eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX]); } static void readFromIPSocket( n2n_edge_t * eee ); static void readFromMgmtSocket( n2n_edge_t * eee, int * keep_running ); static void help() { print_n2n_version(); printf("edge " #if defined(N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE) "-d " #endif /* #if defined(N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE) */ "-a [static:|dhcp:] " "-c " "[-k | -K ] " "[-s ] " #if defined(N2N_HAVE_SETUID) "[-u -g ]" #endif /* #ifndef N2N_HAVE_SETUID */ #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) "[-f]" #endif /* #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) */ "[-m ]" "\n" "-l " "[-p ] [-M ] " "[-r] [-E] [-v] [-t ] [-b] [-h]\n\n"); #ifdef __linux__ printf("-d | tun device name\n"); #endif printf("-a | Set interface address. For DHCP use '-r -a dhcp:'\n"); printf("-c | n2n community name the edge belongs to.\n"); printf("-k | Encryption key (ASCII) - also N2N_KEY=. Not with -K.\n"); printf("-K | Specify a key schedule file to load. Not with -k.\n"); printf("-s | Edge interface netmask in dotted decimal notation (\n"); printf("-l | Supernode IP:port\n"); printf("-b | Periodically resolve supernode IP\n"); printf(" : (when supernodes are running on dynamic IPs)\n"); printf("-p | Fixed local UDP port.\n"); #ifndef WIN32 printf("-u | User ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped.\n"); printf("-g | Group ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped.\n"); #endif /* ifndef WIN32 */ #ifdef N2N_HAVE_DAEMON printf("-f | Do not fork and run as a daemon; rather run in foreground.\n"); #endif /* #ifdef N2N_HAVE_DAEMON */ printf("-m | Fix MAC address for the TAP interface (otherwise it may be random)\n" " : eg. -m 01:02:03:04:05:06\n"); printf("-M | Specify n2n MTU of edge interface (default %d).\n", DEFAULT_MTU); printf("-r | Enable packet forwarding through n2n community.\n"); printf("-E | Accept multicast MAC addresses (default=drop).\n"); printf("-v | Make more verbose. Repeat as required.\n"); printf("-t | Management UDP Port (for multiple edges on a machine).\n"); printf("\nEnvironment variables:\n"); printf(" N2N_KEY | Encryption key (ASCII). Not with -K or -k.\n" ); exit(0); } /** Send a datagram to a socket defined by a n2n_sock_t */ static ssize_t sendto_sock( int fd, const void * buf, size_t len, const n2n_sock_t * dest ) { struct sockaddr_in peer_addr; ssize_t sent; fill_sockaddr( (struct sockaddr *) &peer_addr, sizeof(peer_addr), dest ); sent = sendto( fd, buf, len, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&peer_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); if ( sent < 0 ) { char * c = strerror(errno); traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "sendto failed (%d) %s", errno, c ); } else { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "sendto sent=%d to ", (signed int)sent ); } return sent; } /** Send a REGISTER packet to another edge. */ static void send_register( n2n_edge_t * eee, const n2n_sock_t * remote_peer) { uint8_t pktbuf[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; size_t idx; ssize_t sent; n2n_common_t cmn; n2n_REGISTER_t reg; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; memset(&cmn, 0, sizeof(cmn) ); memset(®, 0, sizeof(reg) ); cmn.ttl=N2N_DEFAULT_TTL; cmn.pc = n2n_register; cmn.flags = 0; memcpy( cmn.community, eee->community_name, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE ); idx=0; encode_uint32( reg.cookie, &idx, 123456789 ); idx=0; encode_mac( reg.srcMac, &idx, eee->device.mac_addr ); idx=0; encode_REGISTER( pktbuf, &idx, &cmn, ® ); traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "send REGISTER %s", sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, remote_peer ) ); sent = sendto_sock( eee->udp_sock, pktbuf, idx, remote_peer ); } /** Send a REGISTER_SUPER packet to the current supernode. */ static void send_register_super( n2n_edge_t * eee, const n2n_sock_t * supernode) { uint8_t pktbuf[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; size_t idx; ssize_t sent; n2n_common_t cmn; n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_t reg; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; memset(&cmn, 0, sizeof(cmn) ); memset(®, 0, sizeof(reg) ); cmn.ttl=N2N_DEFAULT_TTL; cmn.pc = n2n_register_super; cmn.flags = 0; memcpy( cmn.community, eee->community_name, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE ); for( idx=0; idx < N2N_COOKIE_SIZE; ++idx ) { eee->last_cookie[idx] = rand() % 0xff; } memcpy( reg.cookie, eee->last_cookie, N2N_COOKIE_SIZE ); reg.auth.scheme=0; /* No auth yet */ idx=0; encode_mac( reg.edgeMac, &idx, eee->device.mac_addr ); idx=0; encode_REGISTER_SUPER( pktbuf, &idx, &cmn, ® ); traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "send REGISTER_SUPER to %s", sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, supernode ) ); sent = sendto_sock( eee->udp_sock, pktbuf, idx, supernode ); } /** Send a REGISTER_ACK packet to a peer edge. */ static void send_register_ack( n2n_edge_t * eee, const n2n_sock_t * remote_peer, const n2n_REGISTER_t * reg ) { uint8_t pktbuf[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; size_t idx; ssize_t sent; n2n_common_t cmn; n2n_REGISTER_ACK_t ack; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; memset(&cmn, 0, sizeof(cmn) ); memset(&ack, 0, sizeof(reg) ); cmn.ttl=N2N_DEFAULT_TTL; cmn.pc = n2n_register_ack; cmn.flags = 0; memcpy( cmn.community, eee->community_name, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE ); memset( &ack, 0, sizeof(ack) ); memcpy( ack.cookie, reg->cookie, N2N_COOKIE_SIZE ); memcpy( ack.srcMac, eee->device.mac_addr, N2N_MAC_SIZE ); memcpy( ack.dstMac, reg->srcMac, N2N_MAC_SIZE ); idx=0; encode_REGISTER_ACK( pktbuf, &idx, &cmn, &ack ); traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "send REGISTER_ACK %s", sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, remote_peer ) ); sent = sendto_sock( eee->udp_sock, pktbuf, idx, remote_peer ); } /** NOT IMPLEMENTED * * This would send a DEREGISTER packet to a peer edge or supernode to indicate * the edge is going away. */ static void send_deregister(n2n_edge_t * eee, n2n_sock_t * remote_peer) { /* Marshall and send message */ } static int is_empty_ip_address( const n2n_sock_t * sock ); static void update_peer_address(n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t from_supernode, const n2n_mac_t mac, const n2n_sock_t * peer, time_t when); void check_peer( n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t from_supernode, const n2n_mac_t mac, const n2n_sock_t * peer ); void try_send_register( n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t from_supernode, const n2n_mac_t mac, const n2n_sock_t * peer ); void set_peer_operational( n2n_edge_t * eee, const n2n_mac_t mac, const n2n_sock_t * peer ); /** Start the registration process. * * If the peer is already in pending_peers, ignore the request. * If not in pending_peers, add it and send a REGISTER. * * If hdr is for a direct peer-to-peer packet, try to register back to sender * even if the MAC is in pending_peers. This is because an incident direct * packet indicates that peer-to-peer exchange should work so more aggressive * registration can be permitted (once per incoming packet) as this should only * last for a small number of packets.. * * Called from the main loop when Rx a packet for our device mac. */ void try_send_register( n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t from_supernode, const n2n_mac_t mac, const n2n_sock_t * peer ) { /* REVISIT: purge of pending_peers not yet done. */ struct peer_info * scan = find_peer_by_mac( eee->pending_peers, mac ); macstr_t mac_buf; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; if ( NULL == scan ) { scan = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct peer_info ) ); memcpy(scan->mac_addr, mac, N2N_MAC_SIZE); scan->sock = *peer; scan->last_seen = time(NULL); /* Don't change this it marks the pending peer for removal. */ peer_list_add( &(eee->pending_peers), scan ); traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "=== new pending %s -> %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, scan->mac_addr ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(scan->sock) ) ); traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "Pending peers list size=%u", (unsigned int)peer_list_size( eee->pending_peers ) ); /* trace Sending REGISTER */ send_register(eee, &(scan->sock) ); /* pending_peers now owns scan. */ } else { } } /** Update the last_seen time for this peer, or get registered. */ void check_peer( n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t from_supernode, const n2n_mac_t mac, const n2n_sock_t * peer ) { struct peer_info * scan = find_peer_by_mac( eee->known_peers, mac ); if ( NULL == scan ) { /* Not in known_peers - start the REGISTER process. */ try_send_register( eee, from_supernode, mac, peer ); } else { /* Already in known_peers. */ update_peer_address( eee, from_supernode, mac, peer, time(NULL) ); } } /* Move the peer from the pending_peers list to the known_peers lists. * * peer must be a pointer to an element of the pending_peers list. * * Called by main loop when Rx a REGISTER_ACK. */ void set_peer_operational( n2n_edge_t * eee, const n2n_mac_t mac, const n2n_sock_t * peer ) { struct peer_info * prev = NULL; struct peer_info * scan; macstr_t mac_buf; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "set_peer_operational: %s -> %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, mac), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, peer ) ); scan=eee->pending_peers; while ( NULL != scan ) { if ( 0 == memcmp( scan->mac_addr, mac, N2N_MAC_SIZE ) ) { break; /* found. */ } prev = scan; scan = scan->next; } if ( scan ) { /* Remove scan from pending_peers. */ if ( prev ) { prev->next = scan->next; } else { eee->pending_peers = scan->next; } /* Add scan to known_peers. */ scan->next = eee->known_peers; eee->known_peers = scan; scan->sock = *peer; traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "=== new peer %s -> %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, scan->mac_addr), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(scan->sock) ) ); traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "Pending peers list size=%u", (unsigned int)peer_list_size( eee->pending_peers ) ); traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "Operational peers list size=%u", (unsigned int)peer_list_size( eee->known_peers ) ); scan->last_seen = time(NULL); } else { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Failed to find sender in pending_peers." ); } } n2n_mac_t broadcast_mac = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; static int is_empty_ip_address( const n2n_sock_t * sock ) { const uint8_t * ptr=NULL; size_t len=0; size_t i; if ( AF_INET6 == sock->family ) { ptr = sock->addr.v6; len = 16; } else { ptr = sock->addr.v4; len = 4; } for (i=0; iknown_peers; struct peer_info *prev = NULL; /* use to remove bad registrations. */ n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf1; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf2; /* don't clobber sockbuf1 if writing two addresses to trace */ macstr_t mac_buf; if ( is_empty_ip_address( peer ) ) { /* Not to be registered. */ return; } if ( 0 == memcmp( mac, broadcast_mac, N2N_MAC_SIZE ) ) { /* Not to be registered. */ return; } while(scan != NULL) { if(memcmp(mac, scan->mac_addr, N2N_MAC_SIZE) == 0) { break; } prev = scan; scan = scan->next; } if ( NULL == scan ) { /* Not in known_peers. */ return; } if ( 0 != sock_equal( &(scan->sock), peer)) { if ( 0 == from_supernode ) { traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "Peer changed %s: %s -> %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, scan->mac_addr ), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf1, &(scan->sock)), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf2, peer) ); /* The peer has changed public socket. It can no longer be assumed to be reachable. */ /* Remove the peer. */ if ( NULL == prev ) { /* scan was head of list */ eee->known_peers = scan->next; } else { prev->next = scan->next; } free(scan); try_send_register( eee, from_supernode, mac, peer ); } else { /* Don't worry about what the supernode reports, it could be seeing a different socket. */ } } else { /* Found and unchanged. */ scan->last_seen = when; } } #if defined(DUMMY_ID_00001) /* Disabled waiting for config option to enable it */ static char gratuitous_arp[] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* Dest mac */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Src mac */ 0x08, 0x06, /* ARP */ 0x00, 0x01, /* Ethernet */ 0x08, 0x00, /* IP */ 0x06, /* Hw Size */ 0x04, /* Protocol Size */ 0x00, 0x01, /* ARP Request */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Src mac */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Src IP */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Target mac */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 /* Target IP */ }; /** Build a gratuitous ARP packet for a /24 layer 3 (IP) network. */ static int build_gratuitous_arp(char *buffer, uint16_t buffer_len) { if(buffer_len < sizeof(gratuitous_arp)) return(-1); memcpy(buffer, gratuitous_arp, sizeof(gratuitous_arp)); memcpy(&buffer[6], device.mac_addr, 6); memcpy(&buffer[22], device.mac_addr, 6); memcpy(&buffer[28], &device.ip_addr, 4); /* REVISIT: BbMaj7 - use a real netmask here. This is valid only by accident * for /24 IPv4 networks. */ buffer[31] = 0xFF; /* Use a faked broadcast address */ memcpy(&buffer[38], &device.ip_addr, 4); return(sizeof(gratuitous_arp)); } /** Called from update_supernode_reg to periodically send gratuitous ARP * broadcasts. */ static void send_grat_arps(n2n_edge_t * eee,) { char buffer[48]; size_t len; traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Sending gratuitous ARP..."); len = build_gratuitous_arp(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); send_packet2net(eee, buffer, len); send_packet2net(eee, buffer, len); /* Two is better than one :-) */ } #endif /* #if defined(DUMMY_ID_00001) */ /** @brief Check to see if we should re-register with the supernode. * * This is frequently called by the main loop. */ static void update_supernode_reg( n2n_edge_t * eee, time_t nowTime ) { if ( eee->sn_wait && ( nowTime > (eee->last_register_req + (eee->register_lifetime/10) ) ) ) { /* fall through */ traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "update_supernode_reg: doing fast retry." ); } else if ( nowTime < (eee->last_register_req + eee->register_lifetime)) { return; /* Too early */ } if ( 0 == eee->sup_attempts ) { /* Give up on that supernode and try the next one. */ ++(eee->sn_idx); if (eee->sn_idx >= eee->sn_num) { /* Got to end of list, go back to the start. Also works for list of one entry. */ eee->sn_idx=0; } traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Supernode not responding - moving to %u of %u", (unsigned int)eee->sn_idx, (unsigned int)eee->sn_num ); eee->sup_attempts = N2N_EDGE_SUP_ATTEMPTS; } else { --(eee->sup_attempts); } if(eee->re_resolve_supernode_ip || (eee->sn_num > 1) ) { supernode2addr(&(eee->supernode), eee->sn_ip_array[eee->sn_idx] ); } traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Registering with supernode (%s) (attempts left %u)", supernode_ip(eee), (unsigned int)eee->sup_attempts); send_register_super( eee, &(eee->supernode) ); eee->sn_wait=1; /* REVISIT: turn-on gratuitous ARP with config option. */ /* send_grat_arps(sock_fd, is_udp_sock); */ eee->last_register_req = nowTime; } /* @return 1 if destination is a peer, 0 if destination is supernode */ static int find_peer_destination(n2n_edge_t * eee, n2n_mac_t mac_address, n2n_sock_t * destination) { const struct peer_info *scan = eee->known_peers; macstr_t mac_buf; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; int retval=0; traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Searching destination peer for MAC %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", mac_address[0] & 0xFF, mac_address[1] & 0xFF, mac_address[2] & 0xFF, mac_address[3] & 0xFF, mac_address[4] & 0xFF, mac_address[5] & 0xFF); while(scan != NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Evaluating peer [MAC=%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X]", scan->mac_addr[0] & 0xFF, scan->mac_addr[1] & 0xFF, scan->mac_addr[2] & 0xFF, scan->mac_addr[3] & 0xFF, scan->mac_addr[4] & 0xFF, scan->mac_addr[5] & 0xFF ); if((scan->last_seen > 0) && (memcmp(mac_address, scan->mac_addr, N2N_MAC_SIZE) == 0)) { memcpy(destination, &scan->sock, sizeof(n2n_sock_t)); retval=1; break; } scan = scan->next; } if ( 0 == retval ) { memcpy(destination, &(eee->supernode), sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); } traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "find_peer_address (%s) -> [%s]", macaddr_str( mac_buf, mac_address ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, destination ) ); return retval; } /* *********************************************** */ static const struct option long_options[] = { { "community", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "supernode-list", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "tun-device", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "euid", required_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "egid", required_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "help" , no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* ***************************************************** */ /** Send an ecapsulated ethernet PACKET to a destination edge or broadcast MAC * address. */ static int send_PACKET( n2n_edge_t * eee, n2n_mac_t dstMac, const uint8_t * pktbuf, size_t pktlen ) { int dest; ssize_t s; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; n2n_sock_t destination; /* hexdump( pktbuf, pktlen ); */ dest = find_peer_destination(eee, dstMac, &destination); if ( dest ) { ++(eee->tx_p2p); } else { ++(eee->tx_sup); } traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "send_PACKET to %s", sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &destination ) ); s = sendto_sock( eee->udp_sock, pktbuf, pktlen, &destination ); return 0; } /* Choose the transop for Tx. This should be based on the newest valid * cipherspec in the key schedule. * * Never fall back to NULL tranform unless no key sources were specified. It is * better to render edge inoperative than to expose user data in the clear. In * the case where all SAs are expired an arbitrary transform will be chosen for * Tx. It will fail having no valid SAs but one must be selected. */ static size_t edge_choose_tx_transop( const n2n_edge_t * eee ) { if ( eee->null_transop) { return N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX; } return eee->tx_transop_idx; } /** A layer-2 packet was received at the tunnel and needs to be sent via UDP. */ static void send_packet2net(n2n_edge_t * eee, uint8_t *tap_pkt, size_t len) { ipstr_t ip_buf; n2n_mac_t destMac; n2n_common_t cmn; n2n_PACKET_t pkt; uint8_t pktbuf[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; size_t idx=0; size_t tx_transop_idx=0; ether_hdr_t eh; /* tap_pkt is not aligned so we have to copy to aligned memory */ memcpy( &eh, tap_pkt, sizeof(ether_hdr_t) ); /* Discard IP packets that are not originated by this hosts */ if(!(eee->allow_routing)) { if(ntohs(eh.type) == 0x0800) { /* This is an IP packet from the local source address - not forwarded. */ #define ETH_FRAMESIZE 14 #define IP4_SRCOFFSET 12 uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t*)&tap_pkt[ETH_FRAMESIZE + IP4_SRCOFFSET]; /* Note: all elements of the_ip are in network order */ if( *dst != eee->device.ip_addr) { /* This is a packet that needs to be routed */ traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Discarding routed packet [%s]", intoa(ntohl(*dst), ip_buf, sizeof(ip_buf))); return; } else { /* This packet is originated by us */ /* traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Sending non-routed packet"); */ } } } /* Optionally compress then apply transforms, eg encryption. */ /* Once processed, send to destination in PACKET */ memcpy( destMac, tap_pkt, N2N_MAC_SIZE ); /* dest MAC is first in ethernet header */ memset( &cmn, 0, sizeof(cmn) ); cmn.ttl = N2N_DEFAULT_TTL; cmn.pc = n2n_packet; cmn.flags=0; /* no options, not from supernode, no socket */ memcpy( cmn.community, eee->community_name, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE ); memset( &pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt) ); memcpy( pkt.srcMac, eee->device.mac_addr, N2N_MAC_SIZE); memcpy( pkt.dstMac, destMac, N2N_MAC_SIZE); tx_transop_idx = edge_choose_tx_transop( eee ); pkt.sock.family=0; /* do not encode sock */ pkt.transform = eee->transop[tx_transop_idx].transform_id; idx=0; encode_PACKET( pktbuf, &idx, &cmn, &pkt ); traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "encoded PACKET header of size=%u transform %u (idx=%u)", (unsigned int)idx, (unsigned int)pkt.transform, (unsigned int)tx_transop_idx ); idx += eee->transop[tx_transop_idx].fwd( &(eee->transop[tx_transop_idx]), pktbuf+idx, N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-idx, tap_pkt, len ); ++(eee->transop[tx_transop_idx].tx_cnt); /* stats */ send_PACKET( eee, destMac, pktbuf, idx ); /* to peer or supernode */ } /** Destination MAC 33:33:0:00:00:00 - 33:33:FF:FF:FF:FF is reserved for IPv6 * neighbour discovery. */ static int is_ip6_discovery( const void * buf, size_t bufsize ) { int retval = 0; if ( bufsize >= sizeof(ether_hdr_t) ) { /* copy to aligned memory */ ether_hdr_t eh; memcpy( &eh, buf, sizeof(ether_hdr_t) ); if ( (0x33 == eh.dhost[0]) && (0x33 == eh.dhost[1]) ) { retval = 1; /* This is an IPv6 multicast packet [RFC2464]. */ } } return retval; } /** Destination 01:00:5E:00:00:00 - 01:00:5E:7F:FF:FF is multicast ethernet. */ static int is_ethMulticast( const void * buf, size_t bufsize ) { int retval = 0; /* Match 01:00:5E:00:00:00 - 01:00:5E:7F:FF:FF */ if ( bufsize >= sizeof(ether_hdr_t) ) { /* copy to aligned memory */ ether_hdr_t eh; memcpy( &eh, buf, sizeof(ether_hdr_t) ); if ( (0x01 == eh.dhost[0]) && (0x00 == eh.dhost[1]) && (0x5E == eh.dhost[2]) && (0 == (0x80 & eh.dhost[3])) ) { retval = 1; /* This is an ethernet multicast packet [RFC1112]. */ } } return retval; } /** Read a single packet from the TAP interface, process it and write out the * corresponding packet to the cooked socket. */ static void readFromTAPSocket( n2n_edge_t * eee ) { /* tun -> remote */ uint8_t eth_pkt[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; macstr_t mac_buf; ssize_t len; len = tuntap_read( &(eee->device), eth_pkt, N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE ); if( (len <= 0) || (len > N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE) ) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "read()=%d [%d/%s]", (signed int)len, errno, strerror(errno)); } else { const uint8_t * mac = eth_pkt; traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "### Rx TAP packet (%4d) for %s", (signed int)len, macaddr_str(mac_buf, mac) ); if ( eee->drop_multicast && ( is_ip6_discovery( eth_pkt, len ) || is_ethMulticast( eth_pkt, len) ) ) { traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Dropping multicast"); } else { send_packet2net(eee, eth_pkt, len); } } } /** A PACKET has arrived containing an encapsulated ethernet datagram - usually * encrypted. */ static int handle_PACKET( n2n_edge_t * eee, const n2n_common_t * cmn, const n2n_PACKET_t * pkt, const n2n_sock_t * orig_sender, uint8_t * payload, size_t psize ) { ssize_t data_sent_len; uint8_t from_supernode; uint8_t * eth_payload=NULL; int retval = -1; time_t now; now = time(NULL); traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "handle_PACKET size %u transform %u", (unsigned int)psize, (unsigned int)pkt->transform ); /* hexdump( payload, psize ); */ from_supernode= cmn->flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE; if ( from_supernode ) { ++(eee->rx_sup); eee->last_sup=now; } else { ++(eee->rx_p2p); eee->last_p2p=now; } /* Update the sender in peer table entry */ check_peer( eee, from_supernode, pkt->srcMac, orig_sender ); /* Handle transform. */ { uint8_t decodebuf[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; size_t eth_size; size_t rx_transop_idx=0; rx_transop_idx = transop_enum_to_index(pkt->transform); if ( rx_transop_idx >=0 ) { eth_payload = decodebuf; eth_size = eee->transop[rx_transop_idx].rev( &(eee->transop[rx_transop_idx]), eth_payload, N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE, payload, psize ); ++(eee->transop[rx_transop_idx].rx_cnt); /* stats */ /* Write ethernet packet to tap device. */ traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "sending to TAP %u", (unsigned int)eth_size ); data_sent_len = tuntap_write(&(eee->device), eth_payload, eth_size); if (data_sent_len == eth_size) { retval = 0; } } else { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "handle_PACKET dropped unknown transform enum %u", (unsigned int)pkt->transform ); } } return retval; } /** Read a datagram from the management UDP socket and take appropriate * action. */ static void readFromMgmtSocket( n2n_edge_t * eee, int * keep_running ) { uint8_t udp_buf[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; /* Compete UDP packet */ ssize_t recvlen; ssize_t sendlen; struct sockaddr_in sender_sock; socklen_t i; size_t msg_len; time_t now; now = time(NULL); i = sizeof(sender_sock); recvlen=recvfrom(eee->udp_mgmt_sock, udp_buf, N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, (socklen_t*)&i); if ( recvlen < 0 ) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "mgmt recvfrom failed with %s", strerror(errno) ); return; /* failed to receive data from UDP */ } if ( recvlen >= 4 ) { if ( 0 == memcmp( udp_buf, "stop", 4 ) ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "stop command received." ); *keep_running = 0; return; } if ( 0 == memcmp( udp_buf, "help", 4 ) ) { msg_len=0; ++traceLevel; msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "Help for edge management console:\n" " stop Gracefully exit edge\n" " help This help message\n" " +verb Increase verbosity of logging\n" " -verb Decrease verbosity of logging\n" " reload Re-read the keyschedule\n" " Display statistics\n\n"); sendto( eee->udp_mgmt_sock, udp_buf, msg_len, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); return; } } if ( recvlen >= 5 ) { if ( 0 == memcmp( udp_buf, "+verb", 5 ) ) { msg_len=0; ++traceLevel; traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "+verb traceLevel=%u", (unsigned int)traceLevel ); msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "> +OK traceLevel=%u\n", (unsigned int)traceLevel ); sendto( eee->udp_mgmt_sock, udp_buf, msg_len, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); return; } if ( 0 == memcmp( udp_buf, "-verb", 5 ) ) { msg_len=0; if ( traceLevel > 0 ) { --traceLevel; msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "> -OK traceLevel=%u\n", traceLevel ); } else { msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "> -NOK traceLevel=%u\n", traceLevel ); } traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "-verb traceLevel=%u", (unsigned int)traceLevel ); sendto( eee->udp_mgmt_sock, udp_buf, msg_len, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); return; } } if ( recvlen >= 6 ) { if ( 0 == memcmp( udp_buf, "reload", 6 ) ) { if ( strlen( eee->keyschedule ) > 0 ) { if ( edge_init_keyschedule(eee) == 0 ) { msg_len=0; msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "> OK\n" ); sendto( eee->udp_mgmt_sock, udp_buf, msg_len, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); } return; } } } traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "mgmt status rq" ); msg_len=0; msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "Statistics for edge\n" ); msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "uptime %lu\n", time(NULL) - eee->start_time ); msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "paths super:%u,%u p2p:%u,%u\n", (unsigned int)eee->tx_sup, (unsigned int)eee->rx_sup, (unsigned int)eee->tx_p2p, (unsigned int)eee->rx_p2p ); msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "trans:null |%6u|%6u|\n" "trans:tf |%6u|%6u|\n" "trans:aes |%6u|%6u|\n", (unsigned int)eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX].tx_cnt, (unsigned int)eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_NULL_IDX].rx_cnt, (unsigned int)eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX].tx_cnt, (unsigned int)eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_TF_IDX].rx_cnt, (unsigned int)eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX].tx_cnt, (unsigned int)eee->transop[N2N_TRANSOP_AESCBC_IDX].rx_cnt ); msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "peers pend:%u full:%u\n", (unsigned int)peer_list_size( eee->pending_peers ), (unsigned int)peer_list_size( eee->known_peers ) ); msg_len += snprintf( (char *)(udp_buf+msg_len), (N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE-msg_len), "last super:%lu(%ld sec ago) p2p:%lu(%ld sec ago)\n", eee->last_sup, (now-eee->last_sup), eee->last_p2p, (now-eee->last_p2p) ); traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "mgmt status sending: %s", udp_buf ); sendlen = sendto( eee->udp_mgmt_sock, udp_buf, msg_len, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); } /** Read a datagram from the main UDP socket to the internet. */ static void readFromIPSocket( n2n_edge_t * eee ) { n2n_common_t cmn; /* common fields in the packet header */ n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf1; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf2; /* don't clobber sockbuf1 if writing two addresses to trace */ macstr_t mac_buf1; macstr_t mac_buf2; uint8_t udp_buf[N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE]; /* Compete UDP packet */ ssize_t recvlen; size_t rem; size_t idx; size_t msg_type; uint8_t from_supernode; struct sockaddr_in sender_sock; n2n_sock_t sender; n2n_sock_t * orig_sender=NULL; time_t now=0; size_t i; i = sizeof(sender_sock); recvlen=recvfrom(eee->udp_sock, udp_buf, N2N_PKT_BUF_SIZE, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, (socklen_t*)&i); if ( recvlen < 0 ) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "recvfrom failed with %s", strerror(errno) ); return; /* failed to receive data from UDP */ } /* REVISIT: when UDP/IPv6 is supported we will need a flag to indicate which * IP transport version the packet arrived on. May need to UDP sockets. */ sender.family = AF_INET; /* udp_sock was opened PF_INET v4 */ sender.port = ntohs(sender_sock.sin_port); memcpy( &(sender.addr.v4), &(sender_sock.sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE ); /* The packet may not have an orig_sender socket spec. So default to last * hop as sender. */ orig_sender=&sender; traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "### Rx N2N UDP (%d) from %s", (signed int)recvlen, sock_to_cstr(sockbuf1, &sender) ); /* hexdump( udp_buf, recvlen ); */ rem = recvlen; /* Counts down bytes of packet to protect against buffer overruns. */ idx = 0; /* marches through packet header as parts are decoded. */ if ( decode_common(&cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx) < 0 ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to decode common section in N2N_UDP" ); return; /* failed to decode packet */ } now = time(NULL); msg_type = cmn.pc; /* packet code */ from_supernode= cmn.flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE; if( 0 == memcmp(cmn.community, eee->community_name, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE) ) { if( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_PACKET) { /* process PACKET - most frequent so first in list. */ n2n_PACKET_t pkt; decode_PACKET( &pkt, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx ); if ( pkt.sock.family ) { orig_sender = &(pkt.sock); } traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Rx PACKET from %s (%s)", sock_to_cstr(sockbuf1, &sender), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf2, orig_sender) ); handle_PACKET( eee, &cmn, &pkt, orig_sender, udp_buf+idx, recvlen-idx ); } else if(msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER) { /* Another edge is registering with us */ n2n_REGISTER_t reg; decode_REGISTER( ®, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx ); if ( reg.sock.family ) { orig_sender = &(reg.sock); } traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Rx REGISTER src=%s dst=%s from peer %s (%s)", macaddr_str( mac_buf1, reg.srcMac ), macaddr_str( mac_buf2, reg.dstMac ), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf1, &sender), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf2, orig_sender) ); if ( 0 == memcmp(reg.dstMac, (eee->device.mac_addr), 6) ) { check_peer( eee, from_supernode, reg.srcMac, orig_sender ); } send_register_ack(eee, orig_sender, ®); } else if(msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_ACK) { /* Peer edge is acknowledging our register request */ n2n_REGISTER_ACK_t ra; decode_REGISTER_ACK( &ra, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx ); if ( ra.sock.family ) { orig_sender = &(ra.sock); } traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Rx REGISTER_ACK src=%s dst=%s from peer %s (%s)", macaddr_str( mac_buf1, ra.srcMac ), macaddr_str( mac_buf2, ra.dstMac ), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf1, &sender), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf2, orig_sender) ); /* Move from pending_peers to known_peers; ignore if not in pending. */ set_peer_operational( eee, ra.srcMac, &sender ); } else if(msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK) { n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK_t ra; if ( eee->sn_wait ) { decode_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK( &ra, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx ); if ( ra.sock.family ) { orig_sender = &(ra.sock); } traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Rx REGISTER_SUPER_ACK myMAC=%s [%s] (external %s). Attempts %u", macaddr_str( mac_buf1, ra.edgeMac ), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf1, &sender), sock_to_cstr(sockbuf2, orig_sender), (unsigned int)eee->sup_attempts ); if ( 0 == memcmp( ra.cookie, eee->last_cookie, N2N_COOKIE_SIZE ) ) { if ( ra.num_sn > 0 ) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Rx REGISTER_SUPER_ACK backup supernode at %s", sock_to_cstr(sockbuf1, &(ra.sn_bak) ) ); } eee->last_sup = now; eee->sn_wait=0; eee->sup_attempts = N2N_EDGE_SUP_ATTEMPTS; /* refresh because we got a response */ /* REVISIT: store sn_back */ eee->register_lifetime = ra.lifetime; eee->register_lifetime = MAX( eee->register_lifetime, REGISTER_SUPER_INTERVAL_MIN ); eee->register_lifetime = MIN( eee->register_lifetime, REGISTER_SUPER_INTERVAL_MAX ); } else { traceEvent( TRACE_WARNING, "Rx REGISTER_SUPER_ACK with wrong or old cookie." ); } } else { traceEvent( TRACE_WARNING, "Rx REGISTER_SUPER_ACK with no outstanding REGISTER_SUPER." ); } } else { /* Not a known message type */ traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unable to handle packet type %d: ignored", (signed int)msg_type); return; } } /* if (community match) */ else { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Received packet with invalid community"); } } /* ***************************************************** */ #ifdef WIN32 static DWORD tunReadThread(LPVOID lpArg ) { n2n_edge_t *eee = (n2n_edge_t*)lpArg; while(1) { readFromTAPSocket(eee); } return((DWORD)NULL); } /** Start a second thread in Windows because TUNTAP interfaces do not expose * file descriptors. */ static void startTunReadThread(n2n_edge_t *eee) { HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; hThread = CreateThread(NULL, /* security attributes */ 0, /* use default stack size */ (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)tunReadThread, /* thread function */ (void*)eee, /* argument to thread function */ 0, /* thread creation flags */ &dwThreadId); /* thread id out */ } #endif /* ***************************************************** */ /** Resolve the supernode IP address. * * REVISIT: This is a really bad idea. The edge will block completely while the * hostname resolution is performed. This could take 15 seconds. */ static void supernode2addr(n2n_sock_t * sn, const n2n_sn_name_t addrIn) { n2n_sn_name_t addr; const char *supernode_host; memcpy( addr, addrIn, N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE ); supernode_host = strtok(addr, ":"); if(supernode_host) { in_addr_t sn_addr; char *supernode_port = strtok(NULL, ":"); const struct addrinfo aihints = {0, PF_INET, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL}; struct addrinfo * ainfo = NULL; int nameerr; if ( supernode_port ) sn->port = atoi(supernode_port); else traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Bad supernode parameter (-l ) %s %s:%s", addr, supernode_host, supernode_port); nameerr = getaddrinfo( supernode_host, NULL, &aihints, &ainfo ); if( 0 == nameerr ) { struct sockaddr_in * saddr; /* ainfo s the head of a linked list if non-NULL. */ if ( ainfo && (PF_INET == ainfo->ai_family) ) { /* It is definitely and IPv4 address -> sockaddr_in */ saddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)ainfo->ai_addr; memcpy( sn->addr.v4, &(saddr->sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE ); sn->family=AF_INET; } else { /* Should only return IPv4 addresses due to aihints. */ traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Failed to resolve supernode IPv4 address for %s", supernode_host); } freeaddrinfo(ainfo); /* free everything allocated by getaddrinfo(). */ ainfo = NULL; } else { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Failed to resolve supernode host %s, assuming numeric", supernode_host); sn_addr = inet_addr(supernode_host); /* uint32_t */ memcpy( sn->addr.v4, &(sn_addr), IPV4_SIZE ); sn->family=AF_INET; } } else traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Wrong supernode parameter (-l )"); } /* ***************************************************** */ /** Find the address and IP mode for the tuntap device. * * s is one of these forms: * * := | A.B.C.D * * | static: | dhcp: * * If the mode is present (colon required) then fill ip_mode with that value * otherwise do not change ip_mode. Fill ip_mode with everything after the * colon if it is present; or s if colon is not present. * * ip_add and ip_mode are NULL terminated if modified. * * return 0 on success and -1 on error */ static int scan_address( char * ip_addr, size_t addr_size, char * ip_mode, size_t mode_size, const char * s ) { int retval = -1; char * p; if ( ( NULL == s ) || ( NULL == ip_addr) ) { return -1; } memset(ip_addr, 0, addr_size); p = strpbrk(s, ":"); if ( p ) { /* colon is present */ if ( ip_mode ) { size_t end=0; memset(ip_mode, 0, mode_size); end = MIN( p-s, (ssize_t)(mode_size-1) ); /* ensure NULL term */ strncpy( ip_mode, s, end ); strncpy( ip_addr, p+1, addr_size-1 ); /* ensure NULL term */ retval = 0; } } else { /* colon is not present */ strncpy( ip_addr, s, addr_size ); } return retval; } static int run_loop(n2n_edge_t * eee ); #define N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE 16 /* dotted decimal 12 numbers + 3 dots */ #define N2N_MACNAMSIZ 18 /* AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF + NULL*/ #define N2N_IF_MODE_SIZE 16 /* static | dhcp */ /** Entry point to program from kernel. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int opt; int local_port = 0 /* any port */; int mgmt_port = N2N_EDGE_MGMT_PORT; /* 5644 by default */ char tuntap_dev_name[N2N_IFNAMSIZ] = "edge0"; char ip_mode[N2N_IF_MODE_SIZE]="static"; char ip_addr[N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE] = ""; char netmask[N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE]=""; int mtu = DEFAULT_MTU; int got_s = 0; #ifndef WIN32 uid_t userid=0; /* root is the only guaranteed ID */ gid_t groupid=0; /* root is the only guaranteed ID */ #endif char device_mac[N2N_MACNAMSIZ]=""; char * encrypt_key=NULL; int i, effectiveargc=0; char ** effectiveargv=NULL; char * linebuffer = NULL; n2n_edge_t eee; /* single instance for this program */ if (-1 == edge_init(&eee) ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed in edge_init" ); exit(1); } if( getenv( "N2N_KEY" )) { encrypt_key = strdup( getenv( "N2N_KEY" )); } #ifdef WIN32 tuntap_dev_name[0] = '\0'; #endif memset(&(eee.supernode), 0, sizeof(eee.supernode)); eee.supernode.family = AF_INET; linebuffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_CMDLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH); if (!linebuffer) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory"); exit(1); } snprintf(linebuffer, MAX_CMDLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s",argv[0]); #ifdef WIN32 for(i=0; i < (int)strlen(linebuffer); i++) if(linebuffer[i] == '\\') linebuffer[i] = '/'; #endif for(i=1;i 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: -K and -k options are mutually exclusive.\n"); exit(1); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "encrypt_key = '%s'\n", encrypt_key); encrypt_key = strdup(optarg); } break; } case 'r': /* enable packet routing across n2n endpoints */ { eee.allow_routing = 1; break; } case 'l': /* supernode-list */ { if ( eee.sn_num < N2N_EDGE_NUM_SUPERNODES ) { strncpy( (eee.sn_ip_array[eee.sn_num]), optarg, N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE); traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Adding supernode[%u] = %s\n", (unsigned int)eee.sn_num, (eee.sn_ip_array[eee.sn_num]) ); ++eee.sn_num; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Too many supernodes!\n" ); exit(1); } break; } #if defined(N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE) case 'd': /* TUNTAP name */ { strncpy(tuntap_dev_name, optarg, N2N_IFNAMSIZ); break; } #endif case 'b': { eee.re_resolve_supernode_ip = 1; break; } case 'p': { local_port = atoi(optarg); break; } case 't': { mgmt_port = atoi(optarg); break; } case 's': /* Subnet Mask */ { if (0 != got_s) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Multiple subnet masks supplied."); } strncpy(netmask, optarg, N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE); got_s = 1; break; } case 'h': /* help */ { help(); break; } case 'v': /* verbose */ { ++traceLevel; /* do 2 -v flags to increase verbosity to DEBUG level*/ break; } } /* end switch */ } #ifdef N2N_HAVE_DAEMON if ( eee.daemon ) { useSyslog=1; /* traceEvent output now goes to syslog. */ if ( -1 == daemon( 0, 0 ) ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to become daemon." ); exit(-5); } } #endif /* #ifdef N2N_HAVE_DAEMON */ traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "Starting n2n edge %s %s", n2n_sw_version, n2n_sw_buildDate ); for (i=0; i< N2N_EDGE_NUM_SUPERNODES; ++i ) { traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode %u => %s\n", i, (eee.sn_ip_array[i]) ); } supernode2addr( &(eee.supernode), eee.sn_ip_array[eee.sn_idx] ); for ( i=0; i 0) traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Binding to local port %d", (signed int)local_port); if ( encrypt_key ) { if(edge_init_twofish( &eee, (uint8_t *)(encrypt_key), strlen(encrypt_key) ) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: twofish setup failed.\n" ); return(-1); } } else if ( strlen(eee.keyschedule) > 0 ) { if (edge_init_keyschedule( &eee ) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: keyschedule setup failed.\n" ); return(-1); } } /* else run in NULL mode */ eee.udp_sock = open_socket(local_port, 1 /*bind ANY*/ ); if(eee.udp_sock < 0) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to bind main UDP port %u", (signed int)local_port ); return(-1); } eee.udp_mgmt_sock = open_socket(mgmt_port, 0 /* bind LOOPBACK*/ ); if(eee.udp_mgmt_sock < 0) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to bind management UDP port %u", (unsigned int)N2N_EDGE_MGMT_PORT ); return(-1); } traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "edge started"); update_supernode_reg(&eee, time(NULL) ); return run_loop(&eee); } static int run_loop(n2n_edge_t * eee ) { int keep_running=1; size_t numPurged; time_t lastIfaceCheck=0; time_t lastTransop=0; #ifdef WIN32 startTunReadThread(eee); #endif /* Main loop * * select() is used to wait for input on either the TAP fd or the UDP/TCP * socket. When input is present the data is read and processed by either * readFromIPSocket() or readFromTAPSocket() */ while(keep_running) { int rc, max_sock = 0; fd_set socket_mask; struct timeval wait_time; time_t nowTime; FD_ZERO(&socket_mask); FD_SET(eee->udp_sock, &socket_mask); FD_SET(eee->udp_mgmt_sock, &socket_mask); max_sock = max( eee->udp_sock, eee->udp_mgmt_sock ); #ifndef WIN32 FD_SET(eee->device.fd, &socket_mask); max_sock = max( max_sock, eee->device.fd ); #endif wait_time.tv_sec = SOCKET_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SECS; wait_time.tv_usec = 0; rc = select(max_sock+1, &socket_mask, NULL, NULL, &wait_time); nowTime=time(NULL); /* Make sure ciphers are updated before the packet is treated. */ if ( ( nowTime - lastTransop ) > TRANSOP_TICK_INTERVAL ) { lastTransop = nowTime; n2n_tick_transop( eee, nowTime ); } if(rc > 0) { /* Any or all of the FDs could have input; check them all. */ if(FD_ISSET(eee->udp_sock, &socket_mask)) { /* Read a cooked socket from the internet socket. Writes on the TAP * socket. */ readFromIPSocket(eee); } if(FD_ISSET(eee->udp_mgmt_sock, &socket_mask)) { /* Read a cooked socket from the internet socket. Writes on the TAP * socket. */ readFromMgmtSocket(eee, &keep_running); } #ifndef WIN32 if(FD_ISSET(eee->device.fd, &socket_mask)) { /* Read an ethernet frame from the TAP socket. Write on the IP * socket. */ readFromTAPSocket(eee); } #endif } /* Finished processing select data. */ update_supernode_reg(eee, nowTime); numPurged = purge_expired_registrations( &(eee->known_peers) ); numPurged += purge_expired_registrations( &(eee->pending_peers) ); if ( numPurged > 0 ) { traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "Peer removed: pending=%u, operational=%u", (unsigned int)peer_list_size( eee->pending_peers ), (unsigned int)peer_list_size( eee->known_peers ) ); } if ( eee->dyn_ip_mode && (( nowTime - lastIfaceCheck ) > IFACE_UPDATE_INTERVAL ) ) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Re-checking dynamic IP address."); tuntap_get_address( &(eee->device) ); lastIfaceCheck = nowTime; } } /* while */ send_deregister( eee, &(eee->supernode)); closesocket(eee->udp_sock); tuntap_close(&(eee->device)); edge_deinit( eee ); return(0); }