/** * (C) 2007-20 - ntop.org and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not see see * */ // cipher SPECK -- 128 bit block size -- 256 bit key size -- CTR mode // taken from (and modified: removed pure crypto-stream generation and seperated key expansion) // https://github.com/nsacyber/simon-speck-supercop/blob/master/crypto_stream/speck128256ctr/ #ifndef SPECK_H #define SPECK_H #include #include #include "portable_endian.h" #define u32 uint32_t #define u64 uint64_t #define N2N_SPECK_IVEC_SIZE 16 #define SPECK_KEY_BYTES (256/8) #if defined (__AVX2__) // AVX support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #define u256 __m256i #define SPECK_ALIGNED_CTX 32 typedef struct { u256 rk[34]; u64 key[34]; } speck_context_t; #elif defined (__SSE2__) // SSE support --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #define u128 __m128i #define SPECK_ALIGNED_CTX 16 #define SPECK_CTX_BYVAL 1 typedef struct { u128 rk[34]; u64 key[34]; } speck_context_t; #elif defined (__ARM_NEON) // NEON support ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #define u128 uint64x2_t typedef struct { u128 rk[34]; u64 key[34]; } speck_context_t; #else // plain C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { u64 key[34]; } speck_context_t; #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int speck_ctr (unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen, const unsigned char *n, speck_context_t *ctx); int speck_init (const unsigned char *k, speck_context_t **ctx); int speck_deinit (speck_context_t *ctx); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cipher SPECK -- 128 bit block size -- 128 bit key size -- CTR mode // used for header encryption, thus the postfix '_he' // for now: just plain C -- AVX, SSE, NEON do not make sense for short header int speck_he (unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen, const unsigned char *n, speck_context_t *ctx); int speck_expand_key_he (const unsigned char *k, speck_context_t *ctx); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cipher SPECK -- 96 bit block size -- 96 bit key size -- ECB mode // follows endianess rules as used in official implementation guide and NOT as in original 2013 cipher presentation // used for IV in header encryption, thus the in/postfix 'he_iv' // for now: just plain C -- probably no need for AVX, SSE, NEON int speck_he_iv_encrypt (unsigned char *inout, speck_context_t *ctx); int speck_he_iv_decrypt (unsigned char *inout, speck_context_t *ctx); int speck_expand_key_he_iv (const unsigned char *k, speck_context_t *ctx); #endif // SPECK_H