
377 lines
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* This file is part of workerman.
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the MIT-LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @author walkor<>
* @copyright walkor<>
* @link
* @license MIT License
namespace Workerman\Connection;
use Workerman\Events\EventInterface;
use Workerman\Lib\Timer;
use Workerman\Worker;
use \Exception;
* AsyncTcpConnection.
class AsyncTcpConnection extends TcpConnection
* Emitted when socket connection is successfully established.
* @var callable|null
public $onConnect = null;
* Transport layer protocol.
* @var string
public $transport = 'tcp';
* Status.
* @var int
protected $_status = self::STATUS_INITIAL;
* Remote host.
* @var string
protected $_remoteHost = '';
* Remote port.
* @var int
protected $_remotePort = 80;
* Connect start time.
* @var float
protected $_connectStartTime = 0;
* Remote URI.
* @var string
protected $_remoteURI = '';
* Context option.
* @var array
protected $_contextOption = null;
* Reconnect timer.
* @var int
protected $_reconnectTimer = null;
* PHP built-in protocols.
* @var array
protected static $_builtinTransports = array(
'tcp' => 'tcp',
'udp' => 'udp',
'unix' => 'unix',
'ssl' => 'ssl',
'sslv2' => 'sslv2',
'sslv3' => 'sslv3',
'tls' => 'tls'
* Construct.
* @param string $remote_address
* @param array $context_option
* @throws Exception
public function __construct($remote_address, array $context_option = array())
$address_info = \parse_url($remote_address);
if (!$address_info) {
list($scheme, $this->_remoteAddress) = \explode(':', $remote_address, 2);
if('unix' === strtolower($scheme)) {
$this->_remoteAddress = substr($remote_address, strpos($remote_address, '/') + 2);
if (!$this->_remoteAddress) {
Worker::safeEcho(new \Exception('bad remote_address'));
} else {
if (!isset($address_info['port'])) {
$address_info['port'] = 0;
if (!isset($address_info['path'])) {
$address_info['path'] = '/';
if (!isset($address_info['query'])) {
$address_info['query'] = '';
} else {
$address_info['query'] = '?' . $address_info['query'];
$this->_remoteHost = $address_info['host'];
$this->_remotePort = $address_info['port'];
$this->_remoteURI = "{$address_info['path']}{$address_info['query']}";
$scheme = isset($address_info['scheme']) ? $address_info['scheme'] : 'tcp';
$this->_remoteAddress = 'unix' === strtolower($scheme)
? substr($remote_address, strpos($remote_address, '/') + 2)
: $this->_remoteHost . ':' . $this->_remotePort;
$this->id = $this->_id = self::$_idRecorder++;
if(\PHP_INT_MAX === self::$_idRecorder){
self::$_idRecorder = 0;
// Check application layer protocol class.
if (!isset(self::$_builtinTransports[$scheme])) {
$scheme = \ucfirst($scheme);
$this->protocol = '\\Protocols\\' . $scheme;
if (!\class_exists($this->protocol)) {
$this->protocol = "\\Workerman\\Protocols\\$scheme";
if (!\class_exists($this->protocol)) {
throw new Exception("class \\Protocols\\$scheme not exist");
} else {
$this->transport = self::$_builtinTransports[$scheme];
// For statistics.
$this->maxSendBufferSize = self::$defaultMaxSendBufferSize;
$this->maxPackageSize = self::$defaultMaxPackageSize;
$this->_contextOption = $context_option;
static::$connections[$this->_id] = $this;
* Do connect.
* @return void
public function connect()
if ($this->_status !== self::STATUS_INITIAL && $this->_status !== self::STATUS_CLOSING &&
$this->_status !== self::STATUS_CLOSED) {
$this->_status = self::STATUS_CONNECTING;
$this->_connectStartTime = \microtime(true);
if ($this->transport !== 'unix') {
if (!$this->_remotePort) {
$this->_remotePort = $this->transport === 'ssl' ? 443 : 80;
$this->_remoteAddress = $this->_remoteHost.':'.$this->_remotePort;
// Open socket connection asynchronously.
if ($this->_contextOption) {
$context = \stream_context_create($this->_contextOption);
$this->_socket = \stream_socket_client("tcp://{$this->_remoteHost}:{$this->_remotePort}",
$errno, $errstr, 0, \STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT, $context);
} else {
$this->_socket = \stream_socket_client("tcp://{$this->_remoteHost}:{$this->_remotePort}",
$errno, $errstr, 0, \STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT);
} else {
$this->_socket = \stream_socket_client("{$this->transport}://{$this->_remoteAddress}", $errno, $errstr, 0,
// If failed attempt to emit onError callback.
if (!$this->_socket || !\is_resource($this->_socket)) {
$this->emitError(\WORKERMAN_CONNECT_FAIL, $errstr);
if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSING) {
if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSED) {
$this->onConnect = null;
// Add socket to global event loop waiting connection is successfully established or faild.
Worker::$globalEvent->add($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_WRITE, array($this, 'checkConnection'));
// For windows.
Worker::$globalEvent->add($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_EXCEPT, array($this, 'checkConnection'));
* Reconnect.
* @param int $after
* @return void
public function reconnect($after = 0)
$this->_status = self::STATUS_INITIAL;
static::$connections[$this->_id] = $this;
if ($this->_reconnectTimer) {
if ($after > 0) {
$this->_reconnectTimer = Timer::add($after, array($this, 'connect'), null, false);
* CancelReconnect.
public function cancelReconnect()
if ($this->_reconnectTimer) {
* Get remote address.
* @return string
public function getRemoteHost()
return $this->_remoteHost;
* Get remote URI.
* @return string
public function getRemoteURI()
return $this->_remoteURI;
* Try to emit onError callback.
* @param int $code
* @param string $msg
* @return void
protected function emitError($code, $msg)
$this->_status = self::STATUS_CLOSING;
if ($this->onError) {
try {
\call_user_func($this->onError, $this, $code, $msg);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Worker::stopAll(250, $e);
} catch (\Error $e) {
Worker::stopAll(250, $e);
* Check connection is successfully established or faild.
* @param resource $socket
* @return void
public function checkConnection()
// Remove EV_EXPECT for windows.
Worker::$globalEvent->del($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_EXCEPT);
// Remove write listener.
Worker::$globalEvent->del($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_WRITE);
if ($this->_status !== self::STATUS_CONNECTING) {
// Check socket state.
if ($address = \stream_socket_get_name($this->_socket, true)) {
// Nonblocking.
\stream_set_blocking($this->_socket, false);
// Compatible with hhvm
if (\function_exists('stream_set_read_buffer')) {
\stream_set_read_buffer($this->_socket, 0);
// Try to open keepalive for tcp and disable Nagle algorithm.
if (\function_exists('socket_import_stream') && $this->transport === 'tcp') {
$raw_socket = \socket_import_stream($this->_socket);
\socket_set_option($raw_socket, \SOL_SOCKET, \SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);
\socket_set_option($raw_socket, \SOL_TCP, \TCP_NODELAY, 1);
// SSL handshake.
if ($this->transport === 'ssl') {
$this->_sslHandshakeCompleted = $this->doSslHandshake($this->_socket);
if ($this->_sslHandshakeCompleted === false) {
} else {
// There are some data waiting to send.
if ($this->_sendBuffer) {
Worker::$globalEvent->add($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_WRITE, array($this, 'baseWrite'));
// Register a listener waiting read event.
Worker::$globalEvent->add($this->_socket, EventInterface::EV_READ, array($this, 'baseRead'));
$this->_status = self::STATUS_ESTABLISHED;
$this->_remoteAddress = $address;
// Try to emit onConnect callback.
if ($this->onConnect) {
try {
\call_user_func($this->onConnect, $this);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Worker::stopAll(250, $e);
} catch (\Error $e) {
Worker::stopAll(250, $e);
// Try to emit protocol::onConnect
if ($this->protocol && \method_exists($this->protocol, 'onConnect')) {
try {
\call_user_func(array($this->protocol, 'onConnect'), $this);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Worker::stopAll(250, $e);
} catch (\Error $e) {
Worker::stopAll(250, $e);
} else {
// Connection failed.
$this->emitError(\WORKERMAN_CONNECT_FAIL, 'connect ' . $this->_remoteAddress . ' fail after ' . round(\microtime(true) - $this->_connectStartTime, 4) . ' seconds');
if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSING) {
if ($this->_status === self::STATUS_CLOSED) {
$this->onConnect = null;