* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster; use FFI\CData; use FFI\CType; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Stub; /** * Casts FFI extension classes to array representation. * * @author Nesmeyanov Kirill */ final class FFICaster { /** * In case of "char*" contains a string, the length of which depends on * some other parameter, then during the generation of the string it is * possible to go beyond the allowable memory area. * * This restriction serves to ensure that processing does not take * up the entire allowable PHP memory limit. */ private const MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 255; public static function castCTypeOrCData(CData|CType $data, array $args, Stub $stub): array { if ($data instanceof CType) { $type = $data; $data = null; } else { $type = \FFI::typeof($data); } $stub->class = \sprintf('%s<%s> size %d align %d', ($data ?? $type)::class, $type->getName(), $type->getSize(), $type->getAlignment()); return match ($type->getKind()) { CType::TYPE_FLOAT, CType::TYPE_DOUBLE, \defined('\FFI\CType::TYPE_LONGDOUBLE') ? CType::TYPE_LONGDOUBLE : -1, CType::TYPE_UINT8, CType::TYPE_SINT8, CType::TYPE_UINT16, CType::TYPE_SINT16, CType::TYPE_UINT32, CType::TYPE_SINT32, CType::TYPE_UINT64, CType::TYPE_SINT64, CType::TYPE_BOOL, CType::TYPE_CHAR, CType::TYPE_ENUM => null !== $data ? [Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'cdata' => $data->cdata] : [], CType::TYPE_POINTER => self::castFFIPointer($stub, $type, $data), CType::TYPE_STRUCT => self::castFFIStructLike($type, $data), CType::TYPE_FUNC => self::castFFIFunction($stub, $type), default => $args, }; } private static function castFFIFunction(Stub $stub, CType $type): array { $arguments = []; for ($i = 0, $count = $type->getFuncParameterCount(); $i < $count; ++$i) { $param = $type->getFuncParameterType($i); $arguments[] = $param->getName(); } $abi = match ($type->getFuncABI()) { CType::ABI_DEFAULT, CType::ABI_CDECL => '[cdecl]', CType::ABI_FASTCALL => '[fastcall]', CType::ABI_THISCALL => '[thiscall]', CType::ABI_STDCALL => '[stdcall]', CType::ABI_PASCAL => '[pascal]', CType::ABI_REGISTER => '[register]', CType::ABI_MS => '[ms]', CType::ABI_SYSV => '[sysv]', CType::ABI_VECTORCALL => '[vectorcall]', default => '[unknown abi]', }; $returnType = $type->getFuncReturnType(); $stub->class = $abi.' callable('.implode(', ', $arguments).'): ' .$returnType->getName(); return [Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'returnType' => $returnType]; } private static function castFFIPointer(Stub $stub, CType $type, ?CData $data = null): array { $ptr = $type->getPointerType(); if (null === $data) { return [Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'0' => $ptr]; } return match ($ptr->getKind()) { CType::TYPE_CHAR => [Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'cdata' => self::castFFIStringValue($data)], CType::TYPE_FUNC => self::castFFIFunction($stub, $ptr), default => [Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'cdata' => $data[0]], }; } private static function castFFIStringValue(CData $data): string|CutStub { $result = []; $ffi = \FFI::cdef(<<zend_get_page_size(); // get cdata address $start = $ffi->cast('uintptr_t', $ffi->cast('char*', $data))->cdata; // accessing memory in the same page as $start is safe $max = min(self::MAX_STRING_LENGTH, ($start | ($pageSize - 1)) - $start); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) { $result[$i] = $data[$i]; if ("\0" === $data[$i]) { return implode('', $result); } } $string = implode('', $result); $stub = new CutStub($string); $stub->cut = -1; $stub->value = $string; return $stub; } private static function castFFIStructLike(CType $type, ?CData $data = null): array { $isUnion = ($type->getAttributes() & CType::ATTR_UNION) === CType::ATTR_UNION; $result = []; foreach ($type->getStructFieldNames() as $name) { $field = $type->getStructFieldType($name); // Retrieving the value of a field from a union containing // a pointer is not a safe operation, because may contain // incorrect data. $isUnsafe = $isUnion && CType::TYPE_POINTER === $field->getKind(); if ($isUnsafe) { $result[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.$name.'?'] = $field; } elseif (null === $data) { $result[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.$name] = $field; } else { $fieldName = $data->{$name} instanceof CData ? '' : $field->getName().' '; $result[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.$fieldName.$name] = $data->{$name}; } } return $result; } }