baseDumpCommand().' --schema-only > '.$path, ]); if ($this->hasMigrationTable()) { $commands->push($this->baseDumpCommand().' -t '.$this->getMigrationTable().' --data-only >> '.$path); } $commands->map(function ($command, $path) { $this->makeProcess($command)->mustRun($this->output, array_merge($this->baseVariables($this->connection->getConfig()), [ 'LARAVEL_LOAD_PATH' => $path, ])); }); } /** * Load the given schema file into the database. * * @param string $path * @return void */ public function load($path) { $command = 'pg_restore --no-owner --no-acl --clean --if-exists --host="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_HOST}" --port="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_PORT}" --username="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_USER}" --dbname="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_DATABASE}" "${:LARAVEL_LOAD_PATH}"'; if (str_ends_with($path, '.sql')) { $command = 'psql --file="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_PATH}" --host="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_HOST}" --port="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_PORT}" --username="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_USER}" --dbname="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_DATABASE}"'; } $process = $this->makeProcess($command); $process->mustRun(null, array_merge($this->baseVariables($this->connection->getConfig()), [ 'LARAVEL_LOAD_PATH' => $path, ])); } /** * Get the name of the application's migration table. * * @return string */ protected function getMigrationTable(): string { [$schema, $table] = $this->connection->getSchemaBuilder()->parseSchemaAndTable($this->migrationTable); return $schema.'.'.$this->connection->getTablePrefix().$table; } /** * Get the base dump command arguments for PostgreSQL as a string. * * @return string */ protected function baseDumpCommand() { return 'pg_dump --no-owner --no-acl --host="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_HOST}" --port="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_PORT}" --username="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_USER}" --dbname="${:LARAVEL_LOAD_DATABASE}"'; } /** * Get the base variables for a dump / load command. * * @param array $config * @return array */ protected function baseVariables(array $config) { $config['host'] ??= ''; return [ 'LARAVEL_LOAD_HOST' => is_array($config['host']) ? $config['host'][0] : $config['host'], 'LARAVEL_LOAD_PORT' => $config['port'] ?? '', 'LARAVEL_LOAD_USER' => $config['username'], 'PGPASSWORD' => $config['password'], 'LARAVEL_LOAD_DATABASE' => $config['database'], ]; } }