connection($this->input->getOption('database')); $schema = $connection->getSchemaBuilder(); $tables = (new Collection($schema->getTables())) ->keyBy(fn ($table) => $table['schema'] ? $table['schema'].'.'.$table['name'] : $table['name']) ->all(); $tableName = $this->argument('table') ?: select( 'Which table would you like to inspect?', array_keys($tables) ); $table = $tables[$tableName] ?? Arr::first($tables, fn ($table) => $table['name'] === $tableName); if (! $table) { $this->components->warn("Table [{$tableName}] doesn't exist."); return 1; } $tableName = ($table['schema'] ? $table['schema'].'.' : '').$this->withoutTablePrefix($connection, $table['name']); $columns = $this->columns($schema, $tableName); $indexes = $this->indexes($schema, $tableName); $foreignKeys = $this->foreignKeys($schema, $tableName); $data = [ 'table' => [ 'schema' => $table['schema'], 'name' => $table['name'], 'columns' => count($columns), 'size' => $table['size'], 'comment' => $table['comment'], 'collation' => $table['collation'], 'engine' => $table['engine'], ], 'columns' => $columns, 'indexes' => $indexes, 'foreign_keys' => $foreignKeys, ]; $this->display($data); return 0; } /** * Get the information regarding the table's columns. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder $schema * @param string $table * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function columns(Builder $schema, string $table) { return (new Collection($schema->getColumns($table)))->map(fn ($column) => [ 'column' => $column['name'], 'attributes' => $this->getAttributesForColumn($column), 'default' => $column['default'], 'type' => $column['type'], ]); } /** * Get the attributes for a table column. * * @param array $column * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function getAttributesForColumn($column) { return (new Collection([ $column['type_name'], $column['generation'] ? $column['generation']['type'] : null, $column['auto_increment'] ? 'autoincrement' : null, $column['nullable'] ? 'nullable' : null, $column['collation'], ]))->filter(); } /** * Get the information regarding the table's indexes. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder $schema * @param string $table * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function indexes(Builder $schema, string $table) { return (new Collection($schema->getIndexes($table)))->map(fn ($index) => [ 'name' => $index['name'], 'columns' => new Collection($index['columns']), 'attributes' => $this->getAttributesForIndex($index), ]); } /** * Get the attributes for a table index. * * @param array $index * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function getAttributesForIndex($index) { return (new Collection([ $index['type'], count($index['columns']) > 1 ? 'compound' : null, $index['unique'] && ! $index['primary'] ? 'unique' : null, $index['primary'] ? 'primary' : null, ]))->filter(); } /** * Get the information regarding the table's foreign keys. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder $schema * @param string $table * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function foreignKeys(Builder $schema, string $table) { return (new Collection($schema->getForeignKeys($table)))->map(fn ($foreignKey) => [ 'name' => $foreignKey['name'], 'columns' => new Collection($foreignKey['columns']), 'foreign_schema' => $foreignKey['foreign_schema'], 'foreign_table' => $foreignKey['foreign_table'], 'foreign_columns' => new Collection($foreignKey['foreign_columns']), 'on_update' => $foreignKey['on_update'], 'on_delete' => $foreignKey['on_delete'], ]); } /** * Render the table information. * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function display(array $data) { $this->option('json') ? $this->displayJson($data) : $this->displayForCli($data); } /** * Render the table information as JSON. * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function displayJson(array $data) { $this->output->writeln(json_encode($data)); } /** * Render the table information formatted for the CLI. * * @param array $data * @return void */ protected function displayForCli(array $data) { [$table, $columns, $indexes, $foreignKeys] = [ $data['table'], $data['columns'], $data['indexes'], $data['foreign_keys'], ]; $this->newLine(); $this->components->twoColumnDetail(''.($table['schema'] ? $table['schema'].'.'.$table['name'] : $table['name']).'', $table['comment'] ? ''.$table['comment'].'' : null); $this->components->twoColumnDetail('Columns', $table['columns']); if (! is_null($table['size'])) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail('Size', Number::fileSize($table['size'], 2)); } if ($table['engine']) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail('Engine', $table['engine']); } if ($table['collation']) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail('Collation', $table['collation']); } $this->newLine(); if ($columns->isNotEmpty()) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail('Column', 'Type'); $columns->each(function ($column) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail( $column['column'].' '.$column['attributes']->implode(', ').'', (! is_null($column['default']) ? ''.$column['default'].' ' : '').$column['type'] ); }); $this->newLine(); } if ($indexes->isNotEmpty()) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail('Index'); $indexes->each(function ($index) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail( $index['name'].' '.$index['columns']->implode(', ').'', $index['attributes']->implode(', ') ); }); $this->newLine(); } if ($foreignKeys->isNotEmpty()) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail('Foreign Key', 'On Update / On Delete'); $foreignKeys->each(function ($foreignKey) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail( $foreignKey['name'].' '.$foreignKey['columns']->implode(', ').' references '.$foreignKey['foreign_columns']->implode(', ').' on '.$foreignKey['foreign_table'].'', $foreignKey['on_update'].' / '.$foreignKey['on_delete'], ); }); $this->newLine(); } } }